To support extra files in package-modules.mk, allow the user to set my_copy_pairs to a list of src:dest pairs that will be copied into the zip file. Test: build-aosp_arm.ninja is identical before/after Test: codesearch says that these variables aren't otherwise used Test: set my_copy_pairs, ensure that they exist in the zip. Change-Id: Ia80cd136db8ad37a71010baf0552621b281c8bc3
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79 lines
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# Package up modules to a zip file.
# It preserves the install path of the modules' installed files.
# Input variables:
# my_modules: a list of module names
# my_package_name: the name of the output zip file.
# my_copy_pairs: a list of extra files to install (in src:dest format)
# Output variables:
# my_package_zip: the path to the output zip file.
my_makefile := $(lastword $(filter-out $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),$(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
my_staging_dir := $(call intermediates-dir-for,PACKAGING,$(my_package_name))
my_built_modules := $(foreach p,$(my_copy_pairs),$(call word-colon,1,$(p)))
my_copy_pairs := $(foreach p,$(my_copy_pairs),$(call word-colon,1,$(p)):$(my_staging_dir)/$(call word-colon,2,$(p)))
my_pickup_files :=
# Iterate over the modules and include their direct dependencies stated in the
my_modules_and_deps := $(my_modules)
$(foreach m,$(my_modules),\
$(eval _explicitly_required := \
$(eval my_modules_and_deps += $(_explicitly_required))\
# Ignore unknown installed files on partial builds
my_missing_files :=
my_missing_files = $(shell $(call echo-warning,$(my_makefile),$(my_package_name): Unknown installed file for module '$(1)'))
# Iterate over modules' built files and installed files;
# Calculate the dest files in the output zip file.
$(foreach m,$(my_modules_and_deps),\
$(eval _pickup_files := $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).PICKUP_FILES)\
$(eval _built_files := $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUILT_INSTALLED)\
$(if $(_pickup_files)$(_built_files),,\
$(call my_missing_files,$(m)))\
$(eval my_pickup_files += $(_pickup_files))\
$(foreach i, $(_built_files),\
$(eval bui_ins := $(subst :,$(space),$(i)))\
$(eval ins := $(word 2,$(bui_ins)))\
$(if $(filter $(TARGET_OUT_ROOT)/%,$(ins)),\
$(eval bui := $(word 1,$(bui_ins)))\
$(eval my_built_modules += $(bui))\
$(eval my_copy_dest := $(patsubst data/%,DATA/%,\
$(patsubst system/%,DATA/%,\
$(patsubst $(PRODUCT_OUT)/%,%,$(ins)))))\
$(eval my_copy_pairs += $(bui):$(my_staging_dir)/$(my_copy_dest)))\
my_package_zip := $(my_staging_dir)/$(my_package_name).zip
$(my_package_zip): PRIVATE_COPY_PAIRS := $(my_copy_pairs)
$(my_package_zip): PRIVATE_PICKUP_FILES := $(my_pickup_files)
$(my_package_zip) : $(my_built_modules)
@echo "Package $@"
@rm -rf $(dir $@) && mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(foreach p, $(PRIVATE_COPY_PAIRS),\
$(eval pair := $(subst :,$(space),$(p)))\
mkdir -p $(dir $(word 2,$(pair))) && \
cp -Rf $(word 1,$(pair)) $(word 2,$(pair)) && ) true
$(hide) $(foreach f, $(PRIVATE_PICKUP_FILES),\
cp -RfL $(f) $(dir $@) && ) true
$(hide) cd $(dir $@) && zip -rqX $(notdir $@) *
my_makefile :=
my_staging_dir :=
my_built_modules :=
my_copy_dest :=
my_copy_pairs :=
my_pickup_files :=
my_missing_files :=
my_modules_and_deps :=