/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "reboot.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "builtin_arguments.h" #include "builtins.h" #include "parser.h" #include "service_list.h" #include "service_parser.h" #include "subcontext.h" #include "util.h" using namespace std::literals; using android::base::GetProperty; using android::base::Join; using android::base::SetProperty; using android::base::Split; using android::base::StringReplace; using android::base::WaitForProperty; using android::base::WriteStringToFd; namespace android { namespace init { class RebootTest : public ::testing::Test { public: RebootTest() { std::vector names = GetServiceNames(); if (!names.empty()) { ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected empty ServiceList but found: [" << Join(names, ',') << "]"; } } ~RebootTest() { std::vector names = GetServiceNames(); for (const auto& name : names) { auto s = ServiceList::GetInstance().FindService(name); auto pid = s->pid(); ServiceList::GetInstance().RemoveService(*s); if (pid > 0) { kill(pid, SIGTERM); kill(pid, SIGKILL); } } } private: std::vector GetServiceNames() const { std::vector names; for (const auto& s : ServiceList::GetInstance()) { names.push_back(s->name()); } return names; } }; std::string GetSecurityContext() { char* ctx; if (getcon(&ctx) == -1) { ADD_FAILURE() << "Failed to call getcon : " << strerror(errno); } std::string result = std::string(ctx); freecon(ctx); return result; } void AddTestService(const std::string& name) { static constexpr std::string_view kScriptTemplate = R"init( service $name /system/bin/yes user shell group shell seclabel $selabel )init"; std::string script = StringReplace(StringReplace(kScriptTemplate, "$name", name, false), "$selabel", GetSecurityContext(), false); ServiceList& service_list = ServiceList::GetInstance(); Parser parser; parser.AddSectionParser("service", std::make_unique(&service_list, nullptr, std::nullopt)); TemporaryFile tf; ASSERT_TRUE(tf.fd != -1); ASSERT_TRUE(WriteStringToFd(script, tf.fd)); ASSERT_TRUE(parser.ParseConfig(tf.path)); } TEST_F(RebootTest, StopServicesSIGTERM) { if (getuid() != 0) { GTEST_SKIP() << "Skipping test, must be run as root."; return; } AddTestService("A"); AddTestService("B"); auto service_a = ServiceList::GetInstance().FindService("A"); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, service_a); auto service_b = ServiceList::GetInstance().FindService("B"); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, service_b); ASSERT_RESULT_OK(service_a->Start()); ASSERT_TRUE(service_a->IsRunning()); ASSERT_RESULT_OK(service_b->Start()); ASSERT_TRUE(service_b->IsRunning()); std::unique_ptr oneshot_service; { auto result = Service::MakeTemporaryOneshotService( {"exec", GetSecurityContext(), "--", "/system/bin/yes"}); ASSERT_RESULT_OK(result); oneshot_service = std::move(*result); } std::string oneshot_service_name = oneshot_service->name(); oneshot_service->Start(); ASSERT_TRUE(oneshot_service->IsRunning()); ServiceList::GetInstance().AddService(std::move(oneshot_service)); EXPECT_EQ(0, StopServicesAndLogViolations({"A", "B", oneshot_service_name}, 10s, /* terminate= */ true)); EXPECT_FALSE(service_a->IsRunning()); EXPECT_FALSE(service_b->IsRunning()); // Oneshot services are deleted from the ServiceList after they are destroyed. auto oneshot_service_after_stop = ServiceList::GetInstance().FindService(oneshot_service_name); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, oneshot_service_after_stop); } TEST_F(RebootTest, StopServicesSIGKILL) { if (getuid() != 0) { GTEST_SKIP() << "Skipping test, must be run as root."; return; } AddTestService("A"); AddTestService("B"); auto service_a = ServiceList::GetInstance().FindService("A"); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, service_a); auto service_b = ServiceList::GetInstance().FindService("B"); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, service_b); ASSERT_RESULT_OK(service_a->Start()); ASSERT_TRUE(service_a->IsRunning()); ASSERT_RESULT_OK(service_b->Start()); ASSERT_TRUE(service_b->IsRunning()); std::unique_ptr oneshot_service; { auto result = Service::MakeTemporaryOneshotService( {"exec", GetSecurityContext(), "--", "/system/bin/yes"}); ASSERT_RESULT_OK(result); oneshot_service = std::move(*result); } std::string oneshot_service_name = oneshot_service->name(); oneshot_service->Start(); ASSERT_TRUE(oneshot_service->IsRunning()); ServiceList::GetInstance().AddService(std::move(oneshot_service)); EXPECT_EQ(0, StopServicesAndLogViolations({"A", "B", oneshot_service_name}, 10s, /* terminate= */ false)); EXPECT_FALSE(service_a->IsRunning()); EXPECT_FALSE(service_b->IsRunning()); // Oneshot services are deleted from the ServiceList after they are destroyed. auto oneshot_service_after_stop = ServiceList::GetInstance().FindService(oneshot_service_name); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, oneshot_service_after_stop); } } // namespace init } // namespace android