Colin Cross 31076b3185 Move stubs related methods out of LinkableInterface
The stubs methods are very specific to cc for now, move them out
of LinkableInterface so they are not shared with rust.  Instead,
create a cc.Module.library field that contains the libraryInterface
to simplify calling libraryInterface methods on cc modules.

Test: all Soong tests
Test: no change to Soong outputs
Change-Id: I0289d866ce1f7a765631fe3101a62b1b4988ba1c
2020-10-29 14:17:54 -07:00

180 lines
6.2 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cc
// The platform needs to provide the following artifacts for the NDK:
// 1. Bionic headers.
// 2. Platform API headers.
// 3. NDK stub shared libraries.
// 4. Bionic static libraries.
// TODO(danalbert): All of the above need to include NOTICE files.
// Components 1 and 2: Headers
// The bionic and platform API headers are generalized into a single
// `ndk_headers` rule. This rule has a `from` property that indicates a base
// directory from which headers are to be taken, and a `to` property that
// indicates where in the sysroot they should reside relative to usr/include.
// There is also a `srcs` property that is glob compatible for specifying which
// headers to include.
// Component 3: Stub Libraries
// The shared libraries in the NDK are not the actual shared libraries they
// refer to (to prevent people from accidentally loading them), but stub
// libraries with dummy implementations of everything for use at build time
// only.
// Since we don't actually need to know anything about the stub libraries aside
// from a list of functions and globals to be exposed, we can create these for
// every platform level in the current tree. This is handled by the
// ndk_library rule.
// Component 4: Static Libraries
// The NDK only provides static libraries for bionic, not the platform APIs.
// Since these need to be the actual implementation, we can't build old versions
// in the current platform tree. As such, legacy versions are checked in
// prebuilt to development/ndk, and a current version is built and archived as
// part of the platform build. The platfrom already builds these libraries, our
// NDK build rules only need to archive them for retrieval so they can be added
// to the prebuilts.
// TODO(danalbert): Write `ndk_static_library` rule.
import (
func init() {
android.RegisterModuleType("ndk_headers", ndkHeadersFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("ndk_library", NdkLibraryFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("versioned_ndk_headers", versionedNdkHeadersFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("preprocessed_ndk_headers", preprocessedNdkHeadersFactory)
android.RegisterSingletonType("ndk", NdkSingleton)
func getNdkInstallBase(ctx android.PathContext) android.InstallPath {
return android.PathForNdkInstall(ctx)
// Returns the main install directory for the NDK sysroot. Usable with --sysroot.
func getNdkSysrootBase(ctx android.PathContext) android.InstallPath {
return getNdkInstallBase(ctx).Join(ctx, "sysroot")
// The base timestamp file depends on the NDK headers and stub shared libraries,
// but not the static libraries. This distinction is needed because the static
// libraries themselves might need to depend on the base sysroot.
func getNdkBaseTimestampFile(ctx android.PathContext) android.WritablePath {
return android.PathForOutput(ctx, "ndk_base.timestamp")
// The full timestamp file depends on the base timestamp *and* the static
// libraries.
func getNdkFullTimestampFile(ctx android.PathContext) android.WritablePath {
return android.PathForOutput(ctx, "ndk.timestamp")
func NdkSingleton() android.Singleton {
return &ndkSingleton{}
type ndkSingleton struct{}
func (n *ndkSingleton) GenerateBuildActions(ctx android.SingletonContext) {
var staticLibInstallPaths android.Paths
var installPaths android.Paths
var licensePaths android.Paths
ctx.VisitAllModules(func(module android.Module) {
if m, ok := module.(android.Module); ok && !m.Enabled() {
if m, ok := module.(*headerModule); ok {
if ctx.Config().ExcludeDraftNdkApis() && {
installPaths = append(installPaths, m.installPaths...)
licensePaths = append(licensePaths, m.licensePath)
if m, ok := module.(*versionedHeaderModule); ok {
if ctx.Config().ExcludeDraftNdkApis() && {
installPaths = append(installPaths, m.installPaths...)
licensePaths = append(licensePaths, m.licensePath)
if m, ok := module.(*preprocessedHeadersModule); ok {
if ctx.Config().ExcludeDraftNdkApis() && {
installPaths = append(installPaths, m.installPaths...)
licensePaths = append(licensePaths, m.licensePath)
if m, ok := module.(*Module); ok {
if installer, ok := m.installer.(*stubDecorator); ok && m.library.buildStubs() {
if ctx.Config().ExcludeDraftNdkApis() && {
installPaths = append(installPaths, installer.installPath)
if library, ok := m.linker.(*libraryDecorator); ok {
if library.ndkSysrootPath != nil {
staticLibInstallPaths = append(
staticLibInstallPaths, library.ndkSysrootPath)
// Include only a single copy of each license file. The Bionic NOTICE is
// long and is referenced by multiple Bionic modules.
licensePaths = android.FirstUniquePaths(licensePaths)
combinedLicense := getNdkInstallBase(ctx).Join(ctx, "NOTICE")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: android.Cat,
Description: "combine licenses",
Output: combinedLicense,
Inputs: licensePaths,
baseDepPaths := append(installPaths, combinedLicense)
// There's a dummy "ndk" rule defined in ndk/ that depends on
// this. `m ndk` will build the sysroots.
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: android.Touch,
Output: getNdkBaseTimestampFile(ctx),
Implicits: baseDepPaths,
fullDepPaths := append(staticLibInstallPaths, getNdkBaseTimestampFile(ctx))
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: android.Touch,
Output: getNdkFullTimestampFile(ctx),
Implicits: fullDepPaths,