#!/bin/bash # # Create a CL that contains the changes between this branch and a newer branch # for a given AIDL interface. # Be sure that BRANCH_BASE is the current upstream branch in order to get a CL. if [[ $# -ne 3 ]]; then echo "Usage: $0 BRANCH_BASE BRANCH_NEW PACKAGE_NAME" echo "- BRANCH_BASE current branch, typically a previous release's dev branch" echo "- BRANCH_NEW end branch, typically goog/master as the latest branch" echo "- PACKAGE_NAME this is the AIDL package name" echo "example of creating the diffs for android.hardware.boot" echo "$ git checkout tm-dev ; repo start review" echo "$ ./anapic_release_diff.sh goog/tm-dev goog/master android.hardware.boot" exit 1 fi # for pathmod source ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/build/make/envsetup.sh set -ex INTERFACE_NAME_NO_VER=${3%@*} pushd $(pathmod $INTERFACE_NAME_NO_VER) git diff "$1".."$2" android | git apply git add -A git commit -am "Android $1 to $2: $3" --no-edit git diff HEAD~1 --stat repo upload . --no-verify --wip --hashtag=anapic_release_review popd