These are sufficiently intertwined that they need to be done together. riscv64 is our first primary-only architecture, so that required some changes. The .bp changes are to support this --- we need to only show the python scripts the architectures they'll actually be using, rather than showing them everything and ignoring some of the results. riscv64 is also the first architecture that post-dates the kernel's 64-bit time work, so there's a bit of extra fiddling needed to handle the __NR3264_ indirection in the uapi headers. Signed-off-by: Mao Han <han_mao@linux.alibaba.com> Signed-off-by: Xia Lifang <lifang_xia@linux.alibaba.com> Signed-off-by: Chen Guoyin <chenguoyin.cgy@linux.alibaba.com> Signed-off-by: Wang Chen <wangchen20@iscas.ac.cn> Signed-off-by: Lu Xufan <luxufan@iscas.ac.cn> Test: local builds for x86-64 and riscv64 Change-Id: I74044744e80b312088f805c44fbd667c9bfcdc69
320 lines
11 KiB
Executable file
320 lines
11 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import logging
import operator
import os
import re
import sys
import textwrap
from gensyscalls import SysCallsTxtParser
BPF_JGE = "BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP|BPF_JGE|BPF_K, {0}, {1}, {2})"
BPF_JEQ = "BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP|BPF_JEQ|BPF_K, {0}, {1}, {2})"
class SyscallRange:
def __init__(self, name, value):
self.names = [name]
self.begin = value
self.end = self.begin + 1
def __str__(self):
return "(%s, %s, %s)" % (self.begin, self.end, self.names)
def add(self, name, value):
if value != self.end:
raise ValueError
self.end += 1
def load_syscall_names_from_file(file_path, architecture):
parser = SysCallsTxtParser()
return {x["name"] for x in parser.syscalls if x.get(architecture)}
def load_syscall_priorities_from_file(file_path):
format_re = re.compile(r'^\s*([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*$')
priorities = []
with open(file_path) as priority_file:
for line in priority_file:
match = format_re.match(line)
if match is None:
name = match.group(1)
except IndexError:
# TODO: This should be impossible becauase it wouldn't have matched?
logging.exception('Failed to parse %s from %s', line, file_path)
return priorities
def merge_names(base_names, allowlist_names, blocklist_names):
if bool(blocklist_names - base_names):
raise RuntimeError("blocklist item not in bionic - aborting " + str(
blocklist_names - base_names))
return (base_names - blocklist_names) | allowlist_names
def extract_priority_syscalls(syscalls, priorities):
# Extract syscalls that are not in the priority list
other_syscalls = \
[syscall for syscall in syscalls if syscall[0] not in priorities]
# For prioritized syscalls, keep the order in which they appear in th
# priority list
syscall_dict = {syscall[0]: syscall[1] for syscall in syscalls}
priority_syscalls = []
for name in priorities:
if name in syscall_dict.keys():
priority_syscalls.append((name, syscall_dict[name]))
return priority_syscalls, other_syscalls
def parse_syscall_NRs(names_path):
# The input is now the preprocessed source file. This will contain a lot
# of junk from the preprocessor, but our lines will be in the format:
# #define __(ARM_)?NR_${NAME} ${VALUE}
# Where ${VALUE} is a preprocessor expression.
# Newer architectures have things like this though:
# #define __NR3264_fcntl 25
# #define __NR_fcntl __NR3264_fcntl
# So we need to keep track of the __NR3264_* constants and substitute them.
line_re = re.compile(r'^# \d+ ".*".*')
undef_re = re.compile(r'^#undef\s.*')
define_re = re.compile(r'^\s*#define\s+([A-Za-z0-9_(,)]+)(?:\s+(.+))?\s*$')
token_re = re.compile(r'\b[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]+\b')
constants = {}
nr3264s = {}
with open(names_path) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
m = define_re.match(line)
if m:
name = m.group(1)
value = m.group(2)
if name.startswith('__NR3264'):
nr3264s[name] = value
elif name.startswith('__NR_') or name.startswith('__ARM_NR_'):
if value in nr3264s:
value = nr3264s[value]
# eval() takes care of any arithmetic that may be done
value = eval(token_re.sub(lambda x: str(constants[x.group(0)]), value))
constants[name] = value
if not line_re.match(line) and not undef_re.match(line) and line:
print('%s: failed to parse line `%s`' % (names_path, line))
syscalls = {}
for name, value in constants.items():
# Remove the __NR_ prefix.
# TODO: why not __ARM_NR too?
if name.startswith("__NR_"):
name = name[len("__NR_"):]
syscalls[name] = value
return syscalls
def convert_NRs_to_ranges(syscalls):
# Sort the values so we convert to ranges and binary chop
syscalls = sorted(syscalls, key=operator.itemgetter(1))
# Turn into a list of ranges. Keep the names for the comments
ranges = []
for name, value in syscalls:
if not ranges:
ranges.append(SyscallRange(name, value))
last_range = ranges[-1]
if last_range.end == value:
last_range.add(name, value)
ranges.append(SyscallRange(name, value))
return ranges
# Converts the sorted ranges of allowed syscalls to a binary tree bpf
# For a single range, output a simple jump to {fail} or {allow}. We can't set
# the jump ranges yet, since we don't know the size of the filter, so use a
# placeholder
# For multiple ranges, split into two, convert the two halves and output a jump
# to the correct half
def convert_to_intermediate_bpf(ranges):
if len(ranges) == 1:
# We will replace {fail} and {allow} with appropriate range jumps later
return [BPF_JGE.format(ranges[0].end, "{fail}", "{allow}") +
", //" + "|".join(ranges[0].names)]
half = (len(ranges) + 1) // 2
first = convert_to_intermediate_bpf(ranges[:half])
second = convert_to_intermediate_bpf(ranges[half:])
jump = [BPF_JGE.format(ranges[half].begin, len(first), 0) + ","]
return jump + first + second
# Converts the prioritized syscalls to a bpf list that is prepended to the
# tree generated by convert_to_intermediate_bpf(). If we hit one of these
# syscalls, shortcut to the allow statement at the bottom of the tree
# immediately
def convert_priority_to_intermediate_bpf(priority_syscalls):
result = []
for syscall in priority_syscalls:
result.append(BPF_JEQ.format(syscall[1], "{allow}", 0) +
", //" + syscall[0])
return result
def convert_ranges_to_bpf(ranges, priority_syscalls):
bpf = convert_priority_to_intermediate_bpf(priority_syscalls) + \
# Now we know the size of the tree, we can substitute the {fail} and {allow}
# placeholders
for i, statement in enumerate(bpf):
# Replace placeholder with
# "distance to jump to fail, distance to jump to allow"
# We will add a kill statement and an allow statement after the tree
# With bpfs jmp 0 means the next statement, so the distance to the end is
# len(bpf) - i - 1, which is where we will put the kill statement, and
# then the statement after that is the allow statement
bpf[i] = statement.format(fail=str(len(bpf) - i),
allow=str(len(bpf) - i - 1))
# Add the allow calls at the end. If the syscall is not matched, we will
# continue. This allows the user to choose to match further syscalls, and
# also to choose the action when we want to block
bpf.append(BPF_ALLOW + ",")
# Add check that we aren't off the bottom of the syscalls
bpf.insert(0, BPF_JGE.format(ranges[0].begin, 0, str(len(bpf))) + ',')
return bpf
def convert_bpf_to_output(bpf, architecture, name_modifier):
if name_modifier:
name_modifier = name_modifier + "_"
name_modifier = ""
header = textwrap.dedent("""\
// File autogenerated by {self_path} - edit at your peril!!
#include <linux/filter.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "seccomp/seccomp_bpfs.h"
const sock_filter {architecture}_{suffix}filter[] = {{
""").format(self_path=os.path.basename(__file__), architecture=architecture,
footer = textwrap.dedent("""\
const size_t {architecture}_{suffix}filter_size = sizeof({architecture}_{suffix}filter) / sizeof(struct sock_filter);
return header + "\n".join(bpf) + footer
def construct_bpf(syscalls, architecture, name_modifier, priorities):
priority_syscalls, other_syscalls = \
extract_priority_syscalls(syscalls, priorities)
ranges = convert_NRs_to_ranges(other_syscalls)
bpf = convert_ranges_to_bpf(ranges, priority_syscalls)
return convert_bpf_to_output(bpf, architecture, name_modifier)
def gen_policy(name_modifier, out_dir, base_syscall_file, syscall_files,
syscall_NRs, priority_file):
for arch in syscall_NRs.keys():
base_names = load_syscall_names_from_file(base_syscall_file, arch)
allowlist_names = set()
blocklist_names = set()
for f in syscall_files:
if "blocklist" in f.lower():
blocklist_names |= load_syscall_names_from_file(f, arch)
allowlist_names |= load_syscall_names_from_file(f, arch)
priorities = []
if priority_file:
priorities = load_syscall_priorities_from_file(priority_file)
allowed_syscalls = []
for name in sorted(merge_names(base_names, allowlist_names, blocklist_names)):
allowed_syscalls.append((name, syscall_NRs[arch][name]))
logging.exception("Failed to find %s in %s (%s)", name, arch, syscall_NRs[arch])
output = construct_bpf(allowed_syscalls, arch, name_modifier, priorities)
# And output policy
filename_modifier = "_" + name_modifier if name_modifier else ""
output_path = os.path.join(out_dir,
"{}{}_policy.cpp".format(arch, filename_modifier))
with open(output_path, "w") as output_file:
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Generates a seccomp-bpf policy")
parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", help="Enables verbose logging.")
help=("Specifies the name modifier for the policy. "
"One of {app,system}."))
help="The output directory for the policy files")
parser.add_argument("base_file", metavar="base-file", type=str,
help="The path of the base syscall list (SYSCALLS.TXT).")
parser.add_argument("files", metavar="FILE", type=str, nargs="+",
help=("The path of the input files. In order to "
"simplify the build rules, it can take any of the "
"following files: \n"
"* /blocklist.*\\.txt$/ syscall blocklist.\n"
"* /allowlist.*\\.txt$/ syscall allowlist.\n"
"* /priority.txt$/ priorities for bpf rules.\n"
"* otherwise, syscall name-number mapping.\n"))
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
syscall_files = []
priority_file = None
syscall_NRs = {}
for filename in args.files:
if filename.lower().endswith('.txt'):
if filename.lower().endswith('priority.txt'):
priority_file = filename
m = re.search(r"libseccomp_gen_syscall_nrs_([^/]+)", filename)
syscall_NRs[m.group(1)] = parse_syscall_NRs(filename)
gen_policy(name_modifier=args.name_modifier, out_dir=args.out_dir,
syscall_NRs=syscall_NRs, base_syscall_file=args.base_file,
syscall_files=syscall_files, priority_file=priority_file)
if __name__ == "__main__":