Colin Cross 220a9a1245 Enable kotlin's jvm-abi-gen plugin to generate header jars
Kotlin's jvm-abi-gen plugin can generate header jars similar to the
turbine output for java sources, which can be used to avoid recompiling
downstream modules when the ABI hasn't changed.  Unlike turbine, the
plugin runs as part of the main kotlinc invocation, so it doesn't allow
the downstream modules to start compiling any sooner.

A future possible optimization is to use turbine to compile the kapt
stubs, at least for the  kotlin+annotation processor modules that already
generate them, which would allow compiling downstream modules before
invoking kotlinc or javac, as well as invoking kotlinc and javac in
parallel with each other.

Bug: 222095735
Test: TestKotlin
Test: m SystemUI
Change-Id: Ib1bb2ecea47c851a108a26f9ed4f827f289d1321
2022-04-04 16:42:46 -07:00

261 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2019 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package java
import (
var kotlinc = pctx.AndroidRemoteStaticRule("kotlinc", android.RemoteRuleSupports{Goma: true},
Command: `rm -rf "$classesDir" "$headerClassesDir" "$srcJarDir" "$kotlinBuildFile" "$emptyDir" && ` +
`mkdir -p "$classesDir" "$headerClassesDir" "$srcJarDir" "$emptyDir" && ` +
`${config.ZipSyncCmd} -d $srcJarDir -l $srcJarDir/list -f "*.java" $srcJars && ` +
`${config.GenKotlinBuildFileCmd} --classpath "$classpath" --name "$name"` +
` --out_dir "$classesDir" --srcs "$out.rsp" --srcs "$srcJarDir/list"` +
` $commonSrcFilesArg --out "$kotlinBuildFile" && ` +
`${config.KotlincCmd} ${config.KotlincGlobalFlags} ` +
` ${config.KotlincSuppressJDK9Warnings} ${config.JavacHeapFlags} ` +
` $kotlincFlags -jvm-target $kotlinJvmTarget -Xbuild-file=$kotlinBuildFile ` +
` -kotlin-home $emptyDir ` +
` -Xplugin=${config.KotlinAbiGenPluginJar} ` +
` -P plugin:org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm.abi:outputDir=$headerClassesDir && ` +
`${config.SoongZipCmd} -jar -o $out -C $classesDir -D $classesDir -write_if_changed && ` +
`${config.SoongZipCmd} -jar -o $headerJar -C $headerClassesDir -D $headerClassesDir -write_if_changed && ` +
`rm -rf "$srcJarDir"`,
CommandDeps: []string{
Rspfile: "$out.rsp",
RspfileContent: `$in`,
Restat: true,
"kotlincFlags", "classpath", "srcJars", "commonSrcFilesArg", "srcJarDir", "classesDir",
"headerClassesDir", "headerJar", "kotlinJvmTarget", "kotlinBuildFile", "emptyDir", "name")
func kotlinCommonSrcsList(ctx android.ModuleContext, commonSrcFiles android.Paths) android.OptionalPath {
if len(commonSrcFiles) > 0 {
// The list of common_srcs may be too long to put on the command line, but
// we can't use the rsp file because it is already being used for srcs.
// Insert a second rule to write out the list of resources to a file.
commonSrcsList := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "kotlinc_common_srcs.list")
rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
FlagWithRspFileInputList("", commonSrcsList.ReplaceExtension(ctx, "rsp"), commonSrcFiles).
rule.Build("kotlin_common_srcs_list", "kotlin common_srcs list")
return android.OptionalPathForPath(commonSrcsList)
return android.OptionalPath{}
// kotlinCompile takes .java and .kt sources and srcJars, and compiles the .kt sources into a classes jar in outputFile.
func kotlinCompile(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile, headerOutputFile android.WritablePath,
srcFiles, commonSrcFiles, srcJars android.Paths,
flags javaBuilderFlags) {
var deps android.Paths
deps = append(deps, flags.kotlincClasspath...)
deps = append(deps, flags.kotlincDeps...)
deps = append(deps, srcJars...)
deps = append(deps, commonSrcFiles...)
kotlinName := filepath.Join(ctx.ModuleDir(), ctx.ModuleSubDir(), ctx.ModuleName())
kotlinName = strings.ReplaceAll(kotlinName, "/", "__")
commonSrcsList := kotlinCommonSrcsList(ctx, commonSrcFiles)
commonSrcFilesArg := ""
if commonSrcsList.Valid() {
deps = append(deps, commonSrcsList.Path())
commonSrcFilesArg = "--common_srcs " + commonSrcsList.String()
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: kotlinc,
Description: "kotlinc",
Output: outputFile,
ImplicitOutput: headerOutputFile,
Inputs: srcFiles,
Implicits: deps,
Args: map[string]string{
"classpath": flags.kotlincClasspath.FormJavaClassPath(""),
"kotlincFlags": flags.kotlincFlags,
"commonSrcFilesArg": commonSrcFilesArg,
"srcJars": strings.Join(srcJars.Strings(), " "),
"classesDir": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "kotlinc", "classes").String(),
"headerClassesDir": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "kotlinc", "header_classes").String(),
"headerJar": headerOutputFile.String(),
"srcJarDir": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "kotlinc", "srcJars").String(),
"kotlinBuildFile": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "kotlinc-build.xml").String(),
"emptyDir": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "kotlinc", "empty").String(),
// http://b/69160377 kotlinc only supports -jvm-target 1.6 and 1.8
"kotlinJvmTarget": "1.8",
"name": kotlinName,
var kaptStubs = pctx.AndroidRemoteStaticRule("kaptStubs", android.RemoteRuleSupports{Goma: true},
Command: `rm -rf "$srcJarDir" "$kotlinBuildFile" "$kaptDir" && ` +
`mkdir -p "$srcJarDir" "$kaptDir/sources" "$kaptDir/classes" && ` +
`${config.ZipSyncCmd} -d $srcJarDir -l $srcJarDir/list -f "*.java" $srcJars && ` +
`${config.GenKotlinBuildFileCmd} --classpath "$classpath" --name "$name"` +
` --srcs "$out.rsp" --srcs "$srcJarDir/list"` +
` $commonSrcFilesArg --out "$kotlinBuildFile" && ` +
`${config.KotlincCmd} ${config.KotlincGlobalFlags} ` +
`${config.KaptSuppressJDK9Warnings} ${config.KotlincSuppressJDK9Warnings} ` +
`${config.JavacHeapFlags} $kotlincFlags -Xplugin=${config.KotlinKaptJar} ` +
`-P plugin:org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt3:sources=$kaptDir/sources ` +
`-P plugin:org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt3:classes=$kaptDir/classes ` +
`-P plugin:org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt3:stubs=$kaptDir/stubs ` +
`-P plugin:org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt3:correctErrorTypes=true ` +
`-P plugin:org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt3:aptMode=stubs ` +
`-P plugin:org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt3:javacArguments=$encodedJavacFlags ` +
`$kaptProcessorPath ` +
`$kaptProcessor ` +
`-Xbuild-file=$kotlinBuildFile && ` +
`${config.SoongZipCmd} -jar -o $out -C $kaptDir/stubs -D $kaptDir/stubs && ` +
`rm -rf "$srcJarDir"`,
CommandDeps: []string{
Rspfile: "$out.rsp",
RspfileContent: `$in`,
"kotlincFlags", "encodedJavacFlags", "kaptProcessorPath", "kaptProcessor",
"classpath", "srcJars", "commonSrcFilesArg", "srcJarDir", "kaptDir", "kotlinJvmTarget",
"kotlinBuildFile", "name", "classesJarOut")
// kotlinKapt performs Kotlin-compatible annotation processing. It takes .kt and .java sources and srcjars, and runs
// annotation processors over all of them, producing a srcjar of generated code in outputFile. The srcjar should be
// added as an additional input to kotlinc and javac rules, and the javac rule should have annotation processing
// disabled.
func kotlinKapt(ctx android.ModuleContext, srcJarOutputFile, resJarOutputFile android.WritablePath,
srcFiles, commonSrcFiles, srcJars android.Paths,
flags javaBuilderFlags) {
srcFiles = append(android.Paths(nil), srcFiles...)
var deps android.Paths
deps = append(deps, flags.kotlincClasspath...)
deps = append(deps, srcJars...)
deps = append(deps, flags.processorPath...)
deps = append(deps, commonSrcFiles...)
commonSrcsList := kotlinCommonSrcsList(ctx, commonSrcFiles)
commonSrcFilesArg := ""
if commonSrcsList.Valid() {
deps = append(deps, commonSrcsList.Path())
commonSrcFilesArg = "--common_srcs " + commonSrcsList.String()
kaptProcessorPath := flags.processorPath.FormRepeatedClassPath("-P plugin:org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt3:apclasspath=")
kaptProcessor := ""
for i, p := range flags.processors {
if i > 0 {
kaptProcessor += " "
kaptProcessor += "-P plugin:org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt3:processors=" + p
encodedJavacFlags := kaptEncodeFlags([][2]string{
{"-source", flags.javaVersion.String()},
{"-target", flags.javaVersion.String()},
kotlinName := filepath.Join(ctx.ModuleDir(), ctx.ModuleSubDir(), ctx.ModuleName())
kotlinName = strings.ReplaceAll(kotlinName, "/", "__")
// First run kapt to generate .java stubs from .kt files
kaptStubsJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "kapt", "stubs.jar")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: kaptStubs,
Description: "kapt stubs",
Output: kaptStubsJar,
Inputs: srcFiles,
Implicits: deps,
Args: map[string]string{
"classpath": flags.kotlincClasspath.FormJavaClassPath(""),
"kotlincFlags": flags.kotlincFlags,
"commonSrcFilesArg": commonSrcFilesArg,
"srcJars": strings.Join(srcJars.Strings(), " "),
"srcJarDir": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "kapt", "srcJars").String(),
"kotlinBuildFile": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "kapt", "build.xml").String(),
"kaptProcessorPath": strings.Join(kaptProcessorPath, " "),
"kaptProcessor": kaptProcessor,
"kaptDir": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "kapt/gen").String(),
"encodedJavacFlags": encodedJavacFlags,
"name": kotlinName,
"classesJarOut": resJarOutputFile.String(),
// Then run turbine to perform annotation processing on the stubs and any .java srcFiles.
javaSrcFiles := srcFiles.FilterByExt(".java")
turbineSrcJars := append(android.Paths{kaptStubsJar}, srcJars...)
TurbineApt(ctx, srcJarOutputFile, resJarOutputFile, javaSrcFiles, turbineSrcJars, flags)
// kapt converts a list of key, value pairs into a base64 encoded Java serialization, which is what kapt expects.
func kaptEncodeFlags(options [][2]string) string {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, uint32(len(options)))
for _, option := range options {
binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, uint16(len(option[0])))
binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, uint16(len(option[1])))
header := &bytes.Buffer{}
header.Write([]byte{0xac, 0xed, 0x00, 0x05}) // java serialization header
if buf.Len() < 256 {
header.WriteByte(0x77) // blockdata
} else {
header.WriteByte(0x7a) // blockdatalong
binary.Write(header, binary.BigEndian, uint32(buf.Len()))
return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(append(header.Bytes(), buf.Bytes()...))