Michael Lentine 6078805023 Adding a build id check to blob cache.
Add a build id field to the header structure in blob cache. Add build
id support with reading and writing the cache. When the cache gets
written it writes the build id at the end of the header. When read it
checks to see if there is a match between the current version and the
version in the cache. If not, it invalidates the cache which would
typically only occur during an ota update.  Also remove blob cache
from the host build.

bug: 18262905

Change-Id: I753b1de1986703a4c1c8691b9d2bb533b2546143
2015-05-18 13:14:32 -07:00

249 lines
9.4 KiB

** Copyright 2011, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <utils/Flattenable.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <utils/SortedVector.h>
#include <utils/threads.h>
namespace android {
// A BlobCache is an in-memory cache for binary key/value pairs. A BlobCache
// does NOT provide any thread-safety guarantees.
// The cache contents can be serialized to an in-memory buffer or mmap'd file
// and then reloaded in a subsequent execution of the program. This
// serialization is non-portable and the data should only be used by the device
// that generated it.
class BlobCache : public RefBase {
// Create an empty blob cache. The blob cache will cache key/value pairs
// with key and value sizes less than or equal to maxKeySize and
// maxValueSize, respectively. The total combined size of ALL cache entries
// (key sizes plus value sizes) will not exceed maxTotalSize.
BlobCache(size_t maxKeySize, size_t maxValueSize, size_t maxTotalSize);
// set inserts a new binary value into the cache and associates it with the
// given binary key. If the key or value are too large for the cache then
// the cache remains unchanged. This includes the case where a different
// value was previously associated with the given key - the old value will
// remain in the cache. If the given key and value are small enough to be
// put in the cache (based on the maxKeySize, maxValueSize, and maxTotalSize
// values specified to the BlobCache constructor), then the key/value pair
// will be in the cache after set returns. Note, however, that a subsequent
// call to set may evict old key/value pairs from the cache.
// Preconditions:
// key != NULL
// 0 < keySize
// value != NULL
// 0 < valueSize
void set(const void* key, size_t keySize, const void* value,
size_t valueSize);
// get retrieves from the cache the binary value associated with a given
// binary key. If the key is present in the cache then the length of the
// binary value associated with that key is returned. If the value argument
// is non-NULL and the size of the cached value is less than valueSize bytes
// then the cached value is copied into the buffer pointed to by the value
// argument. If the key is not present in the cache then 0 is returned and
// the buffer pointed to by the value argument is not modified.
// Note that when calling get multiple times with the same key, the later
// calls may fail, returning 0, even if earlier calls succeeded. The return
// value must be checked for each call.
// Preconditions:
// key != NULL
// 0 < keySize
// 0 <= valueSize
size_t get(const void* key, size_t keySize, void* value, size_t valueSize);
// getFlattenedSize returns the number of bytes needed to store the entire
// serialized cache.
size_t getFlattenedSize() const;
// flatten serializes the current contents of the cache into the memory
// pointed to by 'buffer'. The serialized cache contents can later be
// loaded into a BlobCache object using the unflatten method. The contents
// of the BlobCache object will not be modified.
// Preconditions:
// size >= this.getFlattenedSize()
status_t flatten(void* buffer, size_t size) const;
// unflatten replaces the contents of the cache with the serialized cache
// contents in the memory pointed to by 'buffer'. The previous contents of
// the BlobCache will be evicted from the cache. If an error occurs while
// unflattening the serialized cache contents then the BlobCache will be
// left in an empty state.
status_t unflatten(void const* buffer, size_t size);
// Copying is disallowed.
BlobCache(const BlobCache&);
void operator=(const BlobCache&);
// A random function helper to get around MinGW not having nrand48()
long int blob_random();
// clean evicts a randomly chosen set of entries from the cache such that
// the total size of all remaining entries is less than mMaxTotalSize/2.
void clean();
// isCleanable returns true if the cache is full enough for the clean method
// to have some effect, and false otherwise.
bool isCleanable() const;
// A Blob is an immutable sized unstructured data blob.
class Blob : public RefBase {
Blob(const void* data, size_t size, bool copyData);
bool operator<(const Blob& rhs) const;
const void* getData() const;
size_t getSize() const;
// Copying is not allowed.
Blob(const Blob&);
void operator=(const Blob&);
// mData points to the buffer containing the blob data.
const void* mData;
// mSize is the size of the blob data in bytes.
size_t mSize;
// mOwnsData indicates whether or not this Blob object should free the
// memory pointed to by mData when the Blob gets destructed.
bool mOwnsData;
// A CacheEntry is a single key/value pair in the cache.
class CacheEntry {
CacheEntry(const sp<Blob>& key, const sp<Blob>& value);
CacheEntry(const CacheEntry& ce);
bool operator<(const CacheEntry& rhs) const;
const CacheEntry& operator=(const CacheEntry&);
sp<Blob> getKey() const;
sp<Blob> getValue() const;
void setValue(const sp<Blob>& value);
// mKey is the key that identifies the cache entry.
sp<Blob> mKey;
// mValue is the cached data associated with the key.
sp<Blob> mValue;
// A Header is the header for the entire BlobCache serialization format. No
// need to make this portable, so we simply write the struct out.
struct Header {
// mMagicNumber is the magic number that identifies the data as
// serialized BlobCache contents. It must always contain 'Blb$'.
uint32_t mMagicNumber;
// mBlobCacheVersion is the serialization format version.
uint32_t mBlobCacheVersion;
// mDeviceVersion is the device-specific version of the cache. This can
// be used to invalidate the cache.
uint32_t mDeviceVersion;
// mNumEntries is number of cache entries following the header in the
// data.
size_t mNumEntries;
// mBuildId is the build id of the device when the cache was created.
// When an update to the build happens (via an OTA or other update) this
// is used to invalidate the cache.
int mBuildIdLength;
char mBuildId[];
// An EntryHeader is the header for a serialized cache entry. No need to
// make this portable, so we simply write the struct out. Each EntryHeader
// is followed imediately by the key data and then the value data.
// The beginning of each serialized EntryHeader is 4-byte aligned, so the
// number of bytes that a serialized cache entry will occupy is:
// ((sizeof(EntryHeader) + keySize + valueSize) + 3) & ~3
struct EntryHeader {
// mKeySize is the size of the entry key in bytes.
size_t mKeySize;
// mValueSize is the size of the entry value in bytes.
size_t mValueSize;
// mData contains both the key and value data for the cache entry. The
// key comes first followed immediately by the value.
uint8_t mData[];
// mMaxKeySize is the maximum key size that will be cached. Calls to
// BlobCache::set with a keySize parameter larger than mMaxKeySize will
// simply not add the key/value pair to the cache.
const size_t mMaxKeySize;
// mMaxValueSize is the maximum value size that will be cached. Calls to
// BlobCache::set with a valueSize parameter larger than mMaxValueSize will
// simply not add the key/value pair to the cache.
const size_t mMaxValueSize;
// mMaxTotalSize is the maximum size that all cache entries can occupy. This
// includes space for both keys and values. When a call to BlobCache::set
// would otherwise cause this limit to be exceeded, either the key/value
// pair passed to BlobCache::set will not be cached or other cache entries
// will be evicted from the cache to make room for the new entry.
const size_t mMaxTotalSize;
// mTotalSize is the total combined size of all keys and values currently in
// the cache.
size_t mTotalSize;
// mRandState is the pseudo-random number generator state. It is passed to
// nrand48 to generate random numbers when needed.
unsigned short mRandState[3];
// mCacheEntries stores all the cache entries that are resident in memory.
// Cache entries are added to it by the 'set' method.
SortedVector<CacheEntry> mCacheEntries;