Commit 692716fc5f
("libsepol/cil: raise default attrs_expand_size to 2") was
reverted and attributes with one type are not expanded anymore.
./secilc test/policy.cil
./secilc -c 32 -O -M 1 -f /dev/null -o opt-actual.bin test/opt-input.cil
checkpolicy -b -C -M -o opt-actual.cil opt-actual.bin >/dev/null
diff test/opt-expected.cil opt-actual.cil
> (typeattribute at01)
> (typeattributeset at01 (tp01))
< (allow tp01 self (cl01 (p01a p01b p11a p11b)))
> (allow tp01 at01 (cl01 (p11b)))
> (allow tp01 self (cl01 (p01a p01b p11a)))
Signed-off-by: Petr Lautrbach <plautrba@redhat.com>
Acked-by: James Carter <jwcart2@gmail.com>
60 lines
1.4 KiB
60 lines
1.4 KiB
(handleunknown deny)
(class cl01 (p01a p01b p11a p11b))
(classorder (cl01))
(sid kernel)
(sidorder (kernel))
(mls true)
(sensitivity s01)
(sensitivityorder (s01))
(category c01)
(categoryorder (c01))
(sensitivitycategory s01 (c01))
(typeattribute at01)
(typeattribute at02)
(boolean b01 false)
(type tp01)
(type tp02)
(type tp04)
(type tpr1)
(type tpr2)
(type tpr3)
(type tpr4)
(type tpr5)
(typeattributeset at01 (tp01))
(typeattributeset at02 (tp01 tp02))
(allow at02 tpr1 (cl01 (p01a p01b p11a)))
(allow at02 tpr3 (cl01 (p01a p01b p11a)))
(allow tp01 at01 (cl01 (p11b)))
(allow tp01 self (cl01 (p01a p01b p11a)))
(allow tp01 tpr1 (cl01 (p11b)))
(dontaudit at02 tpr2 (cl01 (p01a p01b p11a)))
(dontaudit at02 tpr4 (cl01 (p01a p01b p11a)))
(dontaudit tp01 tpr2 (cl01 (p11b)))
(booleanif b01
(allow tp01 tpr3 (cl01 (p11b)))
(allow tp01 tpr5 (cl01 (p01a p01b p11a p11b)))
(allow tp02 tpr5 (cl01 (p01a p11a)))
(dontaudit tp01 tpr4 (cl01 (p11b)))
(allow at02 tpr5 (cl01 (p01a p01b p11a)))
(role object_r)
(role rl01)
(roletype rl01 tp01)
(roletype object_r tp01)
(roletype object_r tp02)
(roletype object_r tp04)
(roletype object_r tpr1)
(roletype object_r tpr2)
(roletype object_r tpr3)
(roletype object_r tpr4)
(roletype object_r tpr5)
(user us01)
(userrole us01 object_r)
(userrole us01 rl01)
(userlevel us01 (s01))
(userrange us01 ((s01) (s01)))
(sidcontext kernel (us01 rl01 tp01 ((s01) (s01))))