/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define _REALLY_INCLUDE_SYS__SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bootimg.h" #include "property_service.h" #include "init.h" #include "util.h" #include "log.h" #define PERSISTENT_PROPERTY_DIR "/data/property" #define FSTAB_PREFIX "/fstab." #define RECOVERY_MOUNT_POINT "/recovery" static int persistent_properties_loaded = 0; static int property_set_fd = -1; void property_init() { if (__system_property_area_init()) { ERROR("Failed to initialize property area\n"); exit(1); } } static int check_mac_perms(const char *name, char *sctx, struct ucred *cr) { char *tctx = NULL; int result = 0; property_audit_data audit_data; if (!sctx) goto err; if (!sehandle_prop) goto err; if (selabel_lookup(sehandle_prop, &tctx, name, 1) != 0) goto err; audit_data.name = name; audit_data.cr = cr; if (selinux_check_access(sctx, tctx, "property_service", "set", reinterpret_cast(&audit_data)) == 0) result = 1; freecon(tctx); err: return result; } static int check_control_mac_perms(const char *name, char *sctx, struct ucred *cr) { /* * Create a name prefix out of ctl. * The new prefix allows the use of the existing * property service backend labeling while avoiding * mislabels based on true property prefixes. */ char ctl_name[PROP_VALUE_MAX+4]; int ret = snprintf(ctl_name, sizeof(ctl_name), "ctl.%s", name); if (ret < 0 || (size_t) ret >= sizeof(ctl_name)) return 0; return check_mac_perms(ctl_name, sctx, cr); } std::string property_get(const char* name) { char value[PROP_VALUE_MAX] = {0}; __system_property_get(name, value); return value; } static void write_persistent_property(const char *name, const char *value) { char tempPath[PATH_MAX]; char path[PATH_MAX]; int fd; snprintf(tempPath, sizeof(tempPath), "%s/.temp.XXXXXX", PERSISTENT_PROPERTY_DIR); fd = mkstemp(tempPath); if (fd < 0) { ERROR("Unable to write persistent property to temp file %s: %s\n", tempPath, strerror(errno)); return; } write(fd, value, strlen(value)); fsync(fd); close(fd); snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", PERSISTENT_PROPERTY_DIR, name); if (rename(tempPath, path)) { unlink(tempPath); ERROR("Unable to rename persistent property file %s to %s\n", tempPath, path); } } static bool is_legal_property_name(const char* name, size_t namelen) { size_t i; if (namelen >= PROP_NAME_MAX) return false; if (namelen < 1) return false; if (name[0] == '.') return false; if (name[namelen - 1] == '.') return false; /* Only allow alphanumeric, plus '.', '-', or '_' */ /* Don't allow ".." to appear in a property name */ for (i = 0; i < namelen; i++) { if (name[i] == '.') { // i=0 is guaranteed to never have a dot. See above. if (name[i-1] == '.') return false; continue; } if (name[i] == '_' || name[i] == '-') continue; if (name[i] >= 'a' && name[i] <= 'z') continue; if (name[i] >= 'A' && name[i] <= 'Z') continue; if (name[i] >= '0' && name[i] <= '9') continue; return false; } return true; } static int property_set_impl(const char* name, const char* value) { size_t namelen = strlen(name); size_t valuelen = strlen(value); if (!is_legal_property_name(name, namelen)) return -1; if (valuelen >= PROP_VALUE_MAX) return -1; if (strcmp("selinux.restorecon_recursive", name) == 0 && valuelen > 0) { if (restorecon_recursive(value) != 0) { ERROR("Failed to restorecon_recursive %s\n", value); } } prop_info* pi = (prop_info*) __system_property_find(name); if(pi != 0) { /* ro.* properties may NEVER be modified once set */ if(!strncmp(name, "ro.", 3)) return -1; __system_property_update(pi, value, valuelen); } else { int rc = __system_property_add(name, namelen, value, valuelen); if (rc < 0) { return rc; } } /* If name starts with "net." treat as a DNS property. */ if (strncmp("net.", name, strlen("net.")) == 0) { if (strcmp("net.change", name) == 0) { return 0; } /* * The 'net.change' property is a special property used track when any * 'net.*' property name is updated. It is _ONLY_ updated here. Its value * contains the last updated 'net.*' property. */ property_set("net.change", name); } else if (persistent_properties_loaded && strncmp("persist.", name, strlen("persist.")) == 0) { /* * Don't write properties to disk until after we have read all default properties * to prevent them from being overwritten by default values. */ write_persistent_property(name, value); } property_changed(name, value); return 0; } int property_set(const char* name, const char* value) { int rc = property_set_impl(name, value); if (rc == -1) { ERROR("property_set(\"%s\", \"%s\") failed\n", name, value); } return rc; } static void handle_property_set_fd() { prop_msg msg; int s; int r; struct ucred cr; struct sockaddr_un addr; socklen_t addr_size = sizeof(addr); socklen_t cr_size = sizeof(cr); char * source_ctx = NULL; struct pollfd ufds[1]; const int timeout_ms = 2 * 1000; /* Default 2 sec timeout for caller to send property. */ int nr; if ((s = accept(property_set_fd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &addr_size)) < 0) { return; } /* Check socket options here */ if (getsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, &cr, &cr_size) < 0) { close(s); ERROR("Unable to receive socket options\n"); return; } ufds[0].fd = s; ufds[0].events = POLLIN; ufds[0].revents = 0; nr = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(poll(ufds, 1, timeout_ms)); if (nr == 0) { ERROR("sys_prop: timeout waiting for uid=%d to send property message.\n", cr.uid); close(s); return; } else if (nr < 0) { ERROR("sys_prop: error waiting for uid=%d to send property message: %s\n", cr.uid, strerror(errno)); close(s); return; } r = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(recv(s, &msg, sizeof(msg), MSG_DONTWAIT)); if(r != sizeof(prop_msg)) { ERROR("sys_prop: mis-match msg size received: %d expected: %zu: %s\n", r, sizeof(prop_msg), strerror(errno)); close(s); return; } switch(msg.cmd) { case PROP_MSG_SETPROP: msg.name[PROP_NAME_MAX-1] = 0; msg.value[PROP_VALUE_MAX-1] = 0; if (!is_legal_property_name(msg.name, strlen(msg.name))) { ERROR("sys_prop: illegal property name. Got: \"%s\"\n", msg.name); close(s); return; } getpeercon(s, &source_ctx); if(memcmp(msg.name,"ctl.",4) == 0) { // Keep the old close-socket-early behavior when handling // ctl.* properties. close(s); if (check_control_mac_perms(msg.value, source_ctx, &cr)) { handle_control_message((char*) msg.name + 4, (char*) msg.value); } else { ERROR("sys_prop: Unable to %s service ctl [%s] uid:%d gid:%d pid:%d\n", msg.name + 4, msg.value, cr.uid, cr.gid, cr.pid); } } else { if (check_mac_perms(msg.name, source_ctx, &cr)) { property_set((char*) msg.name, (char*) msg.value); } else { ERROR("sys_prop: permission denied uid:%d name:%s\n", cr.uid, msg.name); } // Note: bionic's property client code assumes that the // property server will not close the socket until *AFTER* // the property is written to memory. close(s); } freecon(source_ctx); break; default: close(s); break; } } static void load_properties_from_file(const char *, const char *); /* * Filter is used to decide which properties to load: NULL loads all keys, * "ro.foo.*" is a prefix match, and "ro.foo.bar" is an exact match. */ static void load_properties(char *data, const char *filter) { char *key, *value, *eol, *sol, *tmp, *fn; size_t flen = 0; if (filter) { flen = strlen(filter); } sol = data; while ((eol = strchr(sol, '\n'))) { key = sol; *eol++ = 0; sol = eol; while (isspace(*key)) key++; if (*key == '#') continue; tmp = eol - 2; while ((tmp > key) && isspace(*tmp)) *tmp-- = 0; if (!strncmp(key, "import ", 7) && flen == 0) { fn = key + 7; while (isspace(*fn)) fn++; key = strchr(fn, ' '); if (key) { *key++ = 0; while (isspace(*key)) key++; } load_properties_from_file(fn, key); } else { value = strchr(key, '='); if (!value) continue; *value++ = 0; tmp = value - 2; while ((tmp > key) && isspace(*tmp)) *tmp-- = 0; while (isspace(*value)) value++; if (flen > 0) { if (filter[flen - 1] == '*') { if (strncmp(key, filter, flen - 1)) continue; } else { if (strcmp(key, filter)) continue; } } property_set(key, value); } } } /* * Filter is used to decide which properties to load: NULL loads all keys, * "ro.foo.*" is a prefix match, and "ro.foo.bar" is an exact match. */ static void load_properties_from_file(const char* filename, const char* filter) { Timer t; std::string data; if (read_file(filename, &data)) { data.push_back('\n'); load_properties(&data[0], filter); } NOTICE("(Loading properties from %s took %.2fs.)\n", filename, t.duration()); } static void load_persistent_properties() { persistent_properties_loaded = 1; std::unique_ptr dir(opendir(PERSISTENT_PROPERTY_DIR), closedir); if (!dir) { ERROR("Unable to open persistent property directory \"%s\": %s\n", PERSISTENT_PROPERTY_DIR, strerror(errno)); return; } struct dirent* entry; while ((entry = readdir(dir.get())) != NULL) { if (strncmp("persist.", entry->d_name, strlen("persist."))) { continue; } if (entry->d_type != DT_REG) { continue; } // Open the file and read the property value. int fd = openat(dirfd(dir.get()), entry->d_name, O_RDONLY | O_NOFOLLOW); if (fd == -1) { ERROR("Unable to open persistent property file \"%s\": %s\n", entry->d_name, strerror(errno)); continue; } struct stat sb; if (fstat(fd, &sb) == -1) { ERROR("fstat on property file \"%s\" failed: %s\n", entry->d_name, strerror(errno)); close(fd); continue; } // File must not be accessible to others, be owned by root/root, and // not be a hard link to any other file. if (((sb.st_mode & (S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO)) != 0) || (sb.st_uid != 0) || (sb.st_gid != 0) || (sb.st_nlink != 1)) { ERROR("skipping insecure property file %s (uid=%u gid=%u nlink=%u mode=%o)\n", entry->d_name, (unsigned int)sb.st_uid, (unsigned int)sb.st_gid, (unsigned int)sb.st_nlink, sb.st_mode); close(fd); continue; } char value[PROP_VALUE_MAX]; int length = read(fd, value, sizeof(value) - 1); if (length >= 0) { value[length] = 0; property_set(entry->d_name, value); } else { ERROR("Unable to read persistent property file %s: %s\n", entry->d_name, strerror(errno)); } close(fd); } } void property_load_boot_defaults() { load_properties_from_file(PROP_PATH_RAMDISK_DEFAULT, NULL); } static void load_override_properties() { if (ALLOW_LOCAL_PROP_OVERRIDE) { std::string debuggable = property_get("ro.debuggable"); if (debuggable == "1") { load_properties_from_file(PROP_PATH_LOCAL_OVERRIDE, NULL); } } } /* When booting an encrypted system, /data is not mounted when the * property service is started, so any properties stored there are * not loaded. Vold triggers init to load these properties once it * has mounted /data. */ void load_persist_props(void) { load_override_properties(); /* Read persistent properties after all default values have been loaded. */ load_persistent_properties(); } void load_recovery_id_prop() { std::string ro_hardware = property_get("ro.hardware"); if (ro_hardware.empty()) { ERROR("ro.hardware not set - unable to load recovery id\n"); return; } std::string fstab_filename = FSTAB_PREFIX + ro_hardware; std::unique_ptr tab(fs_mgr_read_fstab(fstab_filename.c_str()), fs_mgr_free_fstab); if (!tab) { ERROR("unable to read fstab %s: %s\n", fstab_filename.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return; } fstab_rec* rec = fs_mgr_get_entry_for_mount_point(tab.get(), RECOVERY_MOUNT_POINT); if (rec == NULL) { ERROR("/recovery not specified in fstab\n"); return; } int fd = open(rec->blk_device, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { ERROR("error opening block device %s: %s\n", rec->blk_device, strerror(errno)); return; } boot_img_hdr hdr; if (android::base::ReadFully(fd, &hdr, sizeof(hdr))) { std::string hex = bytes_to_hex(reinterpret_cast(hdr.id), sizeof(hdr.id)); property_set("ro.recovery_id", hex.c_str()); } else { ERROR("error reading /recovery: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } close(fd); } void load_system_props() { load_properties_from_file(PROP_PATH_SYSTEM_BUILD, NULL); load_properties_from_file(PROP_PATH_VENDOR_BUILD, NULL); load_properties_from_file(PROP_PATH_FACTORY, "ro.*"); load_recovery_id_prop(); } void start_property_service() { property_set_fd = create_socket(PROP_SERVICE_NAME, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC | SOCK_NONBLOCK, 0666, 0, 0, NULL); if (property_set_fd == -1) { ERROR("start_property_service socket creation failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } listen(property_set_fd, 8); register_epoll_handler(property_set_fd, handle_property_set_fd); }