Ulf Adams 7e7ef56077 Soong: remove output file before running signapk
It looks like there is a bug in rewrapper/reproxy that makes it upload the
output file as an input if it still exists in the output tree. This causes
unnecessary cache misses on incremental builds, and can also cause the
action to fail remotely (depending on the service). By removing the output
file at the beginning of the action, we ensure that it can't be uploaded.

Test: ran against a remote execution server; actions no longer fail remotely
Change-Id: Iaac2b23b35d2c876c0244edbfd4a8f159df0563c
2020-11-25 23:07:23 +01:00

259 lines
8.3 KiB

// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package java
// This file generates the final rules for compiling all Java. All properties related to
// compiling should have been translated into javaBuilderFlags or another argument to the Transform*
// functions.
import (
var (
Signapk, SignapkRE = remoteexec.StaticRules(pctx, "signapk",
Command: `rm -f $out && $reTemplate${config.JavaCmd} ${config.JavaVmFlags} -Djava.library.path=$$(dirname ${config.SignapkJniLibrary}) ` +
`-jar ${config.SignapkCmd} $flags $certificates $in $out`,
CommandDeps: []string{"${config.SignapkCmd}", "${config.SignapkJniLibrary}"},
&remoteexec.REParams{Labels: map[string]string{"type": "tool", "name": "signapk"},
ExecStrategy: "${config.RESignApkExecStrategy}",
Inputs: []string{"${config.SignapkCmd}", "$in", "$$(dirname ${config.SignapkJniLibrary})", "$implicits"},
OutputFiles: []string{"$outCommaList"},
ToolchainInputs: []string{"${config.JavaCmd}"},
Platform: map[string]string{remoteexec.PoolKey: "${config.REJavaPool}"},
}, []string{"flags", "certificates"}, []string{"implicits", "outCommaList"})
var combineApk = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("combineApk",
Command: `${config.MergeZipsCmd} $out $in`,
CommandDeps: []string{"${config.MergeZipsCmd}"},
func CreateAndSignAppPackage(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.WritablePath,
packageFile, jniJarFile, dexJarFile android.Path, certificates []Certificate, deps android.Paths, v4SignatureFile android.WritablePath, lineageFile android.Path) {
unsignedApkName := strings.TrimSuffix(outputFile.Base(), ".apk") + "-unsigned.apk"
unsignedApk := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, unsignedApkName)
var inputs android.Paths
if dexJarFile != nil {
inputs = append(inputs, dexJarFile)
inputs = append(inputs, packageFile)
if jniJarFile != nil {
inputs = append(inputs, jniJarFile)
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: combineApk,
Inputs: inputs,
Output: unsignedApk,
Implicits: deps,
SignAppPackage(ctx, outputFile, unsignedApk, certificates, v4SignatureFile, lineageFile)
func SignAppPackage(ctx android.ModuleContext, signedApk android.WritablePath, unsignedApk android.Path, certificates []Certificate, v4SignatureFile android.WritablePath, lineageFile android.Path) {
var certificateArgs []string
var deps android.Paths
for _, c := range certificates {
certificateArgs = append(certificateArgs, c.Pem.String(), c.Key.String())
deps = append(deps, c.Pem, c.Key)
outputFiles := android.WritablePaths{signedApk}
var flags []string
if v4SignatureFile != nil {
outputFiles = append(outputFiles, v4SignatureFile)
flags = append(flags, "--enable-v4")
if lineageFile != nil {
flags = append(flags, "--lineage", lineageFile.String())
deps = append(deps, lineageFile)
rule := Signapk
args := map[string]string{
"certificates": strings.Join(certificateArgs, " "),
"flags": strings.Join(flags, " "),
if ctx.Config().UseRBE() && ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("RBE_SIGNAPK") {
rule = SignapkRE
args["implicits"] = strings.Join(deps.Strings(), ",")
args["outCommaList"] = strings.Join(outputFiles.Strings(), ",")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: rule,
Description: "signapk",
Outputs: outputFiles,
Input: unsignedApk,
Implicits: deps,
Args: args,
var buildAAR = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("buildAAR",
Command: `rm -rf ${outDir} && mkdir -p ${outDir} && ` +
`cp ${manifest} ${outDir}/AndroidManifest.xml && ` +
`cp ${classesJar} ${outDir}/classes.jar && ` +
`cp ${rTxt} ${outDir}/R.txt && ` +
`${config.SoongZipCmd} -jar -o $out -C ${outDir} -D ${outDir}`,
CommandDeps: []string{"${config.SoongZipCmd}"},
"manifest", "classesJar", "rTxt", "outDir")
func BuildAAR(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.WritablePath,
classesJar, manifest, rTxt android.Path, res android.Paths) {
// TODO(ccross): uniquify and copy resources with dependencies
deps := android.Paths{manifest, rTxt}
classesJarPath := ""
if classesJar != nil {
deps = append(deps, classesJar)
classesJarPath = classesJar.String()
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: buildAAR,
Description: "aar",
Implicits: deps,
Output: outputFile,
Args: map[string]string{
"manifest": manifest.String(),
"classesJar": classesJarPath,
"rTxt": rTxt.String(),
"outDir": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "aar").String(),
var buildBundleModule = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("buildBundleModule",
Command: `${config.MergeZipsCmd} ${out} ${in}`,
CommandDeps: []string{"${config.MergeZipsCmd}"},
var bundleMungePackage = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("bundleMungePackage",
Command: `${config.Zip2ZipCmd} -i ${in} -o ${out} AndroidManifest.xml:manifest/AndroidManifest.xml resources.pb "res/**/*" "assets/**/*"`,
CommandDeps: []string{"${config.Zip2ZipCmd}"},
var bundleMungeDexJar = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("bundleMungeDexJar",
Command: `${config.Zip2ZipCmd} -i ${in} -o ${out} "classes*.dex:dex/" && ` +
`${config.Zip2ZipCmd} -i ${in} -o ${resJar} -x "classes*.dex" "**/*:root/"`,
CommandDeps: []string{"${config.Zip2ZipCmd}"},
}, "resJar")
// Builds an app into a module suitable for input to bundletool
func BuildBundleModule(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.WritablePath,
packageFile, jniJarFile, dexJarFile android.Path) {
protoResJarFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "package-res.pb.apk")
aapt2Convert(ctx, protoResJarFile, packageFile)
var zips android.Paths
mungedPackage := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "bundle", "")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: bundleMungePackage,
Input: protoResJarFile,
Output: mungedPackage,
Description: "bundle apk",
zips = append(zips, mungedPackage)
if dexJarFile != nil {
mungedDexJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "bundle", "")
mungedResJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "bundle", "")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: bundleMungeDexJar,
Input: dexJarFile,
Output: mungedDexJar,
ImplicitOutput: mungedResJar,
Description: "bundle dex",
Args: map[string]string{
"resJar": mungedResJar.String(),
zips = append(zips, mungedDexJar, mungedResJar)
if jniJarFile != nil {
zips = append(zips, jniJarFile)
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: buildBundleModule,
Inputs: zips,
Output: outputFile,
Description: "bundle",
func TransformJniLibsToJar(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.WritablePath,
jniLibs []jniLib, uncompressJNI bool) {
var deps android.Paths
jarArgs := []string{
"-j", // junk paths, they will be added back with -P arguments
if uncompressJNI {
jarArgs = append(jarArgs, "-L", "0")
for _, j := range jniLibs {
deps = append(deps, j.path)
jarArgs = append(jarArgs,
"-P", targetToJniDir(,
"-f", j.path.String())
rule := zip
args := map[string]string{
"jarArgs": strings.Join(proptools.NinjaAndShellEscapeList(jarArgs), " "),
if ctx.Config().UseRBE() && ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("RBE_ZIP") {
rule = zipRE
args["implicits"] = strings.Join(deps.Strings(), ",")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: rule,
Description: "zip jni libs",
Output: outputFile,
Implicits: deps,
Args: args,
func targetToJniDir(target android.Target) string {
return filepath.Join("lib", target.Arch.Abi[0])