#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import fnmatch import html import io import json import os import pathlib import subprocess import types import sys class Graph: def __init__(self, modules): def get_or_make_node(dictionary, id, module): node = dictionary.get(id) if node: if module and not node.module: node.module = module return node node = Node(id, module) dictionary[id] = node return node self.nodes = dict() for module in modules.values(): node = get_or_make_node(self.nodes, module.id, module) for d in module.deps: dep = get_or_make_node(self.nodes, d.id, None) node.deps.add(dep) dep.rdeps.add(node) node.dep_tags.setdefault(dep, list()).append(d) def find_paths(self, id1, id2): # Throws KeyError if one of the names isn't found def recurse(node1, node2, visited): result = set() for dep in node1.rdeps: if dep == node2: result.add(node2) if dep not in visited: visited.add(dep) found = recurse(dep, node2, visited) if found: result |= found result.add(dep) return result node1 = self.nodes[id1] node2 = self.nodes[id2] # Take either direction p = recurse(node1, node2, set()) if p: p.add(node1) return p p = recurse(node2, node1, set()) p.add(node2) return p class Node: def __init__(self, id, module): self.id = id self.module = module self.deps = set() self.rdeps = set() self.dep_tags = {} PROVIDERS = [ "android/soong/java.JarJarProviderData", "android/soong/java.BaseJarJarProviderData", ] def format_dep_label(node, dep): tags = node.dep_tags.get(dep) labels = [] if tags: labels = [tag.tag_type.split("/")[-1] for tag in tags] labels = sorted(set(labels)) if labels: result = "<" for label in labels: result += f"" result += "
>" return result def format_node_label(node, module_formatter): result = "<" # node name result += f"" if node.module: # node_type result += f"" # module_formatter will return a list of rows for row in module_formatter(node.module): row = html.escape(row) result += f"" result += "
{node.module.name if node.module else node.id}
>" return result def format_source_pos(file, lineno): result = file if lineno: result += f":{lineno}" return result STRIP_TYPE_PREFIXES = [ "android/soong/", "github.com/google/", ] def format_provider(provider): result = "" for prefix in STRIP_TYPE_PREFIXES: if provider.type.startswith(prefix): result = provider.type[len(prefix):] break if not result: result = provider.type if True and provider.debug: result += " (" + provider.debug + ")" return result def load_soong_debug(): # Read the json try: with open(SOONG_DEBUG_DATA_FILENAME) as f: info = json.load(f, object_hook=lambda d: types.SimpleNamespace(**d)) except IOError: sys.stderr.write(f"error: Unable to open {SOONG_DEBUG_DATA_FILENAME}. Make sure you have" + " built with GENERATE_SOONG_DEBUG.\n") sys.exit(1) # Construct IDs, which are name + variant if the name_counts = dict() for m in info.modules: name_counts[m.name] = name_counts.get(m.name, 0) + 1 def get_id(m): result = m.name if name_counts[m.name] > 1 and m.variant: result += "@@" + m.variant return result for m in info.modules: m.id = get_id(m) for dep in m.deps: dep.id = get_id(dep) return info def load_modules(): info = load_soong_debug() # Filter out unnamed modules modules = dict() for m in info.modules: if not m.name: continue modules[m.id] = m return modules def load_graph(): modules=load_modules() return Graph(modules) def module_selection_args(parser): parser.add_argument("modules", nargs="*", help="Modules to match. Can be glob-style wildcards.") parser.add_argument("--provider", nargs="+", help="Match the given providers.") parser.add_argument("--dep", nargs="+", help="Match the given providers.") def load_and_filter_modules(args): # Which modules are printed matchers = [] if args.modules: matchers.append(lambda m: [True for pattern in args.modules if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(m.name, pattern)]) if args.provider: matchers.append(lambda m: [True for pattern in args.provider if [True for p in m.providers if p.type.endswith(pattern)]]) if args.dep: matchers.append(lambda m: [True for pattern in args.dep if [True for d in m.deps if d.id == pattern]]) if not matchers: sys.stderr.write("error: At least one module matcher must be supplied\n") sys.exit(1) info = load_soong_debug() for m in sorted(info.modules, key=lambda m: (m.name, m.variant)): if len([matcher for matcher in matchers if matcher(m)]) == len(matchers): yield m def print_args(parser): parser.add_argument("--label", action="append", metavar="JQ_FILTER", help="jq query for each module metadata") parser.add_argument("--deptags", action="store_true", help="show dependency tags (makes the graph much more complex)") group = parser.add_argument_group("output formats", "If no format is provided, a dot file will be written to" + " stdout.") output = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() output.add_argument("--dot", type=str, metavar="FILENAME", help="Write the graph to this file as dot (graphviz format)") output.add_argument("--svg", type=str, metavar="FILENAME", help="Write the graph to this file as svg") def print_nodes(args, nodes, module_formatter): # Generate the graphviz dep_tag_id = 0 dot = io.StringIO() dot.write("digraph {\n") dot.write("node [shape=box];") for node in nodes: dot.write(f"\"{node.id}\" [label={format_node_label(node, module_formatter)}];\n") for dep in node.deps: if dep in nodes: if args.deptags: dot.write(f"\"{node.id}\" -> \"__dep_tag_{dep_tag_id}\" [ arrowhead=none ];\n") dot.write(f"\"__dep_tag_{dep_tag_id}\" -> \"{dep.id}\";\n") dot.write(f"\"__dep_tag_{dep_tag_id}\"" + f"[label={format_dep_label(node, dep)} shape=ellipse" + " color=\"#666666\" fontcolor=\"#666666\"];\n") else: dot.write(f"\"{node.id}\" -> \"{dep.id}\";\n") dep_tag_id += 1 dot.write("}\n") text = dot.getvalue() # Write it somewhere if args.dot: with open(args.dot, "w") as f: f.write(text) elif args.svg: subprocess.run(["dot", "-Tsvg", "-o", args.svg], input=text, text=True, check=True) else: sys.stdout.write(text) def get_deps(nodes, root, maxdepth, reverse): if root in nodes: return nodes.add(root) if maxdepth != 0: for dep in (root.rdeps if reverse else root.deps): get_deps(nodes, dep, maxdepth-1, reverse) def new_module_formatter(args): def module_formatter(module): if not args.label: return [] result = [] text = json.dumps(module, default=lambda o: o.__dict__) for jq_filter in args.label: proc = subprocess.run(["jq", jq_filter], input=text, text=True, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if proc.stdout: o = json.loads(proc.stdout) if type(o) == list: for row in o: if row: result.append(row) elif type(o) == dict: result.append(str(proc.stdout).strip()) else: if o: result.append(str(o).strip()) return result return module_formatter class BetweenCommand: help = "Print the module graph between two nodes." def args(self, parser): parser.add_argument("module", nargs=2, help="the two modules") print_args(parser) def run(self, args): graph = load_graph() print_nodes(args, graph.find_paths(args.module[0], args.module[1]), new_module_formatter(args)) class DepsCommand: help = "Print the module graph of dependencies of one or more modules" def args(self, parser): parser.add_argument("module", nargs="+", help="Module to print dependencies of") parser.add_argument("--reverse", action="store_true", help="traverse reverse dependencies") parser.add_argument("--depth", type=int, default=-1, help="max depth of dependencies (can keep the graph size reasonable)") print_args(parser) def run(self, args): graph = load_graph() nodes = set() err = False for id in args.module: root = graph.nodes.get(id) if not root: sys.stderr.write(f"error: Can't find root: {id}\n") err = True continue get_deps(nodes, root, args.depth, args.reverse) if err: sys.exit(1) print_nodes(args, nodes, new_module_formatter(args)) class IdCommand: help = "Print the id (name + variant) of matching modules" def args(self, parser): module_selection_args(parser) def run(self, args): for m in load_and_filter_modules(args): print(m.id) class JsonCommand: help = "Print metadata about modules in json format" def args(self, parser): module_selection_args(parser) parser.add_argument("--list", action="store_true", help="Print the results in a json list. If not set and multiple" + " modules are matched, the output won't be valid json.") def run(self, args): modules = load_and_filter_modules(args) if args.list: json.dump([m for m in modules], sys.stdout, indent=4, default=lambda o: o.__dict__) else: for m in modules: json.dump(m, sys.stdout, indent=4, default=lambda o: o.__dict__) print() class QueryCommand: help = "Query details about modules" def args(self, parser): module_selection_args(parser) def run(self, args): for m in load_and_filter_modules(args): print(m.id) print(f" type: {m.type}") print(f" location: {format_source_pos(m.source_file, m.source_line)}") for p in m.providers: print(f" provider: {format_provider(p)}") for d in m.deps: print(f" dep: {d.id}") COMMANDS = { "between": BetweenCommand(), "deps": DepsCommand(), "id": IdCommand(), "json": JsonCommand(), "query": QueryCommand(), } def assert_env(name): val = os.getenv(name) if not val: sys.stderr.write(f"{name} not set. please make sure you've run lunch.") return val ANDROID_BUILD_TOP = assert_env("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP") TARGET_PRODUCT = assert_env("TARGET_PRODUCT") OUT_DIR = os.getenv("OUT_DIR") if not OUT_DIR: OUT_DIR = "out" if OUT_DIR[0] != "/": OUT_DIR = pathlib.Path(ANDROID_BUILD_TOP).joinpath(OUT_DIR) SOONG_DEBUG_DATA_FILENAME = pathlib.Path(OUT_DIR).joinpath("soong/soong-debug-info.json") def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(required=True, dest="command") for name in sorted(COMMANDS.keys()): command = COMMANDS[name] subparser = subparsers.add_parser(name, help=command.help) command.args(subparser) args = parser.parse_args() COMMANDS[args.command].run(args) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()