* This new class definition and patterns are shared between Android and ChromeOS compiler tools. * Suppress hard to fix and false positive linter warnings. Test: warn.py --url=http://cs/android --separator='?l=' build.log > warnings.html Test: warn.py --gencsv build.log > warnings.csv Change-Id: Icb47809100ad30796cb1da82610e989d450194fa
895 lines
30 KiB
Executable file
895 lines
30 KiB
Executable file
# python3
# Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Grep warnings messages and output HTML tables or warning counts in CSV.
Default is to output warnings in HTML tables grouped by warning severity.
Use option --byproject to output tables grouped by source file projects.
Use option --gencsv to output warning counts in CSV format.
# List of important data structures and functions in this script.
# To parse and keep warning message in the input file:
# severity: classification of message severity
# warn_patterns:
# warn_patterns[w]['category'] tool that issued the warning, not used now
# warn_patterns[w]['description'] table heading
# warn_patterns[w]['members'] matched warnings from input
# warn_patterns[w]['option'] compiler flag to control the warning
# warn_patterns[w]['patterns'] regular expressions to match warnings
# warn_patterns[w]['projects'][p] number of warnings of pattern w in p
# warn_patterns[w]['severity'] severity tuple
# project_list[p][0] project name
# project_list[p][1] regular expression to match a project path
# project_patterns[p] re.compile(project_list[p][1])
# project_names[p] project_list[p][0]
# warning_messages array of each warning message, without source url
# warning_records array of [idx to warn_patterns,
# idx to project_names,
# idx to warning_messages]
# android_root
# platform_version
# target_product
# target_variant
# parse_input_file
# To emit html page of warning messages:
# flags: --byproject, --url, --separator
# Old stuff for static html components:
# html_script_style: static html scripts and styles
# htmlbig:
# dump_stats, dump_html_prologue, dump_html_epilogue:
# emit_buttons:
# dump_fixed
# sort_warnings:
# emit_stats_by_project:
# all_patterns,
# findproject, classify_warning
# dump_html
# New dynamic HTML page's static JavaScript data:
# Some data are copied from Python to JavaScript, to generate HTML elements.
# FlagURL args.url
# FlagSeparator args.separator
# SeverityColors: list of colors for all severity levels
# SeverityHeaders: list of headers for all severity levels
# SeverityColumnHeaders: list of column_headers for all severity levels
# ProjectNames: project_names, or project_list[*][0]
# WarnPatternsSeverity: warn_patterns[*]['severity']
# WarnPatternsDescription: warn_patterns[*]['description']
# WarnPatternsOption: warn_patterns[*]['option']
# WarningMessages: warning_messages
# Warnings: warning_records
# StatsHeader: warning count table header row
# StatsRows: array of warning count table rows
# New dynamic HTML page's dynamic JavaScript data:
# New dynamic HTML related function to emit data:
# escape_string, strip_escape_string, emit_warning_arrays
# emit_js_data():
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import cgi
import csv
import io
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import signal
import sys
# pylint:disable=relative-beyond-top-level
from . import cpp_warn_patterns
from . import java_warn_patterns
from . import make_warn_patterns
from . import other_warn_patterns
from . import tidy_warn_patterns
# pylint:disable=g-importing-member
from .android_project_list import project_list
from .severity import Severity
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert a build log into HTML')
help='Save CSV warning file to the passed absolute path',
help='Generate a CSV file with number of various warnings',
help='Separate warnings in HTML output by project names',
help='Root URL of an Android source code tree prefixed '
'before files in warnings')
help='Separator between the end of a URL and the line '
'number argument. e.g. #')
help='Number of parallel processes to process warnings')
parser.add_argument(dest='buildlog', metavar='build.log',
help='Path to build.log file')
args = parser.parse_args()
warn_patterns = make_warn_patterns.warn_patterns
project_patterns = []
project_names = []
warning_messages = []
warning_records = []
def initialize_arrays():
"""Complete global arrays before they are used."""
global project_names, project_patterns
project_names = [p[0] for p in project_list]
project_patterns = [re.compile(p[1]) for p in project_list]
for w in warn_patterns:
w['members'] = []
if 'option' not in w:
w['option'] = ''
# Each warning pattern has a 'projects' dictionary, that
# maps a project name to number of warnings in that project.
w['projects'] = {}
android_root = ''
platform_version = 'unknown'
target_product = 'unknown'
target_variant = 'unknown'
##### Data and functions to dump html file. ##################################
html_head_scripts = """\
<script type="text/javascript">
function expand(id) {
var e = document.getElementById(id);
var f = document.getElementById(id + "_mark");
if (e.style.display == 'block') {
e.style.display = 'none';
f.innerHTML = '⊕';
else {
e.style.display = 'block';
f.innerHTML = '⊖';
function expandCollapse(show) {
for (var id = 1; ; id++) {
var e = document.getElementById(id + "");
var f = document.getElementById(id + "_mark");
if (!e || !f) break;
e.style.display = (show ? 'block' : 'none');
f.innerHTML = (show ? '⊖' : '⊕');
<style type="text/css">
th,td{border-collapse:collapse; border:1px solid black;}
.t1{border-collapse:collapse; width:100%; border:1px solid black;}
<script src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>
def html_big(param):
return '<font size="+2">' + param + '</font>'
def dump_html_prologue(title):
print('<title>' + title + '</title>')
def dump_html_epilogue():
def sort_warnings():
for i in warn_patterns:
i['members'] = sorted(set(i['members']))
def emit_stats_by_project():
"""Dump a google chart table of warnings per project and severity."""
# warnings[p][s] is number of warnings in project p of severity s.
# pylint:disable=g-complex-comprehension
warnings = {p: {s.value: 0 for s in Severity.levels} for p in project_names}
for i in warn_patterns:
# pytype: disable=attribute-error
s = i['severity'].value
# pytype: enable=attribute-error
for p in i['projects']:
warnings[p][s] += i['projects'][p]
# total_by_project[p] is number of warnings in project p.
total_by_project = {
p: sum(warnings[p][s.value] for s in Severity.levels)
for p in project_names
# total_by_severity[s] is number of warnings of severity s.
total_by_severity = {
s.value: sum(warnings[p][s.value] for p in project_names)
for s in Severity.levels
# emit table header
stats_header = ['Project']
for s in Severity.levels:
if total_by_severity[s.value]:
'<span style=\'background-color:{}\'>{}</span>'.format(
s.color, s.column_header))
# emit a row of warning counts per project, skip no-warning projects
total_all_projects = 0
stats_rows = []
for p in project_names:
if total_by_project[p]:
one_row = [p]
for s in Severity.levels:
if total_by_severity[s.value]:
total_all_projects += total_by_project[p]
# emit a row of warning counts per severity
total_all_severities = 0
one_row = ['<b>TOTAL</b>']
for s in Severity.levels:
if total_by_severity[s.value]:
total_all_severities += total_by_severity[s.value]
emit_const_string_array('StatsHeader', stats_header)
emit_const_object_array('StatsRows', stats_rows)
def dump_stats():
"""Dump some stats about total number of warnings and such."""
known = 0
skipped = 0
unknown = 0
for i in warn_patterns:
if i['severity'] == Severity.UNMATCHED:
unknown += len(i['members'])
elif i['severity'] == Severity.SKIP:
skipped += len(i['members'])
known += len(i['members'])
print('Number of classified warnings: <b>' + str(known) + '</b><br>')
print('Number of skipped warnings: <b>' + str(skipped) + '</b><br>')
print('Number of unclassified warnings: <b>' + str(unknown) + '</b><br>')
total = unknown + known + skipped
extra_msg = ''
if total < 1000:
extra_msg = ' (low count may indicate incremental build)'
print('Total number of warnings: <b>' + str(total) + '</b>' + extra_msg)
# New base table of warnings, [severity, warn_id, project, warning_message]
# Need buttons to show warnings in different grouping options.
# (1) Current, group by severity, id for each warning pattern
# sort by severity, warn_id, warning_message
# (2) Current --byproject, group by severity,
# id for each warning pattern + project name
# sort by severity, warn_id, project, warning_message
# (3) New, group by project + severity,
# id for each warning pattern
# sort by project, severity, warn_id, warning_message
def emit_buttons():
print('<button class="button" onclick="expandCollapse(1);">'
'Expand all warnings</button>\n'
'<button class="button" onclick="expandCollapse(0);">'
'Collapse all warnings</button>\n'
'<button class="button" onclick="groupBySeverity();">'
'Group warnings by severity</button>\n'
'<button class="button" onclick="groupByProject();">'
'Group warnings by project</button><br>')
def all_patterns(category):
patterns = ''
for i in category['patterns']:
patterns += i
patterns += ' / '
return patterns
def dump_fixed():
"""Show which warnings no longer occur."""
anchor = 'fixed_warnings'
mark = anchor + '_mark'
print('\n<br><p style="background-color:lightblue"><b>'
'<button id="' + mark + '" '
'class="bt" onclick="expand(\'' + anchor + '\');">'
'⊕</button> Fixed warnings. '
'No more occurrences. Please consider turning these into '
'errors if possible, before they are reintroduced in to the build'
fixed_patterns = []
for i in warn_patterns:
if not i['members']:
fixed_patterns.append(i['description'] + ' (' +
all_patterns(i) + ')')
if i['option']:
fixed_patterns.append(' ' + i['option'])
fixed_patterns = sorted(fixed_patterns)
print('<div id="' + anchor + '" style="display:none;"><table>')
cur_row_class = 0
for text in fixed_patterns:
cur_row_class = 1 - cur_row_class
# remove last '\n'
t = text[:-1] if text[-1] == '\n' else text
print('<tr><td class="c' + str(cur_row_class) + '">' + t + '</td></tr>')
def find_project_index(line):
for p in range(len(project_patterns)):
if project_patterns[p].match(line):
return p
return -1
def classify_one_warning(line, results):
"""Classify one warning line."""
for i in range(len(warn_patterns)):
w = warn_patterns[i]
for cpat in w['compiled_patterns']:
# pytype: disable=attribute-error
if cpat.match(line):
p = find_project_index(line)
results.append([line, i, p])
# If we end up here, there was a problem parsing the log
# probably caused by 'make -j' mixing the output from
# 2 or more concurrent compiles
# pytype: enable=attribute-error
def classify_warnings(lines):
results = []
for line in lines:
classify_one_warning(line, results)
# After the main work, ignore all other signals to a child process,
# to avoid bad warning/error messages from the exit clean-up process.
if args.processes > 1:
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda *args: sys.exit(-signal.SIGTERM))
return results
def parallel_classify_warnings(warning_lines, parallel_process):
"""Classify all warning lines with num_cpu parallel processes."""
num_cpu = args.processes
if num_cpu > 1:
groups = [[] for x in range(num_cpu)]
i = 0
for x in warning_lines:
i = (i + 1) % num_cpu
group_results = parallel_process(num_cpu, classify_warnings, groups)
group_results = [classify_warnings(warning_lines)]
for result in group_results:
for line, pattern_idx, project_idx in result:
pattern = warn_patterns[pattern_idx]
message_idx = len(warning_messages)
warning_records.append([pattern_idx, project_idx, message_idx])
pname = '???' if project_idx < 0 else project_names[project_idx]
# Count warnings by project.
if pname in pattern['projects']:
pattern['projects'][pname] += 1
pattern['projects'][pname] = 1
def find_warn_py_and_android_root(path):
"""Set and return android_root path if it is found."""
global android_root
parts = path.split('/')
for idx in reversed(range(2, len(parts))):
root_path = '/'.join(parts[:idx])
# Android root directory should contain this script.
if os.path.exists(root_path + '/build/make/tools/warn.py'):
android_root = root_path
return True
return False
def find_android_root():
"""Guess android_root from common prefix of file paths."""
# Use the longest common prefix of the absolute file paths
# of the first 10000 warning messages as the android_root.
global android_root
warning_lines = set()
warning_pattern = re.compile('^/[^ ]*/[^ ]*: warning: .*')
count = 0
infile = io.open(args.buildlog, mode='r', encoding='utf-8')
for line in infile:
if warning_pattern.match(line):
count += 1
if count > 9999:
# Try to find warn.py and use its location to find
# the source tree root.
if count < 100:
path = os.path.normpath(re.sub(':.*$', '', line))
if find_warn_py_and_android_root(path):
# Do not use common prefix of a small number of paths.
if count > 10:
# pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
root_path = os.path.commonprefix(warning_lines)
# pytype: enable=wrong-arg-types
if len(root_path) > 2 and root_path[len(root_path) - 1] == '/':
android_root = root_path[:-1]
def remove_android_root_prefix(path):
"""Remove android_root prefix from path if it is found."""
if path.startswith(android_root):
return path[1 + len(android_root):]
return path
def normalize_path(path):
"""Normalize file path relative to android_root."""
# If path is not an absolute path, just normalize it.
path = os.path.normpath(path)
# Remove known prefix of root path and normalize the suffix.
if path[0] == '/' and android_root:
return remove_android_root_prefix(path)
return path
def normalize_warning_line(line):
"""Normalize file path relative to android_root in a warning line."""
# replace fancy quotes with plain ol' quotes
line = re.sub(u'[\u2018\u2019]', '\'', line)
# replace non-ASCII chars to spaces
line = re.sub(u'[^\x00-\x7f]', ' ', line)
line = line.strip()
first_column = line.find(':')
if first_column > 0:
return normalize_path(line[:first_column]) + line[first_column:]
return line
def parse_input_file(infile):
"""Parse input file, collect parameters and warning lines."""
global android_root
global platform_version
global target_product
global target_variant
line_counter = 0
# rustc warning messages have two lines that should be combined:
# warning: description
# --> file_path:line_number:column_number
# Some warning messages have no file name:
# warning: macro replacement list ... [bugprone-macro-parentheses]
# Some makefile warning messages have no line number:
# some/path/file.mk: warning: description
# C/C++ compiler warning messages have line and column numbers:
# some/path/file.c:line_number:column_number: warning: description
warning_pattern = re.compile('(^[^ ]*/[^ ]*: warning: .*)|(^warning: .*)')
warning_without_file = re.compile('^warning: .*')
rustc_file_position = re.compile('^[ ]+--> [^ ]*/[^ ]*:[0-9]+:[0-9]+')
# Collect all warnings into the warning_lines set.
warning_lines = set()
prev_warning = ''
for line in infile:
if prev_warning:
if rustc_file_position.match(line):
# must be a rustc warning, combine 2 lines into one warning
line = line.strip().replace('--> ', '') + ': ' + prev_warning
prev_warning = ''
# add prev_warning, and then process the current line
prev_warning = 'unknown_source_file: ' + prev_warning
prev_warning = ''
if warning_pattern.match(line):
if warning_without_file.match(line):
# save this line and combine it with the next line
prev_warning = line
if line_counter < 100:
# save a little bit of time by only doing this for the first few lines
line_counter += 1
m = re.search('(?<=^PLATFORM_VERSION=).*', line)
if m is not None:
platform_version = m.group(0)
m = re.search('(?<=^TARGET_PRODUCT=).*', line)
if m is not None:
target_product = m.group(0)
m = re.search('(?<=^TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=).*', line)
if m is not None:
target_variant = m.group(0)
m = re.search('.* TOP=([^ ]*) .*', line)
if m is not None:
android_root = m.group(1)
return warning_lines
# Return s with escaped backslash and quotation characters.
def escape_string(s):
# pytype: disable=attribute-error
return s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
# pytype: enable=attribute-error
# Return s without trailing '\n' and escape the quotation characters.
def strip_escape_string(s):
if not s:
return s
s = s[:-1] if s[-1] == '\n' else s
return escape_string(s)
def emit_warning_array(name):
print('var warning_{} = ['.format(name))
for i in range(len(warn_patterns)):
def emit_warning_arrays():
print('var warning_description = [')
for i in range(len(warn_patterns)):
if warn_patterns[i]['members']:
print('"",') # no such warning
scripts_for_warning_groups = """
function compareMessages(x1, x2) { // of the same warning type
return (WarningMessages[x1[2]] <= WarningMessages[x2[2]]) ? -1 : 1;
function byMessageCount(x1, x2) {
return x2[2] - x1[2]; // reversed order
function bySeverityMessageCount(x1, x2) {
// orer by severity first
if (x1[1] != x2[1])
return x1[1] - x2[1];
return byMessageCount(x1, x2);
const ParseLinePattern = /^([^ :]+):(\\d+):(.+)/;
function addURL(line) {
if (FlagURL == "") return line;
if (FlagSeparator == "") {
return line.replace(ParseLinePattern,
"<a target='_blank' href='" + FlagURL + "/$1'>$1</a>:$2:$3");
return line.replace(ParseLinePattern,
"<a target='_blank' href='" + FlagURL + "/$1" + FlagSeparator +
function createArrayOfDictionaries(n) {
var result = [];
for (var i=0; i<n; i++) result.push({});
return result;
function groupWarningsBySeverity() {
// groups is an array of dictionaries,
// each dictionary maps from warning type to array of warning messages.
var groups = createArrayOfDictionaries(SeverityColors.length);
for (var i=0; i<Warnings.length; i++) {
var w = Warnings[i][0];
var s = WarnPatternsSeverity[w];
var k = w.toString();
if (!(k in groups[s]))
groups[s][k] = [];
return groups;
function groupWarningsByProject() {
var groups = createArrayOfDictionaries(ProjectNames.length);
for (var i=0; i<Warnings.length; i++) {
var w = Warnings[i][0];
var p = Warnings[i][1];
var k = w.toString();
if (!(k in groups[p]))
groups[p][k] = [];
return groups;
var GlobalAnchor = 0;
function createWarningSection(header, color, group) {
var result = "";
var groupKeys = [];
var totalMessages = 0;
for (var k in group) {
totalMessages += group[k].length;
groupKeys.push([k, WarnPatternsSeverity[parseInt(k)], group[k].length]);
for (var idx=0; idx<groupKeys.length; idx++) {
var k = groupKeys[idx][0];
var messages = group[k];
var w = parseInt(k);
var wcolor = SeverityColors[WarnPatternsSeverity[w]];
var description = WarnPatternsDescription[w];
if (description.length == 0)
description = "???";
GlobalAnchor += 1;
result += "<table class='t1'><tr bgcolor='" + wcolor + "'><td>" +
"<button class='bt' id='" + GlobalAnchor + "_mark" +
"' onclick='expand(\\"" + GlobalAnchor + "\\");'>" +
"⊕</button> " +
description + " (" + messages.length + ")</td></tr></table>";
result += "<div id='" + GlobalAnchor +
"' style='display:none;'><table class='t1'>";
var c = 0;
for (var i=0; i<messages.length; i++) {
result += "<tr><td class='c" + c + "'>" +
addURL(WarningMessages[messages[i][2]]) + "</td></tr>";
c = 1 - c;
result += "</table></div>";
if (result.length > 0) {
return "<br><span style='background-color:" + color + "'><b>" +
header + ": " + totalMessages +
"</b></span><blockquote><table class='t1'>" +
result + "</table></blockquote>";
return ""; // empty section
function generateSectionsBySeverity() {
var result = "";
var groups = groupWarningsBySeverity();
for (s=0; s<SeverityColors.length; s++) {
result += createWarningSection(SeverityHeaders[s], SeverityColors[s], groups[s]);
return result;
function generateSectionsByProject() {
var result = "";
var groups = groupWarningsByProject();
for (i=0; i<groups.length; i++) {
result += createWarningSection(ProjectNames[i], 'lightgrey', groups[i]);
return result;
function groupWarnings(generator) {
GlobalAnchor = 0;
var e = document.getElementById("warning_groups");
e.innerHTML = generator();
function groupBySeverity() {
function groupByProject() {
# Emit a JavaScript const string
def emit_const_string(name, value):
print('const ' + name + ' = "' + escape_string(value) + '";')
# Emit a JavaScript const integer array.
def emit_const_int_array(name, array):
print('const ' + name + ' = [')
for n in array:
print(str(n) + ',')
# Emit a JavaScript const string array.
def emit_const_string_array(name, array):
print('const ' + name + ' = [')
for s in array:
print('"' + strip_escape_string(s) + '",')
# Emit a JavaScript const string array for HTML.
def emit_const_html_string_array(name, array):
print('const ' + name + ' = [')
for s in array:
# Not using html.escape yet, to work for both python 2 and 3,
# until all users switch to python 3.
# pylint:disable=deprecated-method
print('"' + cgi.escape(strip_escape_string(s)) + '",')
# Emit a JavaScript const object array.
def emit_const_object_array(name, array):
print('const ' + name + ' = [')
for x in array:
print(str(x) + ',')
def emit_js_data():
"""Dump dynamic HTML page's static JavaScript data."""
emit_const_string('FlagURL', args.url if args.url else '')
emit_const_string('FlagSeparator', args.separator if args.separator else '')
emit_const_string_array('SeverityColors', [s.color for s in Severity.levels])
[s.header for s in Severity.levels])
[s.column_header for s in Severity.levels])
emit_const_string_array('ProjectNames', project_names)
# pytype: disable=attribute-error
[w['severity'].value for w in warn_patterns])
# pytype: enable=attribute-error
[w['description'] for w in warn_patterns])
[w['option'] for w in warn_patterns])
emit_const_html_string_array('WarningMessages', warning_messages)
emit_const_object_array('Warnings', warning_records)
draw_table_javascript = """
google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['table']});
function drawTable() {
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('string', StatsHeader[0]);
for (var i=1; i<StatsHeader.length; i++) {
data.addColumn('number', StatsHeader[i]);
for (var i=0; i<StatsRows.length; i++) {
for (var j=0; j<StatsHeader.length; j++) {
data.setProperty(i, j, 'style', 'border:1px solid black;');
var table = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById('stats_table'));
table.draw(data, {allowHtml: true, alternatingRowStyle: true});
def dump_html():
"""Dump the html output to stdout."""
dump_html_prologue('Warnings for ' + platform_version + ' - ' +
target_product + ' - ' + target_variant)
print('<br><div id="stats_table"></div><br>')
# Warning messages are grouped by severities or project names.
print('<br><div id="warning_groups"></div>')
if args.byproject:
##### Functions to count warnings and dump csv file. #########################
def description_for_csv(category):
if not category['description']:
return '?'
return category['description']
def count_severity(writer, sev, kind):
"""Count warnings of given severity."""
total = 0
for i in warn_patterns:
if i['severity'] == sev and i['members']:
n = len(i['members'])
total += n
warning = kind + ': ' + description_for_csv(i)
writer.writerow([n, '', warning])
# print number of warnings for each project, ordered by project name.
# pytype: disable=attribute-error
projects = sorted(i['projects'].keys())
# pytype: enable=attribute-error
for p in projects:
writer.writerow([i['projects'][p], p, warning])
writer.writerow([total, '', kind + ' warnings'])
return total
# dump number of warnings in csv format to stdout
def dump_csv(writer):
"""Dump number of warnings in csv format to stdout."""
total = 0
for s in Severity.levels:
if s != Severity.SEVERITY_UNKNOWN:
total += count_severity(writer, s, s.column_header)
writer.writerow([total, '', 'All warnings'])
def common_main(parallel_process):
"""Real main function to classify warnings and generate .html file."""
# We must use 'utf-8' codec to parse some non-ASCII code in warnings.
warning_lines = parse_input_file(
io.open(args.buildlog, mode='r', encoding='utf-8'))
parallel_classify_warnings(warning_lines, parallel_process)
# If a user pases a csv path, save the fileoutput to the path
# If the user also passed gencsv write the output to stdout
# If the user did not pass gencsv flag dump the html report to stdout.
if args.csvpath:
with open(args.csvpath, 'w') as f:
dump_csv(csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n'))
if args.gencsv:
dump_csv(csv.writer(sys.stdout, lineterminator='\n'))