The following commands were used to generate the test key pair:
openssl genrsa -3 -out testkey.pem 2048
openssl req -new -x509 -key testkey.pem -out testkey.x509.pem -days 10000 \
-subj '/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Android/OU=Android/CN=Android/'
openssl pkcs8 -in testkey.pem -topk8 -outform DER -out testkey.pk8 -nocrypt
Alternatively you can use the "" command included in this directory.
The following standard test keys are currently included:
testkey -- a generic key for packages that do not otherwise specify a key.
platform -- a test key for packages that are part of the core platform.
shared -- a test key for things that are shared in the home/contacts process.
media -- a test key for packages that are part of the media/download system.
These test keys are used strictly in development, and should never be assumed
to convey any sort of validity. When $BUILD_SECURE=true, the code should not
honor these keys in any context.
signing using the openssl commandline (for boot/system images)
1. convert pk8 format key to pem format
% openssl pkcs8 -inform DER -nocrypt -in testkey.pk8 -out testkey.pem
2. create a signature using the pem format key
% openssl dgst -binary -sha1 -sign testkey.pem FILE > FILE.sig
extracting public keys for embedding
it's a Java tool
but it generates C code
take a look at commands/recovery/
you'll see it running $(HOST_OUT_JAVA_LIBRARIES)/dumpkey.jar