Rust installed files reside in "$MODULE_OUT/stripped/" when they are stripped, otherwise they reside in "$MODULE_OUT". However, other parts of Soong assume that installed files are always in $MODULE_OUT (cc_modules place *unstripped* files in $MODULE_OUT/unstripped). This notably causes problems when adding Rust modules as test data in AndroidMkDataPaths. When Rust modules are parsed by AndroidMkDataPaths, if they are stripped then they incorrectly get installed as test data with the path: <install_root>/<relative_install_path>/stripped/file. This CL refactors how we handle Rust stripped output such that the installed file always resides in $MODULE_OUT. Bug: 171710847 Test: Installed files now always reside in $MODULE_OUT Change-Id: I53a6ff57a0a5a55cd95ea78ae592ce22abfa20c9
373 lines
13 KiB
373 lines
13 KiB
// Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package rust
import (
var (
_ = pctx.SourcePathVariable("rustcCmd", "${config.RustBin}/rustc")
rustc = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("rustc",
Command: "$envVars $rustcCmd " +
"-C linker=${config.RustLinker} " +
"-C link-args=\"${crtBegin} ${config.RustLinkerArgs} ${linkFlags} ${crtEnd}\" " +
"--emit link -o $out --emit dep-info=$out.d.raw $in ${libFlags} $rustcFlags" +
" && grep \"^$out:\" $out.d.raw > $out.d",
CommandDeps: []string{"$rustcCmd"},
// Rustc deps-info writes out make compatible dep files: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/7633
// Rustc emits unneeded dependency lines for the .d and input .rs files.
// Those extra lines cause ninja warning:
// "warning: depfile has multiple output paths"
// For ninja, we keep/grep only the dependency rule for the rust $out file.
Deps: blueprint.DepsGCC,
Depfile: "$out.d",
"rustcFlags", "linkFlags", "libFlags", "crtBegin", "crtEnd", "envVars")
_ = pctx.SourcePathVariable("rustdocCmd", "${config.RustBin}/rustdoc")
rustdoc = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("rustdoc",
Command: "$envVars $rustdocCmd $rustdocFlags $in -o $outDir && " +
"touch $out",
CommandDeps: []string{"$rustdocCmd"},
"rustdocFlags", "outDir", "envVars")
_ = pctx.SourcePathVariable("clippyCmd", "${config.RustBin}/clippy-driver")
clippyDriver = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("clippy",
Command: "$envVars $clippyCmd " +
// Because clippy-driver uses rustc as backend, we need to have some output even during the linting.
// Use the metadata output as it has the smallest footprint.
"--emit metadata -o $out --emit dep-info=$out.d.raw $in ${libFlags} " +
"$rustcFlags $clippyFlags" +
" && grep \"^$out:\" $out.d.raw > $out.d",
CommandDeps: []string{"$clippyCmd"},
Deps: blueprint.DepsGCC,
Depfile: "$out.d",
"rustcFlags", "libFlags", "clippyFlags", "envVars")
zip = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("zip",
Command: "cat $out.rsp | tr ' ' '\\n' | tr -d \\' | sort -u > ${out}.tmp && ${SoongZipCmd} -o ${out} -C $$OUT_DIR -l ${out}.tmp",
CommandDeps: []string{"${SoongZipCmd}"},
Rspfile: "$out.rsp",
RspfileContent: "$in",
cp = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("cp",
Command: "cp `cat $outDir.rsp` $outDir",
Rspfile: "${outDir}.rsp",
RspfileContent: "$in",
type buildOutput struct {
outputFile android.Path
func init() {
pctx.HostBinToolVariable("SoongZipCmd", "soong_zip")
func TransformSrcToBinary(ctx ModuleContext, mainSrc android.Path, deps PathDeps, flags Flags,
outputFile android.WritablePath) buildOutput {
flags.GlobalRustFlags = append(flags.GlobalRustFlags, "-C lto=thin")
return transformSrctoCrate(ctx, mainSrc, deps, flags, outputFile, "bin")
func TransformSrctoRlib(ctx ModuleContext, mainSrc android.Path, deps PathDeps, flags Flags,
outputFile android.WritablePath) buildOutput {
return transformSrctoCrate(ctx, mainSrc, deps, flags, outputFile, "rlib")
func TransformSrctoDylib(ctx ModuleContext, mainSrc android.Path, deps PathDeps, flags Flags,
outputFile android.WritablePath) buildOutput {
return transformSrctoCrate(ctx, mainSrc, deps, flags, outputFile, "dylib")
func TransformSrctoStatic(ctx ModuleContext, mainSrc android.Path, deps PathDeps, flags Flags,
outputFile android.WritablePath) buildOutput {
flags.GlobalRustFlags = append(flags.GlobalRustFlags, "-C lto=thin")
return transformSrctoCrate(ctx, mainSrc, deps, flags, outputFile, "staticlib")
func TransformSrctoShared(ctx ModuleContext, mainSrc android.Path, deps PathDeps, flags Flags,
outputFile android.WritablePath) buildOutput {
flags.GlobalRustFlags = append(flags.GlobalRustFlags, "-C lto=thin")
return transformSrctoCrate(ctx, mainSrc, deps, flags, outputFile, "cdylib")
func TransformSrctoProcMacro(ctx ModuleContext, mainSrc android.Path, deps PathDeps,
flags Flags, outputFile android.WritablePath) buildOutput {
return transformSrctoCrate(ctx, mainSrc, deps, flags, outputFile, "proc-macro")
func rustLibsToPaths(libs RustLibraries) android.Paths {
var paths android.Paths
for _, lib := range libs {
paths = append(paths, lib.Path)
return paths
func makeLibFlags(deps PathDeps) []string {
var libFlags []string
// Collect library/crate flags
for _, lib := range deps.RLibs {
libFlags = append(libFlags, "--extern "+lib.CrateName+"="+lib.Path.String())
for _, lib := range deps.DyLibs {
libFlags = append(libFlags, "--extern "+lib.CrateName+"="+lib.Path.String())
for _, proc_macro := range deps.ProcMacros {
libFlags = append(libFlags, "--extern "+proc_macro.CrateName+"="+proc_macro.Path.String())
for _, path := range deps.linkDirs {
libFlags = append(libFlags, "-L "+path)
return libFlags
func rustEnvVars(ctx ModuleContext, deps PathDeps) []string {
var envVars []string
// libstd requires a specific environment variable to be set. This is
// not officially documented and may be removed in the future. See
// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/library/std/src/env.rs#L866.
if ctx.RustModule().CrateName() == "std" {
envVars = append(envVars, "STD_ENV_ARCH="+config.StdEnvArch[ctx.RustModule().Arch().ArchType])
if len(deps.SrcDeps) > 0 {
moduleGenDir := ctx.RustModule().compiler.CargoOutDir()
// We must calculate an absolute path for OUT_DIR since Rust's include! macro (which normally consumes this)
// assumes that paths are relative to the source file.
var outDirPrefix string
if !filepath.IsAbs(moduleGenDir.String()) {
// If OUT_DIR is not absolute, we use $$PWD to generate an absolute path (os.Getwd() returns '/')
outDirPrefix = "$$PWD/"
} else {
// If OUT_DIR is absolute, then moduleGenDir will be an absolute path, so we don't need to set this to anything.
outDirPrefix = ""
envVars = append(envVars, "OUT_DIR="+filepath.Join(outDirPrefix, moduleGenDir.String()))
return envVars
func transformSrctoCrate(ctx ModuleContext, main android.Path, deps PathDeps, flags Flags,
outputFile android.WritablePath, crateType string) buildOutput {
var inputs android.Paths
var implicits android.Paths
var output buildOutput
var rustcFlags, linkFlags []string
var implicitOutputs android.WritablePaths
output.outputFile = outputFile
crateName := ctx.RustModule().CrateName()
targetTriple := ctx.toolchain().RustTriple()
envVars := rustEnvVars(ctx, deps)
inputs = append(inputs, main)
// Collect rustc flags
rustcFlags = append(rustcFlags, flags.GlobalRustFlags...)
rustcFlags = append(rustcFlags, flags.RustFlags...)
rustcFlags = append(rustcFlags, "--crate-type="+crateType)
if crateName != "" {
rustcFlags = append(rustcFlags, "--crate-name="+crateName)
if targetTriple != "" {
rustcFlags = append(rustcFlags, "--target="+targetTriple)
linkFlags = append(linkFlags, "-target "+targetTriple)
// Suppress an implicit sysroot
rustcFlags = append(rustcFlags, "--sysroot=/dev/null")
// Collect linker flags
linkFlags = append(linkFlags, flags.GlobalLinkFlags...)
linkFlags = append(linkFlags, flags.LinkFlags...)
// Check if this module needs to use the bootstrap linker
if ctx.RustModule().Bootstrap() && !ctx.RustModule().InRecovery() && !ctx.RustModule().InRamdisk() && !ctx.RustModule().InVendorRamdisk() {
dynamicLinker := "-Wl,-dynamic-linker,/system/bin/bootstrap/linker"
if ctx.toolchain().Is64Bit() {
dynamicLinker += "64"
linkFlags = append(linkFlags, dynamicLinker)
libFlags := makeLibFlags(deps)
// Collect dependencies
implicits = append(implicits, rustLibsToPaths(deps.RLibs)...)
implicits = append(implicits, rustLibsToPaths(deps.DyLibs)...)
implicits = append(implicits, rustLibsToPaths(deps.ProcMacros)...)
implicits = append(implicits, deps.StaticLibs...)
implicits = append(implicits, deps.SharedLibDeps...)
implicits = append(implicits, deps.srcProviderFiles...)
if deps.CrtBegin.Valid() {
implicits = append(implicits, deps.CrtBegin.Path(), deps.CrtEnd.Path())
if len(deps.SrcDeps) > 0 {
moduleGenDir := ctx.RustModule().compiler.CargoOutDir()
var outputs android.WritablePaths
for _, genSrc := range deps.SrcDeps {
if android.SuffixInList(outputs.Strings(), genSubDir+genSrc.Base()) {
"multiple source providers generate the same filename output: "+genSrc.Base())
outputs = append(outputs, android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, genSubDir+genSrc.Base()))
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: cp,
Description: "cp " + moduleGenDir.Path().Rel(),
Outputs: outputs,
Inputs: deps.SrcDeps,
Args: map[string]string{
"outDir": moduleGenDir.String(),
implicits = append(implicits, outputs.Paths()...)
envVars = append(envVars, "ANDROID_RUST_VERSION="+config.RustDefaultVersion)
if ctx.RustModule().compiler.CargoEnvCompat() {
if _, ok := ctx.RustModule().compiler.(*binaryDecorator); ok {
envVars = append(envVars, "CARGO_BIN_NAME="+strings.TrimSuffix(outputFile.Base(), outputFile.Ext()))
envVars = append(envVars, "CARGO_CRATE_NAME="+ctx.RustModule().CrateName())
pkgVersion := ctx.RustModule().compiler.CargoPkgVersion()
if pkgVersion != "" {
envVars = append(envVars, "CARGO_PKG_VERSION="+pkgVersion)
if flags.Clippy {
clippyFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, outputFile.Base()+".clippy")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: clippyDriver,
Description: "clippy " + main.Rel(),
Output: clippyFile,
ImplicitOutputs: nil,
Inputs: inputs,
Implicits: implicits,
Args: map[string]string{
"rustcFlags": strings.Join(rustcFlags, " "),
"libFlags": strings.Join(libFlags, " "),
"clippyFlags": strings.Join(flags.ClippyFlags, " "),
"envVars": strings.Join(envVars, " "),
// Declare the clippy build as an implicit dependency of the original crate.
implicits = append(implicits, clippyFile)
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: rustc,
Description: "rustc " + main.Rel(),
Output: outputFile,
ImplicitOutputs: implicitOutputs,
Inputs: inputs,
Implicits: implicits,
Args: map[string]string{
"rustcFlags": strings.Join(rustcFlags, " "),
"linkFlags": strings.Join(linkFlags, " "),
"libFlags": strings.Join(libFlags, " "),
"crtBegin": deps.CrtBegin.String(),
"crtEnd": deps.CrtEnd.String(),
"envVars": strings.Join(envVars, " "),
return output
func Rustdoc(ctx ModuleContext, main android.Path, deps PathDeps,
flags Flags) android.ModuleOutPath {
rustdocFlags := append([]string{}, flags.RustdocFlags...)
rustdocFlags = append(rustdocFlags, "--sysroot=/dev/null")
// Build an index for all our crates. -Z unstable options is required to use
// this flag.
rustdocFlags = append(rustdocFlags, "-Z", "unstable-options", "--enable-index-page")
targetTriple := ctx.toolchain().RustTriple()
// Collect rustc flags
if targetTriple != "" {
rustdocFlags = append(rustdocFlags, "--target="+targetTriple)
crateName := ctx.RustModule().CrateName()
rustdocFlags = append(rustdocFlags, "--crate-name "+crateName)
rustdocFlags = append(rustdocFlags, makeLibFlags(deps)...)
docTimestampFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "rustdoc.timestamp")
// Silence warnings about renamed lints for third-party crates
modulePath := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx).String()
if android.IsThirdPartyPath(modulePath) {
rustdocFlags = append(rustdocFlags, " -A renamed_and_removed_lints")
// Yes, the same out directory is used simultaneously by all rustdoc builds.
// This is what cargo does. The docs for individual crates get generated to
// a subdirectory named for the crate, and rustdoc synchronizes writes to
// shared pieces like the index and search data itself.
// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/src/librustdoc/html/render/write_shared.rs#L144-L146
docDir := android.PathForOutput(ctx, "rustdoc")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: rustdoc,
Description: "rustdoc " + main.Rel(),
Output: docTimestampFile,
Input: main,
Implicit: ctx.RustModule().UnstrippedOutputFile(),
Args: map[string]string{
"rustdocFlags": strings.Join(rustdocFlags, " "),
"outDir": docDir.String(),
"envVars": strings.Join(rustEnvVars(ctx, deps), " "),
return docTimestampFile