/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "NmeaFixInfo" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { namespace hardware { namespace gnss { namespace common { using aidl::android::hardware::gnss::ElapsedRealtime; using aidl::android::hardware::gnss::GnssLocation; NmeaFixInfo::NmeaFixInfo() : hasGMCRecord(false), hasGGARecord(false) {} float NmeaFixInfo::getAltitudeMeters() const { return altitudeMeters; } float NmeaFixInfo::checkAndConvertToFloat(const std::string& sentence) { if (sentence.empty()) { return std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } return std::stof(sentence); } float NmeaFixInfo::getBearingAccuracyDegrees() const { // Current NMEA doesn't contains beaing accuracy inforamtion return kMockBearingAccuracyDegrees; } float NmeaFixInfo::getBearingDegrees() const { return bearingDegrees; } float NmeaFixInfo::getHorizontalAccuracyMeters() const { // Current NMEA doesn't contains horizontal accuracy inforamtion return kMockHorizontalAccuracyMeters; } float NmeaFixInfo::getLatDeg() const { return latDeg; } float NmeaFixInfo::getLngDeg() const { return lngDeg; } float NmeaFixInfo::getSpeedAccuracyMetersPerSecond() const { // Current NMEA doesn't contains speed accuracy inforamtion return kMockSpeedAccuracyMetersPerSecond; } float NmeaFixInfo::getSpeedMetersPerSec() const { return speedMetersPerSec; } int64_t NmeaFixInfo::getTimestamp() const { return timestamp; } float NmeaFixInfo::getVerticalAccuracyMeters() const { // Current NMEA doesn't contains vertical accuracy inforamtion return kMockVerticalAccuracyMeters; } int64_t NmeaFixInfo::nmeaPartsToTimestamp(const std::string& timeStr, const std::string& dateStr) { /** * In NMEA format, the full time can only get from the $GPRMC record, see * the following example: * $GPRMC,213204.00,A,3725.371240,N,12205.589239,W,000.0,000.0,290819,,,A*49 * the datetime is stored in two parts, 213204 and 290819, which means * 2019/08/29 21:32:04, however for in unix the year starts from 1900, we * need to add the offset. */ struct tm tm; const int32_t unixYearOffset = 100; tm.tm_mday = std::stoi(dateStr.substr(0, 2).c_str()); tm.tm_mon = std::stoi(dateStr.substr(2, 2).c_str()) - 1; tm.tm_year = std::stoi(dateStr.substr(4, 2).c_str()) + unixYearOffset; tm.tm_hour = std::stoi(timeStr.substr(0, 2).c_str()); tm.tm_min = std::stoi(timeStr.substr(2, 2).c_str()); tm.tm_sec = std::stoi(timeStr.substr(4, 2).c_str()); return static_cast(mktime(&tm) - timezone); } bool NmeaFixInfo::isValidFix() const { return hasGMCRecord && hasGGARecord; } void NmeaFixInfo::parseGGALine(const std::vector& sentenceValues) { if (sentenceValues.size() == 0 || sentenceValues[0].compare(GPGA_RECORD_TAG) != 0) { return; } // LatDeg, need covert to degree, if it is 'N', should be negative value this->latDeg = std::stof(sentenceValues[2].substr(0, 2)) + (std::stof(sentenceValues[2].substr(2)) / 60.0); if (sentenceValues[3].compare("N") != 0) { this->latDeg *= -1; } // LngDeg, need covert to degree, if it is 'E', should be negative value this->lngDeg = std::stof(sentenceValues[4].substr(0, 3)) + std::stof(sentenceValues[4].substr(3)) / 60.0; if (sentenceValues[5].compare("E") != 0) { this->lngDeg *= -1; } this->altitudeMeters = std::stof(sentenceValues[9]); this->hDop = sentenceValues[8].empty() ? std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN() : std::stof(sentenceValues[8]); this->hasGGARecord = true; } void NmeaFixInfo::parseRMCLine(const std::vector& sentenceValues) { if (sentenceValues.size() == 0 || sentenceValues[0].compare(GPRMC_RECORD_TAG) != 0) { return; } this->speedMetersPerSec = checkAndConvertToFloat(sentenceValues[7]); this->bearingDegrees = checkAndConvertToFloat(sentenceValues[8]); this->timestamp = nmeaPartsToTimestamp(sentenceValues[1], sentenceValues[9]); this->hasGMCRecord = true; } /** invalid the current NmeaFixInfo */ void NmeaFixInfo::reset() { this->altitudeMeters = 0; this->bearingDegrees = 0; this->fixId = 0; this->hasGMCRecord = false; this->hasGGARecord = false; this->latDeg = 0; this->lngDeg = 0; this->hDop = 0; this->vDop = 0; this->satelliteCount = 0; this->speedMetersPerSec = 0; this->timestamp = 0; } void NmeaFixInfo::splitStr(const std::string& line, const char& delimiter, std::vector& out) { std::istringstream iss(line); std::string item; while (std::getline(iss, item, delimiter)) { out.push_back(item); } } NmeaFixInfo& NmeaFixInfo::operator=(const NmeaFixInfo& rhs) { if (this == &rhs) return *this; this->altitudeMeters = rhs.altitudeMeters; this->bearingDegrees = rhs.bearingDegrees; this->fixId = rhs.fixId; this->hasGMCRecord = rhs.hasGMCRecord; this->hasGGARecord = rhs.hasGGARecord; this->hDop = rhs.hDop; this->vDop = rhs.vDop; this->latDeg = rhs.latDeg; this->lngDeg = rhs.lngDeg; this->satelliteCount = rhs.satelliteCount; this->speedMetersPerSec = rhs.speedMetersPerSec; this->timestamp = rhs.timestamp; return *this; } /** * Parses the input string in NMEA format and convert to GnssLocation. * Currently version only cares about $GPGGA and $GPRMC records. but we * can easily extend to other types supported by NMEA if needed. */ std::unique_ptr NmeaFixInfo::getLocationFromInputStr( const std::string& inputStr) { std::vector nmeaRecords; splitStr(inputStr, LINE_SEPARATOR, nmeaRecords); NmeaFixInfo nmeaFixInfo; NmeaFixInfo candidateFixInfo; uint32_t fixId = 0; double lastTimeStamp = 0; for (const auto& line : nmeaRecords) { if (line.compare(0, strlen(GPGA_RECORD_TAG), GPGA_RECORD_TAG) != 0 && line.compare(0, strlen(GPRMC_RECORD_TAG), GPRMC_RECORD_TAG) != 0) { continue; } std::vector sentenceValues; splitStr(line, COMMA_SEPARATOR, sentenceValues); if (sentenceValues.size() < MIN_COL_NUM) { continue; } double currentTimeStamp = std::stof(sentenceValues[1]); // If see a new timestamp, report correct location. if ((currentTimeStamp - lastTimeStamp) > TIMESTAMP_EPSILON && candidateFixInfo.isValidFix()) { nmeaFixInfo = candidateFixInfo; candidateFixInfo.reset(); fixId++; } if (line.compare(0, strlen(GPGA_RECORD_TAG), GPGA_RECORD_TAG) == 0) { candidateFixInfo.fixId = fixId; candidateFixInfo.parseGGALine(sentenceValues); } else if (line.compare(0, strlen(GPRMC_RECORD_TAG), GPRMC_RECORD_TAG) == 0) { candidateFixInfo.parseRMCLine(sentenceValues); } } if (candidateFixInfo.isValidFix()) { nmeaFixInfo = candidateFixInfo; candidateFixInfo.reset(); } if (!nmeaFixInfo.isValidFix()) { return nullptr; } return nmeaFixInfo.toGnssLocation(); } /** * Convert V2_0::GnssLocation to aidl::GnssLocation. */ std::unique_ptr NmeaFixInfo::getAidlLocationFromInputStr( const std::string& inputStr) { std::unique_ptr locationV2 = getLocationFromInputStr(inputStr); if (locationV2 == nullptr) { return nullptr; } ElapsedRealtime elapsedRealtime = { .flags = ElapsedRealtime::HAS_TIMESTAMP_NS | ElapsedRealtime::HAS_TIME_UNCERTAINTY_NS, .timestampNs = ::android::elapsedRealtimeNano(), // This is an hardcoded value indicating a 1ms of uncertainty between the two clocks. // In an actual implementation provide an estimate of the synchronization uncertainty // or don't set the field. .timeUncertaintyNs = 1020400}; GnssLocation location = { .gnssLocationFlags = locationV2->v1_0.gnssLocationFlags, .latitudeDegrees = locationV2->v1_0.latitudeDegrees, .longitudeDegrees = locationV2->v1_0.longitudeDegrees, .altitudeMeters = locationV2->v1_0.altitudeMeters, .speedMetersPerSec = locationV2->v1_0.speedMetersPerSec, .bearingDegrees = locationV2->v1_0.bearingDegrees, .horizontalAccuracyMeters = locationV2->v1_0.horizontalAccuracyMeters, .verticalAccuracyMeters = locationV2->v1_0.verticalAccuracyMeters, .speedAccuracyMetersPerSecond = locationV2->v1_0.speedAccuracyMetersPerSecond, .bearingAccuracyDegrees = locationV2->v1_0.bearingAccuracyDegrees, .timestampMillis = locationV2->v1_0.timestamp, .elapsedRealtime = elapsedRealtime}; return std::make_unique(location); } /** * Parses the input string in NMEA format and convert to GnssLocation. */ std::unique_ptr NmeaFixInfo::toGnssLocation() const { const V2_0::ElapsedRealtime currentOsTimestamp = { .flags = V2_0::ElapsedRealtimeFlags::HAS_TIMESTAMP_NS | V2_0::ElapsedRealtimeFlags::HAS_TIME_UNCERTAINTY_NS, .timestampNs = static_cast(::android::elapsedRealtimeNano()), // This is an hardcoded value indicating a 1ms of uncertainty between the two clocks. // In an actual implementation provide an estimate of the synchronization uncertainty // or don't set the field. .timeUncertaintyNs = 1000000}; V1_0::GnssLocation locationV1 = { .gnssLocationFlags = 0xFF, .latitudeDegrees = this->getLatDeg(), .longitudeDegrees = this->getLngDeg(), .altitudeMeters = this->getAltitudeMeters(), .speedMetersPerSec = this->getSpeedMetersPerSec(), .bearingDegrees = this->getBearingDegrees(), .horizontalAccuracyMeters = this->getHorizontalAccuracyMeters(), .verticalAccuracyMeters = this->getVerticalAccuracyMeters(), .speedAccuracyMetersPerSecond = this->getSpeedAccuracyMetersPerSecond(), .bearingAccuracyDegrees = this->getBearingAccuracyDegrees(), .timestamp = this->getTimestamp()}; V2_0::GnssLocation locationV2 = {.v1_0 = locationV1, .elapsedRealtime = currentOsTimestamp}; return std::make_unique(locationV2); } } // namespace common } // namespace gnss } // namespace hardware } // namespace android