Elliott Hughes fddbafdc0a Keep the kernel header scrubber's data structures in sync.
If you rewrite the tokens of a #if you need to rewrite the expression to match
because either might be used later. This was showing up as SIGRTMAX being
rewritten in a #define but not in the #ifndef that guarded it, for which case
I've added a unit test.

Change-Id: I6929675461a1afe272edd667594529fd84a3dc4d
2014-05-01 10:27:49 -07:00

1865 lines
61 KiB

# a glorified C pre-processor parser
import sys, re, string
from utils import *
from defaults import *
debugTokens = False
debugDirectiveTokenizer = False
debugLineParsing = False
debugCppExpr = False
debugOptimIf01 = False
##### #####
##### C P P T O K E N S #####
##### #####
# the list of supported C-preprocessor tokens
# plus a couple of C tokens as well
tokEOF = "\0"
tokLN = "\n"
tokSTRINGIFY = "#"
tokCONCAT = "##"
tokLOGICAND = "&&"
tokLOGICOR = "||"
tokSHL = "<<"
tokSHR = ">>"
tokEQUAL = "=="
tokNEQUAL = "!="
tokLT = "<"
tokLTE = "<="
tokGT = ">"
tokGTE = ">="
tokELLIPSIS = "..."
tokSPACE = " "
tokDEFINED = "defined"
tokLPAREN = "("
tokRPAREN = ")"
tokNOT = "!"
tokPLUS = "+"
tokMINUS = "-"
tokMULTIPLY = "*"
tokDIVIDE = "/"
tokMODULUS = "%"
tokBINAND = "&"
tokBINOR = "|"
tokBINXOR = "^"
tokCOMMA = ","
tokLBRACE = "{"
tokRBRACE = "}"
tokARROW = "->"
tokINCREMENT = "++"
tokDECREMENT = "--"
tokNUMBER = "<number>"
tokIDENT = "<ident>"
tokSTRING = "<string>"
class Token:
"""a simple class to hold information about a given token.
each token has a position in the source code, as well as
an 'id' and a 'value'. the id is a string that identifies
the token's class, while the value is the string of the
original token itself.
for example, the tokenizer concatenates a series of spaces
and tabs as a single tokSPACE id, whose value if the original
spaces+tabs sequence."""
def __init__(self): = None
self.value = None
self.lineno = 0
self.colno = 0
def set(self,id,val=None): = id
if val:
self.value = val
self.value = id
return None
def copyFrom(self,src): =
self.value = src.value
self.lineno = src.lineno
self.colno = src.colno
def __repr__(self):
if == tokIDENT:
return "(ident %s)" % self.value
if == tokNUMBER:
return "(number %s)" % self.value
if == tokSTRING:
return "(string '%s')" % self.value
if == tokLN:
return "<LN>"
if == tokEOF:
return "<EOF>"
if == tokSPACE and self.value == "\\":
# this corresponds to a trailing \ that was transformed into a tokSPACE
return "<\\>"
def __str__(self):
if == tokIDENT:
return self.value
if == tokNUMBER:
return self.value
if == tokSTRING:
return self.value
if == tokEOF:
return "<EOF>"
if == tokSPACE:
if self.value == "\\": # trailing \
return "\\\n"
return self.value
class BadExpectedToken(Exception):
def __init__(self,msg):
print msg
##### #####
##### C P P T O K E N I Z E R #####
##### #####
# list of long symbols, i.e. those that take more than one characters
cppLongSymbols = [ tokCONCAT, tokLOGICAND, tokLOGICOR, tokSHL, tokSHR, tokELLIPSIS, tokEQUAL,\
class CppTokenizer:
"""an abstract class used to convert some input text into a list
of tokens. real implementations follow and differ in the format
of the input text only"""
def __init__(self):
"""initialize a new CppTokenizer object"""
self.eof = False # end of file reached ?
self.text = None # content of current line, with final \n stripped
self.line = 0 # number of current line
self.pos = 0 # current character position in current line
self.len = 0 # length of current line text
self.held = Token()
def setLineText(self,line):
"""set the content of the (next) current line. should be called
by fillLineText() in derived classes"""
self.text = line
self.len = len(line)
self.pos = 0
def fillLineText(self):
"""refresh the content of 'line' with a new line of input"""
# to be overriden
self.eof = True
def markPos(self,tok):
"""mark the position of the current token in the source file"""
if self.eof or self.pos > self.len:
tok.lineno = self.line + 1
tok.colno = 0
tok.lineno = self.line
tok.colno = self.pos
def peekChar(self):
"""return the current token under the cursor without moving it"""
if self.eof:
return tokEOF
if self.pos > self.len:
self.pos = 0
self.line += 1
if self.eof:
return tokEOF
if self.pos == self.len:
return tokLN
return self.text[self.pos]
def peekNChar(self,n):
"""try to peek the next n chars on the same line"""
if self.pos + n > self.len:
return None
return self.text[self.pos:self.pos+n]
def skipChar(self):
"""increment the token cursor position"""
if not self.eof:
self.pos += 1
def skipNChars(self,n):
if self.pos + n <= self.len:
self.pos += n
while n > 0:
n -= 1
def nextChar(self):
"""retrieve the token at the current cursor position, then skip it"""
result = self.peekChar()
return result
def getEscape(self):
# try to get all characters after a backslash (\)
result = self.nextChar()
if result == "0":
# octal number ?
num = self.peekNChar(3)
if num != None:
isOctal = True
for d in num:
if not d in "01234567":
isOctal = False
if isOctal:
result += num
elif result == "x" or result == "X":
# hex number ?
num = self.peekNChar(2)
if num != None:
isHex = True
for d in num:
if not d in "012345678abcdefABCDEF":
isHex = False
if isHex:
result += num
elif result == "u" or result == "U":
# unicode char ?
num = self.peekNChar(4)
if num != None:
isHex = True
for d in num:
if not d in "012345678abcdefABCDEF":
isHex = False
if isHex:
result += num
return result
def nextRealToken(self,tok):
"""return next CPP token, used internally by nextToken()"""
c = self.nextChar()
if c == tokEOF or c == tokLN:
return tok.set(c)
if c == '/':
c = self.peekChar()
if c == '/': # C++ comment line
while 1:
c = self.nextChar()
if c == tokEOF or c == tokLN:
return tok.set(tokLN)
if c == '*': # C comment start
value = "/*"
prev_c = None
while 1:
c = self.nextChar()
if c == tokEOF:
return tok.set(tokEOF,value)
if c == '/' and prev_c == '*':
prev_c = c
value += c
value += "/"
return tok.set(tokSPACE,value)
c = '/'
if c.isspace():
while 1:
c2 = self.peekChar()
if c2 == tokLN or not c2.isspace():
c += c2
return tok.set(tokSPACE,c)
if c == '\\':
if debugTokens:
print "nextRealToken: \\ found, next token is '%s'" % repr(self.peekChar())
if self.peekChar() == tokLN: # trailing \
# eat the tokLN
# we replace a trailing \ by a tokSPACE whose value is
# simply "\\". this allows us to detect them later when
# needed.
return tok.set(tokSPACE,"\\")
# treat as a single token here ?
c +=self.getEscape()
return tok.set(c)
if c == "'": # chars
c2 = self.nextChar()
c += c2
if c2 == '\\':
c += self.getEscape()
while 1:
c2 = self.nextChar()
if c2 == tokEOF:
c += c2
if c2 == "'":
return tok.set(tokSTRING, c)
if c == '"': # strings
quote = 0
while 1:
c2 = self.nextChar()
if c2 == tokEOF:
return tok.set(tokSTRING,c)
c += c2
if not quote:
if c2 == '"':
return tok.set(tokSTRING,c)
if c2 == "\\":
quote = 1
quote = 0
if c >= "0" and c <= "9": # integers ?
while 1:
c2 = self.peekChar()
if c2 == tokLN or (not c2.isalnum() and c2 != "_"):
c += c2
return tok.set(tokNUMBER,c)
if c.isalnum() or c == "_": # identifiers ?
while 1:
c2 = self.peekChar()
if c2 == tokLN or (not c2.isalnum() and c2 != "_"):
c += c2
if c == tokDEFINED:
return tok.set(tokDEFINED)
return tok.set(tokIDENT,c)
# check special symbols
for sk in cppLongSymbols:
if c == sk[0]:
sklen = len(sk[1:])
if self.pos + sklen <= self.len and \
self.text[self.pos:self.pos+sklen] == sk[1:]:
self.pos += sklen
return tok.set(sk)
return tok.set(c)
def nextToken(self,tok):
"""return the next token from the input text. this function
really updates 'tok', and does not return a new one"""
def getToken(self):
tok = Token()
if debugTokens:
print "getTokens: %s" % repr(tok)
return tok
def toTokenList(self):
"""convert the input text of a CppTokenizer into a direct
list of token objects. tokEOF is stripped from the result"""
result = []
while 1:
tok = Token()
if == tokEOF:
return result
class CppLineTokenizer(CppTokenizer):
"""a CppTokenizer derived class that accepts a single line of text as input"""
def __init__(self,line,lineno=1):
self.line = lineno
class CppLinesTokenizer(CppTokenizer):
"""a CppTokenizer derived class that accepts a list of texdt lines as input.
the lines must not have a trailing \n"""
def __init__(self,lines=[],lineno=1):
"""initialize a CppLinesTokenizer. you can later add lines using addLines()"""
self.line = lineno
self.lines = lines
self.index = 0
self.count = len(lines)
if self.count > 0:
self.eof = True
def addLine(self,line):
"""add a line to a CppLinesTokenizer. this can be done after tokenization
if self.count == 0:
self.index = 1
self.count += 1
self.eof = False
def fillLineText(self):
if self.index < self.count:
self.index += 1
self.eof = True
class CppFileTokenizer(CppTokenizer):
def __init__(self,file,lineno=1):
self.file = file
self.line = lineno
def fillLineText(self):
line = self.file.readline()
if len(line) > 0:
if line[-1] == '\n':
line = line[:-1]
if len(line) > 0 and line[-1] == "\r":
line = line[:-1]
self.eof = True
# Unit testing
class CppTokenizerTester:
"""a class used to test CppTokenizer classes"""
def __init__(self,tokenizer=None):
self.tokenizer = tokenizer
self.token = Token()
def setTokenizer(self,tokenizer):
self.tokenizer = tokenizer
def expect(self,id):
tokid =
if tokid == id:
if self.token.value == id and (tokid == tokIDENT or tokid == tokNUMBER):
raise BadExpectedToken, "### BAD TOKEN: '%s' expecting '%s'" % (,id)
def expectToken(self,id,line,col):
if self.token.lineno != line:
raise BadExpectedToken, "### BAD LINENO: token '%s' got '%d' expecting '%d'" % (id,self.token.lineno,line)
if self.token.colno != col:
raise BadExpectedToken, "### BAD COLNO: '%d' expecting '%d'" % (self.token.colno,col)
def expectTokenVal(self,id,value,line,col):
if self.token.value != value:
raise BadExpectedToken, "### BAD VALUE: '%s' expecting '%s'" % (self.token.value,value)
def expectList(self,list):
for item in list:
def test_CppTokenizer():
tester = CppTokenizerTester()
tester.setTokenizer( CppLineTokenizer("#an/example && (01923_xy)") )
tester.expectList( ["#", "an", "/", "example", tokSPACE, tokLOGICAND, tokSPACE, tokLPAREN, "01923_xy", \
tokRPAREN, tokLN, tokEOF] )
tester.setTokenizer( CppLineTokenizer("FOO(BAR) && defined(BAZ)") )
tester.expectList( ["FOO", tokLPAREN, "BAR", tokRPAREN, tokSPACE, tokLOGICAND, tokSPACE,
tokDEFINED, tokLPAREN, "BAZ", tokRPAREN, tokLN, tokEOF] )
tester.setTokenizer( CppLinesTokenizer( ["/*", "#", "*/"] ) )
tester.expectList( [ tokSPACE, tokLN, tokEOF ] )
tester.setTokenizer( CppLinesTokenizer( ["first", "second"] ) )
tester.expectList( [ "first", tokLN, "second", tokLN, tokEOF ] )
tester.setTokenizer( CppLinesTokenizer( ["first second", " third"] ) )
tester.expectToken( "first", 1, 0 )
tester.expectToken( tokSPACE, 1, 5 )
tester.expectToken( "second", 1, 6 )
tester.expectToken( tokLN, 1, 12 )
tester.expectToken( tokSPACE, 2, 0 )
tester.expectToken( "third", 2, 2 )
tester.setTokenizer( CppLinesTokenizer( [ "boo /* what the", "hell */" ] ) )
tester.expectList( [ "boo", tokSPACE ] )
tester.expectTokenVal( tokSPACE, "/* what the\nhell */", 1, 4 )
tester.expectList( [ tokLN, tokEOF ] )
tester.setTokenizer( CppLinesTokenizer( [ "an \\", " example" ] ) )
tester.expectToken( "an", 1, 0 )
tester.expectToken( tokSPACE, 1, 2 )
tester.expectTokenVal( tokSPACE, "\\", 1, 3 )
tester.expectToken( tokSPACE, 2, 0 )
tester.expectToken( "example", 2, 1 )
tester.expectToken( tokLN, 2, 8 )
return True
##### #####
##### C P P E X P R E S S I O N S #####
##### #####
class CppExpr:
"""a class that models the condition of #if directives into
an expression tree. each node in the tree is of the form (op,arg) or (op,arg1,arg2)
where "op" is a string describing the operation"""
unaries = [ "!", "~" ]
binaries = [ "+", "-", "<", "<=", ">=", ">", "&&", "||", "*", "/", "%", "&", "|", "^", "<<", ">>", "==", "!=", "?", ":" ]
precedences = {
"?": 1, ":": 1,
"||": 2,
"&&": 3,
"|": 4,
"^": 5,
"&": 6,
"==": 7, "!=": 7,
"<": 8, "<=": 8, ">": 8, ">=": 8,
"<<": 9, ">>": 9,
"+": 10, "-": 10,
"*": 11, "/": 11, "%": 11,
"!": 12, "~": 12
re_cpp_constant = re.compile(r"((\d|\w|_)+)")
def __init__(self, tokens):
"""initialize a CppExpr. 'tokens' must be a CppToken list"""
self.tok = tokens
self.n = len(tokens)
self.i = 0
if debugCppExpr:
print "CppExpr: trying to parse %s" % repr(tokens)
self.expr = self.parseExpression(0)
if debugCppExpr:
print "CppExpr: got " + repr(self.expr)
if self.i != self.n:
print 'crap at end of input (%d != %d): %s' % (self.i, self.n, repr(tokens))
def throw(self, exception, msg):
if self.i < self.n:
tok = self.tok[self.i]
print "%d:%d: %s" % (tok.lineno,tok.colno,msg)
print "EOF: %s" % msg
raise exception(msg)
def skip_spaces(self):
"""skip spaces in input token list"""
while self.i < self.n:
t = self.tok[self.i]
if != tokSPACE and != tokLN:
self.i += 1
def expectId(self, id):
"""check that a given token id is at the current position, then skip over it"""
if self.i >= self.n or self.tok[self.i].id != id:
self.throw(BadExpectedToken,self.i,"### expecting '%s' in expression, got '%s'" % (id, self.tok[self.i].id))
self.i += 1
def expectIdent(self):
if self.i >= self.n or self.tok[self.i].id != tokIDENT:
self.throw(BadExpectedToken, self.i,"### expecting identifier in expression, got '%s'" % (id, self.tok[self.i].id))
self.i += 1
def is_decimal(self):
v = self.tok[self.i].value[:]
while len(v) > 0 and v[-1] in "ULul":
v = v[:-1]
for digit in v:
if not digit.isdigit():
return None
self.i += 1
return ("int", string.atoi(v))
def is_hexadecimal(self):
v = self.tok[self.i].value[:]
while len(v) > 0 and v[-1] in "ULul":
v = v[:-1]
if len(v) > 2 and (v[0:2] == "0x" or v[0:2] == "0X"):
for digit in v[2:]:
if not digit in "0123456789abcdefABCDEF":
return None
# for a hex expression tuple, the argument
# is the value as an integer
self.i += 1
return ("hex", int(v[2:], 16))
return None
def is_integer(self):
if self.tok[self.i].id != tokNUMBER:
return None
c = self.is_decimal()
if c: return c
c = self.is_hexadecimal()
if c: return c
return None
def is_number(self):
t = self.tok[self.i]
if == tokMINUS and self.i+1 < self.n:
self.i += 1
c = self.is_integer()
if c:
op, val = c
return (op, -val)
if == tokPLUS and self.i+1 < self.n:
c = self.is_integer()
if c: return c
return self.is_integer()
def is_defined(self):
t = self.tok[self.i]
if != tokDEFINED:
return None
# we have the defined keyword, check the rest
self.i += 1
used_parens = 0
if self.i < self.n and self.tok[self.i].id == tokLPAREN:
used_parens = 1
self.i += 1
if self.i >= self.n:
self.throw(CppConstantExpected,i,"### 'defined' must be followed by macro name or left paren")
t = self.tok[self.i]
if != tokIDENT:
self.throw(CppConstantExpected,i,"### 'defined' must be followed by macro name")
self.i += 1
if used_parens:
return ("defined", t.value)
def is_call_or_ident(self):
if self.i >= self.n:
return None
t = self.tok[self.i]
if != tokIDENT:
return None
name = t.value
self.i += 1
if self.i >= self.n or self.tok[self.i].id != tokLPAREN:
return ("ident", name)
params = []
depth = 1
self.i += 1
j = self.i
while self.i < self.n:
id = self.tok[self.i].id
if id == tokLPAREN:
depth += 1
elif depth == 1 and (id == tokCOMMA or id == tokRPAREN):
while j < self.i and self.tok[j].id == tokSPACE:
j += 1
k = self.i
while k > j and self.tok[k-1].id == tokSPACE:
k -= 1
param = self.tok[j:k]
if id == tokRPAREN:
j = self.i+1
elif id == tokRPAREN:
depth -= 1
self.i += 1
if self.i >= self.n:
return None
self.i += 1
return ("call", (name, params))
# Implements the "precedence climbing" algorithm from
# The "classic" algorithm would be fine if we were using a tool to generate the parser, but we're not.
# Dijkstra's "shunting yard" algorithm hasn't been necessary yet.
def parseExpression(self, minPrecedence):
if self.i >= self.n:
return None
node = self.parsePrimary()
while self.token() != None and self.isBinary(self.token()) and self.precedence(self.token()) >= minPrecedence:
op = self.token()
rhs = self.parseExpression(self.precedence(op) + 1)
node = (, node, rhs)
return node
def parsePrimary(self):
op = self.token()
if self.isUnary(op):
return (, self.parseExpression(self.precedence(op)))
primary = None
if == tokLPAREN:
primary = self.parseExpression(0)
elif == "?":
primary = self.parseExpression(0)
elif == tokNUMBER:
primary = self.is_number()
elif == tokIDENT:
primary = self.is_call_or_ident()
elif == tokDEFINED:
primary = self.is_defined()
self.throw(BadExpectedToken, "didn't expect to see a %s in factor" % (self.tok[self.i].id))
return primary;
def isBinary(self, token):
return in self.binaries
def isUnary(self, token):
return in self.unaries
def precedence(self, token):
return self.precedences.get(
def token(self):
if self.i >= self.n:
return None
return self.tok[self.i]
def nextToken(self):
self.i += 1
if self.i >= self.n:
return None
return self.tok[self.i]
def dump_node(self, e):
op = e[0]
line = "(" + op
if op == "int":
line += " %d)" % e[1]
elif op == "hex":
line += " 0x%x)" % e[1]
elif op == "ident":
line += " %s)" % e[1]
elif op == "defined":
line += " %s)" % e[1]
elif op == "call":
arg = e[1]
line += " %s [" % arg[0]
prefix = ""
for param in arg[1]:
par = ""
for tok in param:
par += str(tok)
line += "%s%s" % (prefix, par)
prefix = ","
line += "])"
elif op in CppExpr.unaries:
line += " %s)" % self.dump_node(e[1])
elif op in CppExpr.binaries:
line += " %s %s)" % (self.dump_node(e[1]), self.dump_node(e[2]))
line += " ?%s)" % repr(e[1])
return line
def __repr__(self):
return self.dump_node(self.expr)
def source_node(self, e):
op = e[0]
if op == "int":
return "%d" % e[1]
if op == "hex":
return "0x%x" % e[1]
if op == "ident":
# XXX: should try to expand
return e[1]
if op == "defined":
return "defined(%s)" % e[1]
prec = CppExpr.precedences.get(op,1000)
arg = e[1]
if op in CppExpr.unaries:
arg_src = self.source_node(arg)
arg_op = arg[0]
arg_prec = CppExpr.precedences.get(arg[0],1000)
if arg_prec < prec:
return "!(" + arg_src + ")"
return "!" + arg_src
if op in CppExpr.binaries:
arg2 = e[2]
arg1_op = arg[0]
arg2_op = arg2[0]
arg1_src = self.source_node(arg)
arg2_src = self.source_node(arg2)
if CppExpr.precedences.get(arg1_op,1000) < prec:
arg1_src = "(%s)" % arg1_src
if CppExpr.precedences.get(arg2_op,1000) < prec:
arg2_src = "(%s)" % arg2_src
return "%s %s %s" % (arg1_src, op, arg2_src)
return "???"
def __str__(self):
return self.source_node(self.expr)
def int_node(self,e):
if e[0] == "int":
return e[1]
elif e[1] == "hex":
return int(e[1],16)
return None
def toInt(self):
return self.int_node(self.expr)
def optimize_node(self, e, macros={}):
op = e[0]
if op == "defined":
op, name = e
if macros.has_key(name):
if macros[name] == kCppUndefinedMacro:
return ("int", 0)
value = int(macros[name])
return ("int", value)
return ("defined", macros[name])
if kernel_remove_config_macros and name.startswith("CONFIG_"):
return ("int", 0)
return e
elif op == "ident":
op, name = e
if macros.has_key(name):
value = int(macros[name])
expanded = ("int", value)
expanded = ("ident", macros[name])
return self.optimize_node(expanded, macros)
return e
elif op == "!":
op, v = e
v = self.optimize_node(v, macros)
if v[0] == "int":
if v[1] == 0:
return ("int", 1)
return ("int", 0)
return ('!', v)
elif op == "&&":
op, l, r = e
l = self.optimize_node(l, macros)
r = self.optimize_node(r, macros)
li = self.int_node(l)
ri = self.int_node(r)
if li != None:
if li == 0:
return ("int", 0)
return r
elif ri != None:
if ri == 0:
return ("int", 0)
return l
return (op, l, r)
elif op == "||":
op, l, r = e
l = self.optimize_node(l, macros)
r = self.optimize_node(r, macros)
li = self.int_node(l)
ri = self.int_node(r)
if li != None:
if li == 0:
return r
return ("int", 1)
elif ri != None:
if ri == 0:
return l
return ("int", 1)
return (op, l, r)
return e
def optimize(self,macros={}):
self.expr = self.optimize_node(self.expr, macros)
def is_equal_node(self,e1,e2):
if e1[0] != e2[0] or len(e1) != len(e2):
return False
op = e1[0]
if op == "int" or op == "hex" or op == "!" or op == "defined":
return e1[0] == e2[0]
return self.is_equal_node(e1[1],e2[1]) and self.is_equal_node(e1[2],e2[2])
def is_equal(self,other):
return self.is_equal_node(self.expr,other.expr)
def test_cpp_expr(expr, expected):
e = CppExpr( CppLineTokenizer( expr ).toTokenList() )
s1 = repr(e)
if s1 != expected:
print "[FAIL]: expression '%s' generates '%s', should be '%s'" % (expr, s1, expected)
global failure_count
failure_count += 1
def test_cpp_expr_optim(expr, expected, macros={}):
e = CppExpr( CppLineTokenizer( expr ).toTokenList() )
s1 = repr(e)
if s1 != expected:
print "[FAIL]: optimized expression '%s' generates '%s' with macros %s, should be '%s'" % (expr, s1, macros, expected)
global failure_count
failure_count += 1
def test_cpp_expr_source(expr, expected):
e = CppExpr( CppLineTokenizer( expr ).toTokenList() )
s1 = str(e)
if s1 != expected:
print "[FAIL]: source expression '%s' generates '%s', should be '%s'" % (expr, s1, expected)
global failure_count
failure_count += 1
def test_CppExpr():
test_cpp_expr("0", "(int 0)")
test_cpp_expr("1", "(int 1)")
test_cpp_expr("(0)", "(int 0)")
test_cpp_expr("1 && 1", "(&& (int 1) (int 1))")
test_cpp_expr("1 && 0", "(&& (int 1) (int 0))")
test_cpp_expr("EXAMPLE", "(ident EXAMPLE)")
test_cpp_expr("EXAMPLE - 3", "(- (ident EXAMPLE) (int 3))")
test_cpp_expr("defined(EXAMPLE)", "(defined EXAMPLE)")
test_cpp_expr("defined ( EXAMPLE ) ", "(defined EXAMPLE)")
test_cpp_expr("!defined(EXAMPLE)", "(! (defined EXAMPLE))")
test_cpp_expr("defined(ABC) || defined(BINGO)", "(|| (defined ABC) (defined BINGO))")
test_cpp_expr("FOO(BAR)", "(call FOO [BAR])")
test_cpp_expr("A == 1 || defined(B)", "(|| (== (ident A) (int 1)) (defined B))")
test_cpp_expr_optim("0", "(int 0)")
test_cpp_expr_optim("1", "(int 1)")
test_cpp_expr_optim("1 && 1", "(int 1)")
test_cpp_expr_optim("1 && 0", "(int 0)")
test_cpp_expr_optim("0 && 1", "(int 0)")
test_cpp_expr_optim("0 && 0", "(int 0)")
test_cpp_expr_optim("1 || 1", "(int 1)")
test_cpp_expr_optim("1 || 0", "(int 1)")
test_cpp_expr_optim("0 || 1", "(int 1)")
test_cpp_expr_optim("0 || 0", "(int 0)")
test_cpp_expr_optim("A", "(ident A)")
test_cpp_expr_optim("A", "(int 1)", { "A": 1 })
test_cpp_expr_optim("A || B", "(int 1)", { "A": 1 })
test_cpp_expr_optim("A || B", "(int 1)", { "B": 1 })
test_cpp_expr_optim("A && B", "(ident B)", { "A": 1 })
test_cpp_expr_optim("A && B", "(ident A)", { "B": 1 })
test_cpp_expr_optim("A && B", "(&& (ident A) (ident B))")
test_cpp_expr_optim("EXAMPLE", "(ident EXAMPLE)")
test_cpp_expr_optim("EXAMPLE - 3", "(- (ident EXAMPLE) (int 3))")
test_cpp_expr_optim("defined(EXAMPLE)", "(defined EXAMPLE)")
test_cpp_expr_optim("defined(EXAMPLE)", "(defined XOWOE)", { "EXAMPLE": "XOWOE" })
test_cpp_expr_optim("defined(EXAMPLE)", "(int 0)", { "EXAMPLE": kCppUndefinedMacro})
test_cpp_expr_optim("!defined(EXAMPLE)", "(! (defined EXAMPLE))")
test_cpp_expr_optim("!defined(EXAMPLE)", "(! (defined XOWOE))", { "EXAMPLE" : "XOWOE" })
test_cpp_expr_optim("!defined(EXAMPLE)", "(int 1)", { "EXAMPLE" : kCppUndefinedMacro })
test_cpp_expr_optim("defined(A) || defined(B)", "(|| (defined A) (defined B))")
test_cpp_expr_optim("defined(A) || defined(B)", "(int 1)", { "A" : "1" })
test_cpp_expr_optim("defined(A) || defined(B)", "(int 1)", { "B" : "1" })
test_cpp_expr_optim("defined(A) || defined(B)", "(defined A)", { "B" : kCppUndefinedMacro })
test_cpp_expr_optim("defined(A) || defined(B)", "(int 0)", { "A" : kCppUndefinedMacro, "B" : kCppUndefinedMacro })
test_cpp_expr_optim("defined(A) && defined(B)", "(&& (defined A) (defined B))")
test_cpp_expr_optim("defined(A) && defined(B)", "(defined B)", { "A" : "1" })
test_cpp_expr_optim("defined(A) && defined(B)", "(defined A)", { "B" : "1" })
test_cpp_expr_optim("defined(A) && defined(B)", "(int 0)", { "B" : kCppUndefinedMacro })
test_cpp_expr_optim("defined(A) && defined(B)", "(int 0)", { "A" : kCppUndefinedMacro })
test_cpp_expr_optim("A == 1 || defined(B)", "(|| (== (ident A) (int 1)) (defined B))" )
test_cpp_expr_optim("defined(__KERNEL__) || !defined(__GLIBC__) || (__GLIBC__ < 2)", "(|| (! (defined __GLIBC__)) (< (ident __GLIBC__) (int 2)))", { "__KERNEL__": kCppUndefinedMacro })
test_cpp_expr_source("0", "0")
test_cpp_expr_source("1", "1")
test_cpp_expr_source("1 && 1", "1 && 1")
test_cpp_expr_source("1 && 0", "1 && 0")
test_cpp_expr_source("0 && 1", "0 && 1")
test_cpp_expr_source("0 && 0", "0 && 0")
test_cpp_expr_source("1 || 1", "1 || 1")
test_cpp_expr_source("1 || 0", "1 || 0")
test_cpp_expr_source("0 || 1", "0 || 1")
test_cpp_expr_source("0 || 0", "0 || 0")
test_cpp_expr_source("EXAMPLE", "EXAMPLE")
test_cpp_expr_source("EXAMPLE - 3", "EXAMPLE - 3")
test_cpp_expr_source("defined(EXAMPLE)", "defined(EXAMPLE)")
test_cpp_expr_source("defined EXAMPLE", "defined(EXAMPLE)")
test_cpp_expr_source("A == 1 || defined(B)", "A == 1 || defined(B)")
##### #####
##### C P P B L O C K #####
##### #####
class Block:
"""a class used to model a block of input source text. there are two block types:
- directive blocks: contain the tokens of a single pre-processor directive (e.g. #if)
- text blocks, contain the tokens of non-directive blocks
the cpp parser class below will transform an input source file into a list of Block
objects (grouped in a BlockList object for convenience)"""
def __init__(self,tokens,directive=None,lineno=0):
"""initialize a new block, if 'directive' is None, this is a text block
NOTE: this automatically converts '#ifdef MACRO' into '#if defined(MACRO)'
and '#ifndef MACRO' into '#if !defined(MACRO)'"""
if directive == "ifdef":
tok = Token()
tokens = [ tok ] + tokens
directive = "if"
elif directive == "ifndef":
tok1 = Token()
tok2 = Token()
tokens = [ tok1, tok2 ] + tokens
directive = "if"
self.tokens = tokens
self.directive = directive
if lineno > 0:
self.lineno = lineno
self.lineno = self.tokens[0].lineno
if self.isIf():
self.expr = CppExpr( self.tokens )
def isDirective(self):
"""returns True iff this is a directive block"""
return self.directive != None
def isConditional(self):
"""returns True iff this is a conditional directive block"""
return self.directive in ["if","ifdef","ifndef","else","elif","endif"]
def isDefine(self):
"""returns the macro name in a #define directive, or None otherwise"""
if self.directive != "define":
return None
return self.tokens[0].value
def isIf(self):
"""returns True iff this is an #if-like directive block"""
return self.directive in ["if","ifdef","ifndef","elif"]
def isInclude(self):
"""checks whether this is a #include directive. if true, then returns the
corresponding file name (with brackets or double-qoutes). None otherwise"""
if self.directive != "include":
return None
if self.tokens[0].id == tokSTRING:
# a double-quote include, that's easy
return self.tokens[0].value
# we only want the bracket part, not any comments or junk after it
if self.tokens[0].id == "<":
i = 0
tok = self.tokens
n = len(tok)
while i < n and tok[i].id != ">":
i += 1
if i >= n:
return None
return string.join([ str(x) for x in tok[:i+1] ],"")
return None
def removeWhiteSpace(self):
# Remove trailing whitespace and empty lines
# All whitespace is also contracted to a single space
if self.directive != None:
tokens = []
line = 0 # index of line start
space = -1 # index of first space, or -1
ii = 0
nn = len(self.tokens)
while ii < nn:
tok = self.tokens[ii]
# If we find a space, record its position if this is the first
# one the line start or the previous character. Don't append
# anything to tokens array yet though.
if == tokSPACE:
if space < 0:
space = ii
ii += 1
# If this is a line space, ignore the spaces we found previously
# on the line, and remove empty lines.
if == tokLN:
old_line = line
old_space = space
ii += 1
line = ii
space = -1
if old_space == old_line: # line only contains spaces
if ii-1 == old_line: # line is empty
# Other token, append any space range if any, converting each
# one to a single space character, then append the token.
if space >= 0:
jj = space
space = -1
while jj < ii:
tok2 = self.tokens[jj]
tok2.value = " "
jj += 1
ii += 1
self.tokens = tokens
def writeWithWarning(self,out,warning,left_count,repeat_count):
# removeWhiteSpace() will sometimes creates non-directive blocks
# without any tokens. These come from blocks that only contained
# empty lines and spaces. They should not be printed in the final
# output, and then should not be counted for this operation.
if not self.directive and self.tokens == []:
return left_count
if self.directive:
out.write(str(self).rstrip() + "\n")
left_count -= 1
if left_count == 0:
left_count = repeat_count
for tok in self.tokens:
if == tokLN:
left_count -= 1
if left_count == 0:
left_count = repeat_count
return left_count
def __repr__(self):
"""generate the representation of a given block"""
if self.directive:
result = "#%s " % self.directive
if self.isIf():
result += repr(self.expr)
for tok in self.tokens:
result += repr(tok)
result = ""
for tok in self.tokens:
result += repr(tok)
return result
def __str__(self):
"""generate the string representation of a given block"""
if self.directive:
if self.directive == "if":
# small optimization to re-generate #ifdef and #ifndef
e = self.expr.expr
op = e[0]
if op == "defined":
result = "#ifdef %s" % e[1]
elif op == "!" and e[1][0] == "defined":
result = "#ifndef %s" % e[1][1]
result = "#if " + str(self.expr)
result = "#%s" % self.directive
if len(self.tokens):
result += " "
for tok in self.tokens:
result += str(tok)
result = ""
for tok in self.tokens:
result += str(tok)
return result
class BlockList:
"""a convenience class used to hold and process a list of blocks returned by
the cpp parser"""
def __init__(self,blocks):
self.blocks = blocks
def __len__(self):
return len(self.blocks)
def __getitem__(self,n):
return self.blocks[n]
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.blocks)
def __str__(self):
result = ""
for b in self.blocks:
result += str(b)
if b.isDirective():
result = result.rstrip() + '\n'
return result
def optimizeIf01(self):
"""remove the code between #if 0 .. #endif in a BlockList"""
self.blocks = optimize_if01(self.blocks)
def optimizeMacros(self, macros):
"""remove known defined and undefined macros from a BlockList"""
for b in self.blocks:
if b.isIf():
def removeMacroDefines(self,macros):
"""remove known macro definitions from a BlockList"""
self.blocks = remove_macro_defines(self.blocks,macros)
def removeWhiteSpace(self):
for b in self.blocks:
def optimizeAll(self,macros):
def findIncludes(self):
"""return the list of included files in a BlockList"""
result = []
for b in self.blocks:
i = b.isInclude()
if i:
return result
def write(self,out):
def writeWithWarning(self,out,warning,repeat_count):
left_count = repeat_count
for b in self.blocks:
left_count = b.writeWithWarning(out,warning,left_count,repeat_count)
def removeComments(self):
for b in self.blocks:
for tok in b.tokens:
if == tokSPACE:
tok.value = " "
def removeVarsAndFuncs(self,knownStatics=set()):
"""remove all extern and static declarations corresponding
to variable and function declarations. we only accept typedefs
and enum/structs/union declarations.
however, we keep the definitions corresponding to the set
of known static inline functions in the set 'knownStatics',
which is useful for optimized byteorder swap functions and
stuff like that.
# state = 0 => normal (i.e. LN + spaces)
# state = 1 => typedef/struct encountered, ends with ";"
# state = 2 => var declaration encountered, ends with ";"
# state = 3 => func declaration encountered, ends with "}"
state = 0
depth = 0
blocks2 = []
skipTokens = False
for b in self.blocks:
if b.isDirective():
n = len(b.tokens)
i = 0
if skipTokens:
first = n
first = 0
while i < n:
tok = b.tokens[i]
tokid =
# If we are not looking for the start of a new
# type/var/func, then skip over tokens until
# we find our terminator, managing the depth of
# accolades as we go.
if state > 0:
terminator = False
if tokid == '{':
depth += 1
elif tokid == '}':
if depth > 0:
depth -= 1
if (depth == 0) and (state == 3):
terminator = True
elif tokid == ';' and depth == 0:
terminator = True
if terminator:
# we found the terminator
state = 0
if skipTokens:
skipTokens = False
first = i+1
i = i+1
# We are looking for the start of a new type/func/var
# ignore whitespace
if tokid in [tokLN, tokSPACE]:
i = i+1
# Is it a new type definition, then start recording it
if tok.value in [ 'struct', 'typedef', 'enum', 'union', '__extension__' ]:
state = 1
i = i+1
# Is it a variable or function definition. If so, first
# try to determine which type it is, and also extract
# its name.
# We're going to parse the next tokens of the same block
# until we find a semi-column or a left parenthesis.
# The semi-column corresponds to a variable definition,
# the left-parenthesis to a function definition.
# We also assume that the var/func name is the last
# identifier before the terminator.
j = i+1
ident = ""
while j < n:
tokid = b.tokens[j].id
if tokid == '(': # a function declaration
state = 3
elif tokid == ';': # a variable declaration
state = 2
if tokid == tokIDENT:
ident = b.tokens[j].value
j += 1
if j >= n:
# This can only happen when the declaration
# does not end on the current block (e.g. with
# a directive mixed inside it.
# We will treat it as malformed because
# it's very hard to recover from this case
# without making our parser much more
# complex.
#print "### skip unterminated static '%s'" % ident
if ident in knownStatics:
#print "### keep var/func '%s': %s" % (ident,repr(b.tokens[i:j]))
# We're going to skip the tokens for this declaration
#print "### skip variable /func'%s': %s" % (ident,repr(b.tokens[i:j]))
if i > first:
blocks2.append( Block(b.tokens[first:i]))
skipTokens = True
first = n
i = i+1
if i > first:
#print "### final '%s'" % repr(b.tokens[first:i])
blocks2.append( Block(b.tokens[first:i]) )
self.blocks = blocks2
def insertDisclaimer(self,disclaimer="/* auto-generated file, DO NOT EDIT */"):
"""insert your standard issue disclaimer that this is an
auto-generated file, etc.."""
tokens = CppLineTokenizer( disclaimer ).toTokenList()
tokens = tokens[:-1] # remove trailing tokLN
self.blocks = [ Block(tokens) ] + self.blocks
def replaceTokens(self,replacements):
"""replace tokens according to the given dict"""
for b in self.blocks:
made_change = False
if b.isInclude() == None:
for tok in b.tokens:
if == tokIDENT:
if tok.value in replacements:
tok.value = replacements[tok.value]
made_change = True
if made_change and b.isIf():
# Keep 'expr' in sync with 'tokens'.
b.expr = CppExpr(b.tokens)
class BlockParser:
"""a class used to convert an input source file into a BlockList object"""
def __init__(self,tokzer=None):
"""initialize a block parser. the input source is provided through a Tokenizer
def reset(self,tokzer):
self.state = 1
self.tokzer = tokzer
def getBlocks(self,tokzer=None):
"""tokenize and parse the input source, return a BlockList object
NOTE: empty and line-numbering directives are ignored and removed
from the result. as a consequence, it is possible to have
two successive text blocks in the result"""
# state 0 => in source code
# state 1 => in source code, after a LN
# state 2 => in source code, after LN then some space
state = 1
lastLN = 0
current = []
blocks = []
if tokzer == None:
tokzer = self.tokzer
while 1:
tok = tokzer.getToken()
if == tokEOF:
if == tokLN:
state = 1
lastLN = len(current)
elif == tokSPACE:
if state == 1:
state = 2
elif == "#":
if state > 0:
# this is the start of a directive
if lastLN > 0:
# record previous tokens as text block
block = Block(current[:lastLN])
lastLN = 0
current = []
# skip spaces after the #
while 1:
tok = tokzer.getToken()
if != tokSPACE:
if != tokIDENT:
# empty or line-numbering, ignore it
if != tokLN and != tokEOF:
while 1:
tok = tokzer.getToken()
if == tokLN or == tokEOF:
directive = tok.value
lineno = tok.lineno
# skip spaces
tok = tokzer.getToken()
while == tokSPACE:
tok = tokzer.getToken()
# then record tokens until LN
dirtokens = []
while != tokLN and != tokEOF:
tok = tokzer.getToken()
block = Block(dirtokens,directive,lineno)
state = 1
state = 0
if len(current) > 0:
block = Block(current)
return BlockList(blocks)
def parse(self,tokzer):
return self.getBlocks( tokzer )
def parseLines(self,lines):
"""parse a list of text lines into a BlockList object"""
return self.getBlocks( CppLinesTokenizer(lines) )
def parseFile(self,path):
"""parse a file into a BlockList object"""
file = open(path, "rt")
result = self.getBlocks( CppFileTokenizer(file) )
return result
def test_block_parsing(lines,expected):
blocks = BlockParser().parse( CppLinesTokenizer(lines) )
if len(blocks) != len(expected):
raise BadExpectedToken, "parser.buildBlocks returned '%s' expecting '%s'" \
% (str(blocks), repr(expected))
for n in range(len(blocks)):
if str(blocks[n]) != expected[n]:
raise BadExpectedToken, "parser.buildBlocks()[%d] is '%s', expecting '%s'" \
% (n, str(blocks[n]), expected[n])
#for block in blocks:
# print block
def test_BlockParser():
test_block_parsing(["#error hello"],["#error hello"])
test_block_parsing([ "foo", "", "bar" ], [ "foo\n\nbar\n" ])
test_block_parsing([ "foo", " # ", "bar" ], [ "foo\n","bar\n" ])
[ "foo", " # ", " # /* ahah */ if defined(__KERNEL__) ", "bar", "#endif" ],
[ "foo\n", "#ifdef __KERNEL__", "bar\n", "#endif" ] )
##### #####
##### B L O C K L I S T O P T I M I Z A T I O N #####
##### #####
def remove_macro_defines( blocks, excludedMacros=set() ):
"""remove macro definitions like #define <macroName> ...."""
result = []
for b in blocks:
macroName = b.isDefine()
if macroName == None or not macroName in excludedMacros:
return result
def find_matching_endif( blocks, i ):
n = len(blocks)
depth = 1
while i < n:
if blocks[i].isDirective():
dir = blocks[i].directive
if dir in [ "if", "ifndef", "ifdef" ]:
depth += 1
elif depth == 1 and dir in [ "else", "elif" ]:
return i
elif dir == "endif":
depth -= 1
if depth == 0:
return i
i += 1
return i
def optimize_if01( blocks ):
"""remove the code between #if 0 .. #endif in a list of CppBlocks"""
i = 0
n = len(blocks)
result = []
while i < n:
j = i
while j < n and not blocks[j].isIf():
j += 1
if j > i:
D2("appending lines %d to %d" % (blocks[i].lineno, blocks[j-1].lineno))
result += blocks[i:j]
if j >= n:
expr = blocks[j].expr
r = expr.toInt()
if r == None:
i = j + 1
if r == 0:
# if 0 => skip everything until the corresponding #endif
j = find_matching_endif( blocks, j+1 )
if j >= n:
# unterminated #if 0, finish here
dir = blocks[j].directive
if dir == "endif":
D2("remove 'if 0' .. 'endif' (lines %d to %d)" % (blocks[i].lineno, blocks[j].lineno))
i = j + 1
elif dir == "else":
# convert 'else' into 'if 1'
D2("convert 'if 0' .. 'else' into 'if 1' (lines %d to %d)" % (blocks[i].lineno, blocks[j-1].lineno))
blocks[j].directive = "if"
blocks[j].expr = CppExpr( CppLineTokenizer("1").toTokenList() )
i = j
elif dir == "elif":
# convert 'elif' into 'if'
D2("convert 'if 0' .. 'elif' into 'if'")
blocks[j].directive = "if"
i = j
# if 1 => find corresponding endif and remove/transform them
k = find_matching_endif( blocks, j+1 )
if k >= n:
# unterminated #if 1, finish here
D2("unterminated 'if 1'")
result += blocks[j+1:k]
dir = blocks[k].directive
if dir == "endif":
D2("convert 'if 1' .. 'endif' (lines %d to %d)" % (blocks[j].lineno, blocks[k].lineno))
result += optimize_if01(blocks[j+1:k])
i = k+1
elif dir == "else":
# convert 'else' into 'if 0'
D2("convert 'if 1' .. 'else' (lines %d to %d)" % (blocks[j].lineno, blocks[k].lineno))
result += optimize_if01(blocks[j+1:k])
blocks[k].directive = "if"
blocks[k].expr = CppExpr( CppLineTokenizer("0").toTokenList() )
i = k
elif dir == "elif":
# convert 'elif' into 'if 0'
D2("convert 'if 1' .. 'elif' (lines %d to %d)" % (blocks[j].lineno, blocks[k].lineno))
result += optimize_if01(blocks[j+1:k])
blocks[k].expr = CppExpr( CppLineTokenizer("0").toTokenList() )
i = k
return result
def test_optimizeAll():
text = """\
#if 1
#define GOOD_1
#if 0
#define BAD_2
#define BAD_3
#if 1
#define GOOD_2
#define BAD_4
#if 0
#define BAD_5
#define GOOD_3
#if defined(__KERNEL__)
#define BAD_KERNEL
#if defined(__KERNEL__) || !defined(__GLIBC__) || (__GLIBC__ < 2)
#define X
#ifndef SIGRTMAX
#define SIGRTMAX 123
#endif /* SIGRTMAX */
#if 0
#if 1
#define BAD_6
expected = """\
#define GOOD_1
#define GOOD_2
#define GOOD_3
#if !defined(__GLIBC__) || __GLIBC__ < 2
#define X
#ifndef __SIGRTMAX
#define __SIGRTMAX 123
out = StringOutput()
lines = string.split(text, '\n')
list = BlockParser().parse( CppLinesTokenizer(lines) )
list.replaceTokens( kernel_token_replacements )
list.optimizeAll( {"__KERNEL__":kCppUndefinedMacro} )
if out.get() != expected:
print "[FAIL]: macro optimization failed\n"
print "<<<< expecting '",
print expected,
print "'\n>>>> result '"
print out.get(),
print "'\n----"
global failure_count
failure_count += 1
# -- Always run the unit tests.
def runUnitTests():
"""run all unit tests for this program"""
failure_count = 0
if failure_count != 0: