Sam Delmerico 9f9c0a22fa transitive Java deps for r8
The -libraryjars argument to r8 was missing transitive dependencies, and
so complained when there were classes used in the program JAR which were
not provided via libraries. This CL propagates transitive dependencies
to the r8 command to reduce the warnings that are generated for missing classes.

Bug: 242088131
Change-Id: Ifad7bc7c5d406e3de8d98ea963c97e88c84b45a1
2023-01-20 17:05:14 -05:00

434 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package java
import (
type DexProperties struct {
// If set to true, compile dex regardless of installable. Defaults to false.
Compile_dex *bool
// list of module-specific flags that will be used for dex compiles
Dxflags []string `android:"arch_variant"`
// A list of files containing rules that specify the classes to keep in the main dex file.
Main_dex_rules []string `android:"path"`
Optimize struct {
// If false, disable all optimization. Defaults to true for android_app and
// android_test_helper_app modules, false for android_test, java_library, and java_test modules.
Enabled *bool
// True if the module containing this has it set by default.
EnabledByDefault bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
// Whether to continue building even if warnings are emitted. Defaults to true.
Ignore_warnings *bool
// If true, runs R8 in Proguard compatibility mode (default).
// Otherwise, runs R8 in full mode.
Proguard_compatibility *bool
// If true, optimize for size by removing unused code. Defaults to true for apps,
// false for libraries and tests.
Shrink *bool
// If true, optimize bytecode. Defaults to false.
Optimize *bool
// If true, obfuscate bytecode. Defaults to false.
Obfuscate *bool
// If true, do not use the flag files generated by aapt that automatically keep
// classes referenced by the app manifest. Defaults to false.
No_aapt_flags *bool
// If true, optimize for size by removing unused resources. Defaults to false.
Shrink_resources *bool
// Flags to pass to proguard.
Proguard_flags []string
// Specifies the locations of files containing proguard flags.
Proguard_flags_files []string `android:"path"`
// Keep the data uncompressed. We always need uncompressed dex for execution,
// so this might actually save space by avoiding storing the same data twice.
// This defaults to reasonable value based on module and should not be set.
// It exists only to support ART tests.
Uncompress_dex *bool
// Exclude kotlinc generate files: *.kotlin_module, *.kotlin_builtins. Defaults to false.
Exclude_kotlinc_generated_files *bool
type dexer struct {
dexProperties DexProperties
// list of extra proguard flag files
extraProguardFlagFiles android.Paths
proguardDictionary android.OptionalPath
proguardUsageZip android.OptionalPath
func (d *dexer) effectiveOptimizeEnabled() bool {
return BoolDefault(d.dexProperties.Optimize.Enabled, d.dexProperties.Optimize.EnabledByDefault)
var d8, d8RE = pctx.MultiCommandRemoteStaticRules("d8",
Command: `rm -rf "$outDir" && mkdir -p "$outDir" && ` +
`mkdir -p $$(dirname $tmpJar) && ` +
`${config.Zip2ZipCmd} -i $in -o $tmpJar -x '**/*.dex' && ` +
`$d8Template${config.D8Cmd} ${config.D8Flags} --output $outDir $d8Flags $tmpJar && ` +
`$zipTemplate${config.SoongZipCmd} $zipFlags -o $outDir/classes.dex.jar -C $outDir -f "$outDir/classes*.dex" && ` +
`${config.MergeZipsCmd} -D -stripFile "**/*.class" $mergeZipsFlags $out $outDir/classes.dex.jar $in`,
CommandDeps: []string{
}, map[string]*remoteexec.REParams{
"$d8Template": &remoteexec.REParams{
Labels: map[string]string{"type": "compile", "compiler": "d8"},
Inputs: []string{"${config.D8Jar}"},
ExecStrategy: "${config.RED8ExecStrategy}",
ToolchainInputs: []string{"${config.JavaCmd}"},
Platform: map[string]string{remoteexec.PoolKey: "${config.REJavaPool}"},
"$zipTemplate": &remoteexec.REParams{
Labels: map[string]string{"type": "tool", "name": "soong_zip"},
Inputs: []string{"${config.SoongZipCmd}", "$outDir"},
OutputFiles: []string{"$outDir/classes.dex.jar"},
ExecStrategy: "${config.RED8ExecStrategy}",
Platform: map[string]string{remoteexec.PoolKey: "${config.REJavaPool}"},
}, []string{"outDir", "d8Flags", "zipFlags", "tmpJar", "mergeZipsFlags"}, nil)
var r8, r8RE = pctx.MultiCommandRemoteStaticRules("r8",
Command: `rm -rf "$outDir" && mkdir -p "$outDir" && ` +
`rm -f "$outDict" && rm -rf "${outUsageDir}" && ` +
`mkdir -p $$(dirname ${outUsage}) && ` +
`mkdir -p $$(dirname $tmpJar) && ` +
`${config.Zip2ZipCmd} -i $in -o $tmpJar -x '**/*.dex' && ` +
`$r8Template${config.R8Cmd} ${config.R8Flags} -injars $tmpJar --output $outDir ` +
`--no-data-resources ` +
`-printmapping ${outDict} ` +
`-printusage ${outUsage} ` +
`--deps-file ${out}.d ` +
`$r8Flags && ` +
`touch "${outDict}" "${outUsage}" && ` +
`${config.SoongZipCmd} -o ${outUsageZip} -C ${outUsageDir} -f ${outUsage} && ` +
`rm -rf ${outUsageDir} && ` +
`$zipTemplate${config.SoongZipCmd} $zipFlags -o $outDir/classes.dex.jar -C $outDir -f "$outDir/classes*.dex" && ` +
`${config.MergeZipsCmd} -D -stripFile "**/*.class" $mergeZipsFlags $out $outDir/classes.dex.jar $in`,
Depfile: "${out}.d",
Deps: blueprint.DepsGCC,
CommandDeps: []string{
}, map[string]*remoteexec.REParams{
"$r8Template": &remoteexec.REParams{
Labels: map[string]string{"type": "compile", "compiler": "r8"},
Inputs: []string{"$implicits", "${config.R8Jar}"},
OutputFiles: []string{"${outUsage}"},
ExecStrategy: "${config.RER8ExecStrategy}",
ToolchainInputs: []string{"${config.JavaCmd}"},
Platform: map[string]string{remoteexec.PoolKey: "${config.REJavaPool}"},
"$zipTemplate": &remoteexec.REParams{
Labels: map[string]string{"type": "tool", "name": "soong_zip"},
Inputs: []string{"${config.SoongZipCmd}", "$outDir"},
OutputFiles: []string{"$outDir/classes.dex.jar"},
ExecStrategy: "${config.RER8ExecStrategy}",
Platform: map[string]string{remoteexec.PoolKey: "${config.REJavaPool}"},
"$zipUsageTemplate": &remoteexec.REParams{
Labels: map[string]string{"type": "tool", "name": "soong_zip"},
Inputs: []string{"${config.SoongZipCmd}", "${outUsage}"},
OutputFiles: []string{"${outUsageZip}"},
ExecStrategy: "${config.RER8ExecStrategy}",
Platform: map[string]string{remoteexec.PoolKey: "${config.REJavaPool}"},
}, []string{"outDir", "outDict", "outUsage", "outUsageZip", "outUsageDir",
"r8Flags", "zipFlags", "tmpJar", "mergeZipsFlags"}, []string{"implicits"})
func (d *dexer) dexCommonFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext,
minSdkVersion android.SdkSpec) (flags []string, deps android.Paths) {
flags = d.dexProperties.Dxflags
// Translate all the DX flags to D8 ones until all the build files have been migrated
// to D8 flags. See: b/69377755
flags = android.RemoveListFromList(flags,
[]string{"--core-library", "--dex", "--multi-dex"})
for _, f := range android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, d.dexProperties.Main_dex_rules) {
flags = append(flags, "--main-dex-rules", f.String())
deps = append(deps, f)
if ctx.Config().Getenv("NO_OPTIMIZE_DX") != "" {
flags = append(flags, "--debug")
if ctx.Config().Getenv("GENERATE_DEX_DEBUG") != "" {
flags = append(flags,
// Supplying the platform build flag disables various features like API modeling and desugaring.
// For targets with a stable min SDK version (i.e., when the min SDK is both explicitly specified
// and managed+versioned), we suppress this flag to ensure portability.
// Note: Targets with a min SDK kind of core_platform (e.g., framework.jar) or unspecified (e.g.,
// services.jar), are not classified as stable, which is WAI.
// TODO(b/232073181): Expand to additional min SDK cases after validation.
if !minSdkVersion.Stable() {
flags = append(flags, "--android-platform-build")
effectiveVersion, err := minSdkVersion.EffectiveVersion(ctx)
if err != nil {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("min_sdk_version", "%s", err)
flags = append(flags, "--min-api "+strconv.Itoa(effectiveVersion.FinalOrFutureInt()))
return flags, deps
func d8Flags(flags javaBuilderFlags) (d8Flags []string, d8Deps android.Paths) {
d8Flags = append(d8Flags, flags.bootClasspath.FormRepeatedClassPath("--lib ")...)
d8Flags = append(d8Flags, flags.dexClasspath.FormRepeatedClassPath("--lib ")...)
d8Deps = append(d8Deps, flags.bootClasspath...)
d8Deps = append(d8Deps, flags.dexClasspath...)
return d8Flags, d8Deps
func (d *dexer) r8Flags(ctx android.ModuleContext, flags javaBuilderFlags) (r8Flags []string, r8Deps android.Paths) {
opt := d.dexProperties.Optimize
// When an app contains references to APIs that are not in the SDK specified by
// its LOCAL_SDK_VERSION for example added by support library or by runtime
// classes added by desugaring, we artifically raise the "SDK version" "linked" by
// ProGuard, to
// - suppress ProGuard warnings of referencing symbols unknown to the lower SDK version.
// - prevent ProGuard stripping subclass in the support library that extends class added in the higher SDK version.
// See b/20667396
var proguardRaiseDeps classpath
ctx.VisitDirectDepsWithTag(proguardRaiseTag, func(m android.Module) {
dep := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(m, JavaInfoProvider).(JavaInfo)
proguardRaiseDeps = append(proguardRaiseDeps, dep.HeaderJars...)
r8Flags = append(r8Flags, proguardRaiseDeps.FormJavaClassPath("-libraryjars"))
r8Deps = append(r8Deps, proguardRaiseDeps...)
r8Flags = append(r8Flags, flags.bootClasspath.FormJavaClassPath("-libraryjars"))
r8Deps = append(r8Deps, flags.bootClasspath...)
r8Flags = append(r8Flags, flags.dexClasspath.FormJavaClassPath("-libraryjars"))
r8Deps = append(r8Deps, flags.dexClasspath...)
r8Flags = append(r8Flags, flags.processorPath.FormJavaClassPath("-libraryjars"))
r8Deps = append(r8Deps, flags.processorPath...)
errorProneClasspath := classpath(android.PathsForSource(ctx, config.ErrorProneClasspath))
r8Flags = append(r8Flags, errorProneClasspath.FormJavaClassPath("-libraryjars"))
r8Deps = append(r8Deps, errorProneClasspath...)
transitiveStaticLibsLookupMap := map[android.Path]bool{}
if d.transitiveStaticLibsHeaderJars != nil {
for _, jar := range d.transitiveStaticLibsHeaderJars.ToList() {
transitiveStaticLibsLookupMap[jar] = true
transitiveHeaderJars := android.Paths{}
if d.transitiveLibsHeaderJars != nil {
for _, jar := range d.transitiveLibsHeaderJars.ToList() {
if _, ok := transitiveStaticLibsLookupMap[jar]; ok {
// don't include a lib if it is already packaged in the current JAR as a static lib
transitiveHeaderJars = append(transitiveHeaderJars, jar)
transitiveClasspath := classpath(transitiveHeaderJars)
r8Flags = append(r8Flags, transitiveClasspath.FormJavaClassPath("-libraryjars"))
r8Deps = append(r8Deps, transitiveClasspath...)
flagFiles := android.Paths{
android.PathForSource(ctx, "build/make/core/proguard.flags"),
flagFiles = append(flagFiles, d.extraProguardFlagFiles...)
// TODO(ccross): static android library proguard files
flagFiles = append(flagFiles, android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, opt.Proguard_flags_files)...)
r8Flags = append(r8Flags, android.JoinWithPrefix(flagFiles.Strings(), "-include "))
r8Deps = append(r8Deps, flagFiles...)
// TODO(b/70942988): This is included from build/make/core/proguard.flags
r8Deps = append(r8Deps, android.PathForSource(ctx,
r8Flags = append(r8Flags, opt.Proguard_flags...)
if BoolDefault(opt.Proguard_compatibility, true) {
r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "--force-proguard-compatibility")
} else {
// TODO(b/213833843): Allow configuration of the prefix via a build variable.
var sourceFilePrefix = "go/retraceme "
var sourceFileTemplate = "\"" + sourceFilePrefix + "%MAP_ID\""
// TODO(b/200967150): Also tag the source file in compat builds.
if Bool(opt.Optimize) || Bool(opt.Obfuscate) {
r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "--map-id-template", "%MAP_HASH")
r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "--source-file-template", sourceFileTemplate)
// TODO(ccross): Don't shrink app instrumentation tests by default.
if !Bool(opt.Shrink) {
r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "-dontshrink")
if !Bool(opt.Optimize) {
r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "-dontoptimize")
// TODO(ccross): error if obufscation + app instrumentation test.
if !Bool(opt.Obfuscate) {
r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "-dontobfuscate")
// TODO(ccross): if this is an instrumentation test of an obfuscated app, use the
// dictionary of the app and move the app from libraryjars to injars.
// Don't strip out debug information for eng builds.
if ctx.Config().Eng() {
r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "--debug")
// TODO(b/180878971): missing classes should be added to the relevant builds.
// TODO(b/229727645): do not use true as default for Android platform builds.
if proptools.BoolDefault(opt.Ignore_warnings, true) {
r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "-ignorewarnings")
return r8Flags, r8Deps
func (d *dexer) compileDex(ctx android.ModuleContext, flags javaBuilderFlags, minSdkVersion android.SdkSpec,
classesJar android.Path, jarName string) android.OutputPath {
// Compile classes.jar into classes.dex and then javalib.jar
javalibJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "dex", jarName).OutputPath
outDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "dex")
tmpJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "withres-withoutdex", jarName)
zipFlags := "--ignore_missing_files"
if proptools.Bool(d.dexProperties.Uncompress_dex) {
zipFlags += " -L 0"
commonFlags, commonDeps := d.dexCommonFlags(ctx, minSdkVersion)
// Exclude kotlinc generated files when "exclude_kotlinc_generated_files" is set to true.
mergeZipsFlags := ""
if proptools.BoolDefault(d.dexProperties.Exclude_kotlinc_generated_files, false) {
mergeZipsFlags = "-stripFile META-INF/*.kotlin_module -stripFile **/*.kotlin_builtins"
useR8 := d.effectiveOptimizeEnabled()
if useR8 {
proguardDictionary := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "proguard_dictionary")
d.proguardDictionary = android.OptionalPathForPath(proguardDictionary)
proguardUsageDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "proguard_usage")
proguardUsage := proguardUsageDir.Join(ctx, ctx.Namespace().Path,
android.ModuleNameWithPossibleOverride(ctx), "unused.txt")
proguardUsageZip := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "")
d.proguardUsageZip = android.OptionalPathForPath(proguardUsageZip)
r8Flags, r8Deps := d.r8Flags(ctx, flags)
r8Deps = append(r8Deps, commonDeps...)
rule := r8
args := map[string]string{
"r8Flags": strings.Join(append(commonFlags, r8Flags...), " "),
"zipFlags": zipFlags,
"outDict": proguardDictionary.String(),
"outUsageDir": proguardUsageDir.String(),
"outUsage": proguardUsage.String(),
"outUsageZip": proguardUsageZip.String(),
"outDir": outDir.String(),
"tmpJar": tmpJar.String(),
"mergeZipsFlags": mergeZipsFlags,
if ctx.Config().UseRBE() && ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("RBE_R8") {
rule = r8RE
args["implicits"] = strings.Join(r8Deps.Strings(), ",")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: rule,
Description: "r8",
Output: javalibJar,
ImplicitOutputs: android.WritablePaths{proguardDictionary, proguardUsageZip},
Input: classesJar,
Implicits: r8Deps,
Args: args,
} else {
d8Flags, d8Deps := d8Flags(flags)
d8Deps = append(d8Deps, commonDeps...)
rule := d8
if ctx.Config().UseRBE() && ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("RBE_D8") {
rule = d8RE
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: rule,
Description: "d8",
Output: javalibJar,
Input: classesJar,
Implicits: d8Deps,
Args: map[string]string{
"d8Flags": strings.Join(append(commonFlags, d8Flags...), " "),
"zipFlags": zipFlags,
"outDir": outDir.String(),
"tmpJar": tmpJar.String(),
"mergeZipsFlags": mergeZipsFlags,
if proptools.Bool(d.dexProperties.Uncompress_dex) {
alignedJavalibJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "aligned", jarName).OutputPath
TransformZipAlign(ctx, alignedJavalibJar, javalibJar)
javalibJar = alignedJavalibJar
return javalibJar