# Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project # # IMPORTANT: Do not create world writable files or directories. # This is a common source of Android security bugs. # import /init.environ.rc import /system/etc/init/hw/init.usb.rc import /init.${ro.hardware}.rc import /vendor/etc/init/hw/init.${ro.hardware}.rc import /system/etc/init/hw/init.usb.configfs.rc import /system/etc/init/hw/init.${ro.zygote}.rc # Cgroups are mounted right before early-init using list from /etc/cgroups.json on early-init # Disable sysrq from keyboard write /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq 0 # Android doesn't need kernel module autoloading, and it causes SELinux # denials. So disable it by setting modprobe to the empty string. Note: to # explicitly set a sysctl to an empty string, a trailing newline is needed. write /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe \n # Set the security context of /adb_keys if present. restorecon /adb_keys # Set the security context of /postinstall if present. restorecon /postinstall mkdir /acct/uid # memory.pressure_level used by lmkd chown root system /dev/memcg/memory.pressure_level chmod 0040 /dev/memcg/memory.pressure_level # app mem cgroups, used by activity manager, lmkd and zygote mkdir /dev/memcg/apps/ 0755 system system # cgroup for system_server and surfaceflinger mkdir /dev/memcg/system 0550 system system # symlink the Android specific /dev/tun to Linux expected /dev/net/tun mkdir /dev/net 0755 root root symlink ../tun /dev/net/tun # set RLIMIT_NICE to allow priorities from 19 to -20 setrlimit nice 40 40 # Allow up to 32K FDs per process setrlimit nofile 32768 32768 # Set up linker config subdirectories based on mount namespaces mkdir /linkerconfig/bootstrap 0755 mkdir /linkerconfig/default 0755 # Disable dm-verity hash prefetching, since it doesn't help performance # Read more in b/136247322 write /sys/module/dm_verity/parameters/prefetch_cluster 0 # Generate ld.config.txt for early executed processes exec -- /system/bin/linkerconfig --target /linkerconfig/bootstrap chmod 644 /linkerconfig/bootstrap/ld.config.txt copy /linkerconfig/bootstrap/ld.config.txt /linkerconfig/default/ld.config.txt chmod 644 /linkerconfig/default/ld.config.txt # Mount bootstrap linker configuration as current mount none /linkerconfig/bootstrap /linkerconfig bind rec start ueventd # Run apexd-bootstrap so that APEXes that provide critical libraries # become available. Note that this is executed as exec_start to ensure that # the libraries are available to the processes started after this statement. exec_start apexd-bootstrap # Generate linker config based on apex mounted in bootstrap namespace update_linker_config # These must already exist by the time boringssl_self_test32 / boringssl_self_test64 run. mkdir /dev/boringssl 0755 root root mkdir /dev/boringssl/selftest 0755 root root # Run boringssl self test for each ABI so that later processes can skip it. http://b/139348610 on early-init && property:ro.product.cpu.abilist32=* exec_start boringssl_self_test32 on early-init && property:ro.product.cpu.abilist64=* exec_start boringssl_self_test64 on property:apexd.status=ready && property:ro.product.cpu.abilist32=* exec_start boringssl_self_test_apex32 on property:apexd.status=ready && property:ro.product.cpu.abilist64=* exec_start boringssl_self_test_apex64 service boringssl_self_test32 /system/bin/boringssl_self_test32 setenv BORINGSSL_SELF_TEST_CREATE_FLAG true # Any nonempty value counts as true reboot_on_failure reboot,boringssl-self-check-failed stdio_to_kmsg service boringssl_self_test64 /system/bin/boringssl_self_test64 setenv BORINGSSL_SELF_TEST_CREATE_FLAG true # Any nonempty value counts as true reboot_on_failure reboot,boringssl-self-check-failed stdio_to_kmsg service boringssl_self_test_apex32 /apex/com.android.conscrypt/bin/boringssl_self_test32 setenv BORINGSSL_SELF_TEST_CREATE_FLAG true # Any nonempty value counts as true reboot_on_failure reboot,boringssl-self-check-failed stdio_to_kmsg service boringssl_self_test_apex64 /apex/com.android.conscrypt/bin/boringssl_self_test64 setenv BORINGSSL_SELF_TEST_CREATE_FLAG true # Any nonempty value counts as true reboot_on_failure reboot,boringssl-self-check-failed stdio_to_kmsg on init sysclktz 0 # Mix device-specific information into the entropy pool copy /proc/cmdline /dev/urandom copy /system/etc/prop.default /dev/urandom symlink /proc/self/fd/0 /dev/stdin symlink /proc/self/fd/1 /dev/stdout symlink /proc/self/fd/2 /dev/stderr # Create energy-aware scheduler tuning nodes mkdir /dev/stune/foreground mkdir /dev/stune/background mkdir /dev/stune/top-app mkdir /dev/stune/rt chown system system /dev/stune chown system system /dev/stune/foreground chown system system /dev/stune/background chown system system /dev/stune/top-app chown system system /dev/stune/rt chown system system /dev/stune/tasks chown system system /dev/stune/foreground/tasks chown system system /dev/stune/background/tasks chown system system /dev/stune/top-app/tasks chown system system /dev/stune/rt/tasks chmod 0664 /dev/stune/tasks chmod 0664 /dev/stune/foreground/tasks chmod 0664 /dev/stune/background/tasks chmod 0664 /dev/stune/top-app/tasks chmod 0664 /dev/stune/rt/tasks # Create an stune group for NNAPI HAL processes mkdir /dev/stune/nnapi-hal chown system system /dev/stune/nnapi-hal chown system system /dev/stune/nnapi-hal/tasks chmod 0664 /dev/stune/nnapi-hal/tasks write /dev/stune/nnapi-hal/schedtune.boost 1 write /dev/stune/nnapi-hal/schedtune.prefer_idle 1 # Create blkio group and apply initial settings. # This feature needs kernel to support it, and the # device's init.rc must actually set the correct values. mkdir /dev/blkio/background chown system system /dev/blkio chown system system /dev/blkio/background chown system system /dev/blkio/tasks chown system system /dev/blkio/background/tasks chmod 0664 /dev/blkio/tasks chmod 0664 /dev/blkio/background/tasks write /dev/blkio/blkio.weight 1000 write /dev/blkio/background/blkio.weight 500 write /dev/blkio/blkio.group_idle 0 write /dev/blkio/background/blkio.group_idle 0 restorecon_recursive /mnt mount configfs none /config nodev noexec nosuid chmod 0770 /config/sdcardfs chown system package_info /config/sdcardfs # Mount binderfs mkdir /dev/binderfs mount binder binder /dev/binderfs stats=global chmod 0755 /dev/binderfs symlink /dev/binderfs/binder /dev/binder symlink /dev/binderfs/hwbinder /dev/hwbinder symlink /dev/binderfs/vndbinder /dev/vndbinder chmod 0666 /dev/binderfs/hwbinder chmod 0666 /dev/binderfs/binder chmod 0666 /dev/binderfs/vndbinder mkdir /mnt/secure 0700 root root mkdir /mnt/secure/asec 0700 root root mkdir /mnt/asec 0755 root system mkdir /mnt/obb 0755 root system mkdir /mnt/media_rw 0750 root external_storage mkdir /mnt/user 0755 root root mkdir /mnt/user/0 0755 root root mkdir /mnt/user/0/self 0755 root root mkdir /mnt/user/0/emulated 0755 root root mkdir /mnt/user/0/emulated/0 0755 root root # Prepare directories for pass through processes mkdir /mnt/pass_through 0700 root root mkdir /mnt/pass_through/0 0710 root media_rw mkdir /mnt/pass_through/0/self 0710 root media_rw mkdir /mnt/pass_through/0/emulated 0710 root media_rw mkdir /mnt/pass_through/0/emulated/0 0710 root media_rw mkdir /mnt/expand 0771 system system mkdir /mnt/appfuse 0711 root root # Storage views to support runtime permissions mkdir /mnt/runtime 0700 root root mkdir /mnt/runtime/default 0755 root root mkdir /mnt/runtime/default/self 0755 root root mkdir /mnt/runtime/read 0755 root root mkdir /mnt/runtime/read/self 0755 root root mkdir /mnt/runtime/write 0755 root root mkdir /mnt/runtime/write/self 0755 root root mkdir /mnt/runtime/full 0755 root root mkdir /mnt/runtime/full/self 0755 root root # Symlink to keep legacy apps working in multi-user world symlink /storage/self/primary /mnt/sdcard symlink /mnt/user/0/primary /mnt/runtime/default/self/primary write /proc/sys/kernel/panic_on_oops 1 write /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs 0 write /proc/cpu/alignment 4 # scheduler tunables # Disable auto-scaling of scheduler tunables with hotplug. The tunables # will vary across devices in unpredictable ways if allowed to scale with # cpu cores. write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_tunable_scaling 0 write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_latency_ns 10000000 write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_wakeup_granularity_ns 2000000 write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_child_runs_first 0 write /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space 2 write /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr 32768 write /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ping_group_range "0 2147483647" write /proc/sys/net/unix/max_dgram_qlen 600 write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_runtime_us 950000 write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_period_us 1000000 # Assign reasonable ceiling values for socket rcv/snd buffers. # These should almost always be overridden by the target per the # the corresponding technology maximums. write /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max 262144 write /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max 262144 # reflect fwmark from incoming packets onto generated replies write /proc/sys/net/ipv4/fwmark_reflect 1 write /proc/sys/net/ipv6/fwmark_reflect 1 # set fwmark on accepted sockets write /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fwmark_accept 1 # disable icmp redirects write /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_redirects 0 write /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/accept_redirects 0 # /proc/net/fib_trie leaks interface IP addresses chmod 0400 /proc/net/fib_trie # Create cgroup mount points for process groups chown system system /dev/cpuctl chown system system /dev/cpuctl/tasks chmod 0666 /dev/cpuctl/tasks write /dev/cpuctl/cpu.rt_period_us 1000000 write /dev/cpuctl/cpu.rt_runtime_us 950000 # sets up initial cpusets for ActivityManager # this ensures that the cpusets are present and usable, but the device's # init.rc must actually set the correct cpus mkdir /dev/cpuset/foreground copy /dev/cpuset/cpus /dev/cpuset/foreground/cpus copy /dev/cpuset/mems /dev/cpuset/foreground/mems mkdir /dev/cpuset/background copy /dev/cpuset/cpus /dev/cpuset/background/cpus copy /dev/cpuset/mems /dev/cpuset/background/mems # system-background is for system tasks that should only run on # little cores, not on bigs # to be used only by init, so don't change system-bg permissions mkdir /dev/cpuset/system-background copy /dev/cpuset/cpus /dev/cpuset/system-background/cpus copy /dev/cpuset/mems /dev/cpuset/system-background/mems # restricted is for system tasks that are being throttled # due to screen off. mkdir /dev/cpuset/restricted copy /dev/cpuset/cpus /dev/cpuset/restricted/cpus copy /dev/cpuset/mems /dev/cpuset/restricted/mems mkdir /dev/cpuset/top-app copy /dev/cpuset/cpus /dev/cpuset/top-app/cpus copy /dev/cpuset/mems /dev/cpuset/top-app/mems # change permissions for all cpusets we'll touch at runtime chown system system /dev/cpuset chown system system /dev/cpuset/foreground chown system system /dev/cpuset/background chown system system /dev/cpuset/system-background chown system system /dev/cpuset/top-app chown system system /dev/cpuset/restricted chown system system /dev/cpuset/tasks chown system system /dev/cpuset/foreground/tasks chown system system /dev/cpuset/background/tasks chown system system /dev/cpuset/system-background/tasks chown system system /dev/cpuset/top-app/tasks chown system system /dev/cpuset/restricted/tasks # set system-background to 0775 so SurfaceFlinger can touch it chmod 0775 /dev/cpuset/system-background chmod 0664 /dev/cpuset/foreground/tasks chmod 0664 /dev/cpuset/background/tasks chmod 0664 /dev/cpuset/system-background/tasks chmod 0664 /dev/cpuset/top-app/tasks chmod 0664 /dev/cpuset/restricted/tasks chmod 0664 /dev/cpuset/tasks # freezer cgroup entries mkdir /dev/freezer/frozen write /dev/freezer/frozen/freezer.state FROZEN chown system system /dev/freezer/cgroup.procs chown system system /dev/freezer/frozen chown system system /dev/freezer/frozen/freezer.state chown system system /dev/freezer/frozen/cgroup.procs chmod 0444 /dev/freezer/frozen/freezer.state # make the PSI monitor accessible to others chown system system /proc/pressure/memory chmod 0664 /proc/pressure/memory # qtaguid will limit access to specific data based on group memberships. # net_bw_acct grants impersonation of socket owners. # net_bw_stats grants access to other apps' detailed tagged-socket stats. chown root net_bw_acct /proc/net/xt_qtaguid/ctrl chown root net_bw_stats /proc/net/xt_qtaguid/stats # Allow everybody to read the xt_qtaguid resource tracking misc dev. # This is needed by any process that uses socket tagging. chmod 0644 /dev/xt_qtaguid chown root root /dev/cg2_bpf chmod 0600 /dev/cg2_bpf mount bpf bpf /sys/fs/bpf nodev noexec nosuid # Create location for fs_mgr to store abbreviated output from filesystem # checker programs. mkdir /dev/fscklogs 0770 root system # pstore/ramoops previous console log mount pstore pstore /sys/fs/pstore nodev noexec nosuid chown system log /sys/fs/pstore chmod 0550 /sys/fs/pstore chown system log /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops chmod 0440 /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops chown system log /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops-0 chmod 0440 /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops-0 chown system log /sys/fs/pstore/pmsg-ramoops-0 chmod 0440 /sys/fs/pstore/pmsg-ramoops-0 # enable armv8_deprecated instruction hooks write /proc/sys/abi/swp 1 # Linux's execveat() syscall may construct paths containing /dev/fd # expecting it to point to /proc/self/fd symlink /proc/self/fd /dev/fd export DOWNLOAD_CACHE /data/cache # This allows the ledtrig-transient properties to be created here so # that they can be chown'd to system:system later on boot write /sys/class/leds/vibrator/trigger "transient" # This is used by Bionic to select optimized routines. write /dev/cpu_variant:${ro.bionic.arch} ${ro.bionic.cpu_variant} chmod 0444 /dev/cpu_variant:${ro.bionic.arch} write /dev/cpu_variant:${ro.bionic.2nd_arch} ${ro.bionic.2nd_cpu_variant} chmod 0444 /dev/cpu_variant:${ro.bionic.2nd_arch} # Allow system processes to read / write power state. chown system system /sys/power/state chown system system /sys/power/wakeup_count chmod 0660 /sys/power/state chown radio wakelock /sys/power/wake_lock chown radio wakelock /sys/power/wake_unlock chmod 0660 /sys/power/wake_lock chmod 0660 /sys/power/wake_unlock # Start logd before any other services run to ensure we capture all of their logs. start logd # Start lmkd before any other services run so that it can register them chown root system /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/adj chmod 0664 /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/adj chown root system /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree chmod 0664 /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree start lmkd # Start essential services. start servicemanager start hwservicemanager start vndservicemanager # Healthd can trigger a full boot from charger mode by signaling this # property when the power button is held. on property:sys.boot_from_charger_mode=1 class_stop charger trigger late-init on load_persist_props_action load_persist_props start logd start logd-reinit # Indicate to fw loaders that the relevant mounts are up. on firmware_mounts_complete rm /dev/.booting # Mount filesystems and start core system services. on late-init trigger early-fs # Mount fstab in init.{$device}.rc by mount_all command. Optional parameter # '--early' can be specified to skip entries with 'latemount'. # /system and /vendor must be mounted by the end of the fs stage, # while /data is optional. trigger fs trigger post-fs # Mount fstab in init.{$device}.rc by mount_all with '--late' parameter # to only mount entries with 'latemount'. This is needed if '--early' is # specified in the previous mount_all command on the fs stage. # With /system mounted and properties form /system + /factory available, # some services can be started. trigger late-fs # Now we can mount /data. File encryption requires keymaster to decrypt # /data, which in turn can only be loaded when system properties are present. trigger post-fs-data # Load persist properties and override properties (if enabled) from /data. trigger load_persist_props_action # Now we can start zygote for devices with file based encryption trigger zygote-start # Remove a file to wake up anything waiting for firmware. trigger firmware_mounts_complete trigger early-boot trigger boot on early-fs # Once metadata has been mounted, we'll need vold to deal with userdata checkpointing start vold on post-fs exec - system system -- /system/bin/vdc checkpoint markBootAttempt # Once everything is setup, no need to modify /. # The bind+remount combination allows this to work in containers. mount rootfs rootfs / remount bind ro nodev # Make sure /sys/kernel/debug (if present) is labeled properly # Note that tracefs may be mounted under debug, so we need to cross filesystems restorecon --recursive --cross-filesystems /sys/kernel/debug # We chown/chmod /cache again so because mount is run as root + defaults chown system cache /cache chmod 0770 /cache # We restorecon /cache in case the cache partition has been reset. restorecon_recursive /cache # Create /cache/recovery in case it's not there. It'll also fix the odd # permissions if created by the recovery system. mkdir /cache/recovery 0770 system cache # Backup/restore mechanism uses the cache partition mkdir /cache/backup_stage 0700 system system mkdir /cache/backup 0700 system system #change permissions on vmallocinfo so we can grab it from bugreports chown root log /proc/vmallocinfo chmod 0440 /proc/vmallocinfo chown root log /proc/slabinfo chmod 0440 /proc/slabinfo #change permissions on kmsg & sysrq-trigger so bugreports can grab kthread stacks chown root system /proc/kmsg chmod 0440 /proc/kmsg chown root system /proc/sysrq-trigger chmod 0220 /proc/sysrq-trigger chown system log /proc/last_kmsg chmod 0440 /proc/last_kmsg # make the selinux kernel policy world-readable chmod 0444 /sys/fs/selinux/policy # create the lost+found directories, so as to enforce our permissions mkdir /cache/lost+found 0770 root root restorecon_recursive /metadata mkdir /metadata/vold chmod 0700 /metadata/vold mkdir /metadata/password_slots 0771 root system mkdir /metadata/bootstat 0750 system log mkdir /metadata/ota 0700 root system mkdir /metadata/ota/snapshots 0700 root system mkdir /metadata/apex 0700 root system mkdir /metadata/apex/sessions 0700 root system on late-fs # Ensure that tracefs has the correct permissions. # This does not work correctly if it is called in post-fs. chmod 0755 /sys/kernel/tracing chmod 0755 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing # HALs required before storage encryption can get unlocked (FBE/FDE) class_start early_hal on post-fs-data mark_post_data # Start checkpoint before we touch data exec - system system -- /system/bin/vdc checkpoint prepareCheckpoint # We chown/chmod /data again so because mount is run as root + defaults chown system system /data chmod 0771 /data # We restorecon /data in case the userdata partition has been reset. restorecon /data # Make sure we have the device encryption key. installkey /data # Start bootcharting as soon as possible after the data partition is # mounted to collect more data. mkdir /data/bootchart 0755 shell shell encryption=Require bootchart start # Make sure that apexd is started in the default namespace enter_default_mount_ns # /data/apex is now available. Start apexd to scan and activate APEXes. mkdir /data/apex 0750 root system encryption=None mkdir /data/apex/active 0750 root system mkdir /data/apex/backup 0700 root system mkdir /data/apex/hashtree 0700 root system mkdir /data/apex/sessions 0700 root system mkdir /data/app-staging 0750 system system encryption=None start apexd # Avoid predictable entropy pool. Carry over entropy from previous boot. copy /data/system/entropy.dat /dev/urandom # create basic filesystem structure mkdir /data/misc 01771 system misc encryption=Require mkdir /data/misc/recovery 0770 system log copy /data/misc/recovery/ro.build.fingerprint /data/misc/recovery/ro.build.fingerprint.1 chmod 0440 /data/misc/recovery/ro.build.fingerprint.1 chown system log /data/misc/recovery/ro.build.fingerprint.1 write /data/misc/recovery/ro.build.fingerprint ${ro.build.fingerprint} chmod 0440 /data/misc/recovery/ro.build.fingerprint chown system log /data/misc/recovery/ro.build.fingerprint mkdir /data/misc/recovery/proc 0770 system log copy /data/misc/recovery/proc/version /data/misc/recovery/proc/version.1 chmod 0440 /data/misc/recovery/proc/version.1 chown system log /data/misc/recovery/proc/version.1 copy /proc/version /data/misc/recovery/proc/version chmod 0440 /data/misc/recovery/proc/version chown system log /data/misc/recovery/proc/version mkdir /data/misc/bluedroid 02770 bluetooth bluetooth # Fix the access permissions and group ownership for 'bt_config.conf' chmod 0660 /data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.conf chown bluetooth bluetooth /data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.conf mkdir /data/misc/bluetooth 0770 bluetooth bluetooth mkdir /data/misc/bluetooth/logs 0770 bluetooth bluetooth mkdir /data/misc/credstore 0700 credstore credstore mkdir /data/misc/keystore 0700 keystore keystore mkdir /data/misc/gatekeeper 0700 system system mkdir /data/misc/keychain 0771 system system mkdir /data/misc/net 0750 root shell mkdir /data/misc/radio 0770 system radio mkdir /data/misc/sms 0770 system radio mkdir /data/misc/carrierid 0770 system radio mkdir /data/misc/apns 0770 system radio mkdir /data/misc/emergencynumberdb 0770 system radio mkdir /data/misc/zoneinfo 0775 system system mkdir /data/misc/network_watchlist 0774 system system mkdir /data/misc/textclassifier 0771 system system mkdir /data/misc/vpn 0770 system vpn mkdir /data/misc/shared_relro 0771 shared_relro shared_relro mkdir /data/misc/systemkeys 0700 system system mkdir /data/misc/wifi 0770 wifi wifi mkdir /data/misc/wifi/sockets 0770 wifi wifi mkdir /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant 0770 wifi wifi mkdir /data/misc/ethernet 0770 system system mkdir /data/misc/dhcp 0770 dhcp dhcp mkdir /data/misc/user 0771 root root # give system access to wpa_supplicant.conf for backup and restore chmod 0660 /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf mkdir /data/local 0751 root root encryption=Require mkdir /data/misc/media 0700 media media mkdir /data/misc/audioserver 0700 audioserver audioserver mkdir /data/misc/cameraserver 0700 cameraserver cameraserver mkdir /data/misc/vold 0700 root root mkdir /data/misc/boottrace 0771 system shell mkdir /data/misc/update_engine 0700 root root mkdir /data/misc/update_engine_log 02750 root log mkdir /data/misc/trace 0700 root root # create location to store surface and window trace files mkdir /data/misc/wmtrace 0700 system system # profile file layout mkdir /data/misc/profiles 0771 system system mkdir /data/misc/profiles/cur 0771 system system mkdir /data/misc/profiles/ref 0770 system system mkdir /data/misc/profman 0770 system shell mkdir /data/misc/gcov 0770 root root mkdir /data/misc/installd 0700 root root mkdir /data/misc/apexdata 0711 root root mkdir /data/misc/apexrollback 0700 root root mkdir /data/misc/snapshotctl_log 0755 root root # create location to store pre-reboot information mkdir /data/misc/prereboot 0700 system system mkdir /data/preloads 0775 system system encryption=None mkdir /data/vendor 0771 root root encryption=Require mkdir /data/vendor_ce 0771 root root encryption=None mkdir /data/vendor_de 0771 root root encryption=None mkdir /data/vendor/hardware 0771 root root # For security reasons, /data/local/tmp should always be empty. # Do not place files or directories in /data/local/tmp mkdir /data/local/tmp 0771 shell shell mkdir /data/local/traces 0777 shell shell mkdir /data/data 0771 system system encryption=None mkdir /data/app-private 0771 system system encryption=Require mkdir /data/app-ephemeral 0771 system system encryption=Require mkdir /data/app-asec 0700 root root encryption=Require mkdir /data/app-lib 0771 system system encryption=Require mkdir /data/app 0771 system system encryption=Require mkdir /data/property 0700 root root encryption=Require mkdir /data/tombstones 0771 system system encryption=Require mkdir /data/vendor/tombstones 0771 root root mkdir /data/vendor/tombstones/wifi 0771 wifi wifi # create dalvik-cache, so as to enforce our permissions mkdir /data/dalvik-cache 0771 root root encryption=Require # create the A/B OTA directory, so as to enforce our permissions mkdir /data/ota 0771 root root encryption=Require # create the OTA package directory. It will be accessed by GmsCore (cache # group), update_engine and update_verifier. mkdir /data/ota_package 0770 system cache encryption=Require # create resource-cache and double-check the perms mkdir /data/resource-cache 0771 system system encryption=Require chown system system /data/resource-cache chmod 0771 /data/resource-cache # create the lost+found directories, so as to enforce our permissions mkdir /data/lost+found 0770 root root encryption=None # create directory for DRM plug-ins - give drm the read/write access to # the following directory. mkdir /data/drm 0770 drm drm encryption=Require # create directory for MediaDrm plug-ins - give drm the read/write access to # the following directory. mkdir /data/mediadrm 0770 mediadrm mediadrm encryption=Require mkdir /data/anr 0775 system system encryption=Require # NFC: create data/nfc for nv storage mkdir /data/nfc 0770 nfc nfc encryption=Require mkdir /data/nfc/param 0770 nfc nfc # Create all remaining /data root dirs so that they are made through init # and get proper encryption policy installed mkdir /data/backup 0700 system system encryption=Require mkdir /data/ss 0700 system system encryption=Require mkdir /data/system 0775 system system encryption=Require mkdir /data/system/dropbox 0700 system system mkdir /data/system/heapdump 0700 system system mkdir /data/system/users 0775 system system mkdir /data/system_de 0770 system system encryption=None mkdir /data/system_ce 0770 system system encryption=None mkdir /data/misc_de 01771 system misc encryption=None mkdir /data/misc_ce 01771 system misc encryption=None mkdir /data/user 0711 system system encryption=None mkdir /data/user_de 0711 system system encryption=None # Unlink /data/user/0 if we previously symlink it to /data/data rm /data/user/0 # Bind mount /data/user/0 to /data/data mkdir /data/user/0 0700 system system encryption=None mount none /data/data /data/user/0 bind rec # A tmpfs directory, which will contain all apps CE DE data directory that # bind mount from the original source. mount tmpfs tmpfs /data_mirror nodev noexec nosuid mode=0700,uid=0,gid=1000 restorecon /data_mirror mkdir /data_mirror/data_ce 0700 root root mkdir /data_mirror/data_de 0700 root root # Create CE and DE data directory for default volume mkdir /data_mirror/data_ce/null 0700 root root mkdir /data_mirror/data_de/null 0700 root root # Bind mount CE and DE data directory to mirror's default volume directory mount none /data/user /data_mirror/data_ce/null bind rec mount none /data/user_de /data_mirror/data_de/null bind rec # Create mirror directory for jit profiles mkdir /data_mirror/cur_profiles 0700 root root mount none /data/misc/profiles/cur /data_mirror/cur_profiles bind rec mkdir /data/cache 0770 system cache encryption=Require mkdir /data/cache/recovery 0770 system cache mkdir /data/cache/backup_stage 0700 system system mkdir /data/cache/backup 0700 system system # Delete these if need be, per b/139193659 mkdir /data/rollback 0700 system system encryption=DeleteIfNecessary mkdir /data/rollback-observer 0700 system system encryption=DeleteIfNecessary # Create root dir for Incremental Service mkdir /data/incremental 0771 system system encryption=Require # Create directories for statsd mkdir /data/misc/stats-active-metric/ 0770 statsd system mkdir /data/misc/stats-data/ 0770 statsd system mkdir /data/misc/stats-metadata/ 0770 statsd system mkdir /data/misc/stats-service/ 0770 statsd system mkdir /data/misc/train-info/ 0770 statsd system # Wait for apexd to finish activating APEXes before starting more processes. wait_for_prop apexd.status activated perform_apex_config # Special-case /data/media/obb per b/64566063 mkdir /data/media 0770 media_rw media_rw encryption=None exec - media_rw media_rw -- /system/bin/chattr +F /data/media mkdir /data/media/obb 0770 media_rw media_rw encryption=Attempt exec_start derive_sdk init_user0 # Allow apexd to snapshot and restore device encrypted apex data in the case # of a rollback. This should be done immediately after DE_user data keys # are loaded. APEXes should not access this data until this has been # completed and apexd.status becomes "ready". exec_start apexd-snapshotde # Set SELinux security contexts on upgrade or policy update. restorecon --recursive --skip-ce /data # Check any timezone data in /data is newer than the copy in the time zone data # module, delete if not. exec - system system -- /system/bin/tzdatacheck /apex/com.android.tzdata/etc/tz /data/misc/zoneinfo # If there is no post-fs-data action in the init..rc file, you # must uncomment this line, otherwise encrypted filesystems # won't work. # Set indication (checked by vold) that we have finished this action #setprop vold.post_fs_data_done 1 # sys.memfd_use set to false by default, which keeps it disabled # until it is confirmed that apps and vendor processes don't make # IOCTLs on ashmem fds any more. setprop sys.use_memfd false # Explicitly disable FUSE setprop persist.sys.fuse false # Set fscklog permission chown root system /dev/fscklogs/log chmod 0770 /dev/fscklogs/log # Switch between sdcardfs and FUSE depending on persist property # TODO: Move this to ro property before launch because FDE devices # interact with persistent properties differently during boot on zygote-start && property:persist.sys.fuse=true # Mount default storage into root namespace mount none /mnt/user/0 /storage bind rec mount none none /storage slave rec on zygote-start && property:persist.sys.fuse=false # Mount default storage into root namespace mount none /mnt/runtime/default /storage bind rec mount none none /storage slave rec on zygote-start && property:persist.sys.fuse="" # Mount default storage into root namespace mount none /mnt/runtime/default /storage bind rec mount none none /storage slave rec # It is recommended to put unnecessary data/ initialization from post-fs-data # to start-zygote in device's init.rc to unblock zygote start. on zygote-start && property:ro.crypto.state=unencrypted # A/B update verifier that marks a successful boot. exec_start update_verifier_nonencrypted start netd start zygote start zygote_secondary on zygote-start && property:ro.crypto.state=unsupported # A/B update verifier that marks a successful boot. exec_start update_verifier_nonencrypted start netd start zygote start zygote_secondary on zygote-start && property:ro.crypto.state=encrypted && property:ro.crypto.type=file # A/B update verifier that marks a successful boot. exec_start update_verifier_nonencrypted start netd start zygote start zygote_secondary on boot # basic network init ifup lo hostname localhost domainname localdomain # IPsec SA default expiration length write /proc/sys/net/core/xfrm_acq_expires 3600 # Memory management. Basic kernel parameters, and allow the high # level system server to be able to adjust the kernel OOM driver # parameters to match how it is managing things. write /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory 1 write /proc/sys/vm/min_free_order_shift 4 # System server manages zram writeback chown root system /sys/block/zram0/idle chmod 0664 /sys/block/zram0/idle chown root system /sys/block/zram0/writeback chmod 0664 /sys/block/zram0/writeback # Tweak background writeout write /proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centisecs 200 write /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio 5 # F2FS tuning. Set cp_interval larger than dirty_expire_centisecs # to avoid power consumption when system becomes mostly idle. Be careful # to make it too large, since it may bring userdata loss, if they # are not aware of using fsync()/sync() to prepare sudden power-cut. write /sys/fs/f2fs/${dev.mnt.blk.data}/cp_interval 200 write /sys/fs/f2fs/${dev.mnt.blk.data}/gc_urgent_sleep_time 50 # limit discard size to 128MB in order to avoid long IO latency # for filesystem tuning first (dm or sda) # Note that, if dm- is used, sda/mmcblk0 should be tuned in vendor/init.rc write /sys/devices/virtual/block/${dev.mnt.blk.data}/queue/discard_max_bytes 134217728 # Permissions for System Server and daemons. chown system system /sys/power/autosleep chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/timer_rate chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/timer_rate chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/timer_slack chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/timer_slack chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/min_sample_time chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/min_sample_time chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/hispeed_freq chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/hispeed_freq chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/target_loads chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/target_loads chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/go_hispeed_load chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/go_hispeed_load chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/above_hispeed_delay chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/above_hispeed_delay chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/boost chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/boost chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/boostpulse chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/input_boost chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/input_boost chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/boostpulse_duration chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/boostpulse_duration chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/io_is_busy chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/io_is_busy # Assume SMP uses shared cpufreq policy for all CPUs chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq chmod 0660 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/trigger chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/activate chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/brightness chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/duration chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/state chown system system /sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable chown system system /sys/class/leds/keyboard-backlight/brightness chown system system /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness chown system system /sys/class/leds/button-backlight/brightness chown system system /sys/class/leds/jogball-backlight/brightness chown system system /sys/class/leds/red/brightness chown system system /sys/class/leds/green/brightness chown system system /sys/class/leds/blue/brightness chown system system /sys/class/leds/red/device/grpfreq chown system system /sys/class/leds/red/device/grppwm chown system system /sys/class/leds/red/device/blink chown system system /sys/module/sco/parameters/disable_esco chown system system /sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_wmem_min chown system system /sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_wmem_def chown system system /sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_wmem_max chown system system /sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_rmem_min chown system system /sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_rmem_def chown system system /sys/kernel/ipv4/tcp_rmem_max chown root radio /proc/cmdline # Define default initial receive window size in segments. setprop net.tcp.default_init_rwnd 60 # Start standard binderized HAL daemons class_start hal class_start core # Requires keystore (currently a core service) to be ready first. exec -- /system/bin/fsverity_init on nonencrypted class_start main class_start late_start on property:sys.init_log_level=* loglevel ${sys.init_log_level} on charger class_start charger on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_load_persist_props load_persist_props start logd start logd-reinit on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_post_fs_data trigger post-fs-data trigger zygote-start on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_restart_min_framework # A/B update verifier that marks a successful boot. exec_start update_verifier class_start main on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_restart_framework # A/B update verifier that marks a successful boot. exec_start update_verifier class_start_post_data hal class_start_post_data core class_start main class_start late_start setprop service.bootanim.exit 0 start bootanim on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_shutdown_framework class_reset late_start class_reset main class_reset_post_data core class_reset_post_data hal on property:sys.boot_completed=1 bootchart stop # Setup per_boot directory so other .rc could start to use it on boot_completed exec - system system -- /bin/rm -rf /data/per_boot mkdir /data/per_boot 0700 system system encryption=Require key=per_boot_ref # system server cannot write to /proc/sys files, # and chown/chmod does not work for /proc/sys/ entries. # So proxy writes through init. on property:sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes=* write /proc/sys/vm/extra_free_kbytes ${sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes} # "tcp_default_init_rwnd" Is too long! on property:sys.sysctl.tcp_def_init_rwnd=* write /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_default_init_rwnd ${sys.sysctl.tcp_def_init_rwnd} # perf_event_open syscall security: # Newer kernels have the ability to control the use of the syscall via SELinux # hooks. init tests for this, and sets sys_init.perf_lsm_hooks to 1 if the # kernel has the hooks. In this case, the system-wide perf_event_paranoid # sysctl is set to -1 (unrestricted use), and the SELinux policy is used for # controlling access. On older kernels, the paranoid value is the only means of # controlling access. It is normally 3 (allow only root), but the shell user # can lower it to 1 (allowing thread-scoped pofiling) via security.perf_harden. on property:sys.init.perf_lsm_hooks=1 write /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid -1 on property:security.perf_harden=0 && property:sys.init.perf_lsm_hooks="" write /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid 1 on property:security.perf_harden=1 && property:sys.init.perf_lsm_hooks="" write /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid 3 # Additionally, simpleperf profiler uses debug.* and security.perf_harden # sysprops to be able to indirectly set these sysctls. on property:security.perf_harden=0 write /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_max_sample_rate ${debug.perf_event_max_sample_rate:-100000} write /proc/sys/kernel/perf_cpu_time_max_percent ${debug.perf_cpu_time_max_percent:-25} write /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_mlock_kb ${debug.perf_event_mlock_kb:-516} # Default values. on property:security.perf_harden=1 write /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_max_sample_rate 100000 write /proc/sys/kernel/perf_cpu_time_max_percent 25 write /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_mlock_kb 516 # on shutdown # In device's init.rc, this trigger can be used to do device-specific actions # before shutdown. e.g disable watchdog and mask error handling ## Daemon processes to be run by init. ## service ueventd /system/bin/ueventd class core critical seclabel u:r:ueventd:s0 shutdown critical service console /system/bin/sh class core console disabled user shell group shell log readproc seclabel u:r:shell:s0 setenv HOSTNAME console on property:ro.debuggable=1 # Give writes to anyone for the trace folder on debug builds. # The folder is used to store method traces. chmod 0773 /data/misc/trace # Give reads to anyone for the window trace folder on debug builds. chmod 0775 /data/misc/wmtrace on init && property:ro.debuggable=1 start console on userspace-reboot-requested # TODO(b/135984674): reset all necessary properties here. setprop sys.boot_completed "" setprop dev.bootcomplete "" setprop sys.init.updatable_crashing "" setprop sys.init.updatable_crashing_process_name "" setprop apexd.status "" setprop sys.user.0.ce_available "" setprop sys.shutdown.requested "" setprop service.bootanim.exit "" on userspace-reboot-fs-remount # Make sure that vold is running. # This is mostly a precaution measure in case vold for some reason wasn't running when # userspace reboot was initiated. start vold exec - system system -- /system/bin/vdc checkpoint resetCheckpoint exec - system system -- /system/bin/vdc checkpoint markBootAttempt remount_userdata start bootanim on userspace-reboot-resume trigger userspace-reboot-fs-remount trigger post-fs-data trigger zygote-start trigger early-boot trigger boot on property:sys.boot_completed=1 && property:sys.init.userspace_reboot.in_progress=1 setprop sys.init.userspace_reboot.in_progress ""