LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) ifdef BOARD_SEPOLICY_UNION $(warning BOARD_SEPOLICY_UNION is no longer required - all files found in BOARD_SEPOLICY_DIRS are implicitly unioned; please remove from your BoardConfig.mk or other .mk file.) endif ifdef BOARD_SEPOLICY_M4DEFS LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_M4DEFS := $(addprefix -D, $(BOARD_SEPOLICY_M4DEFS)) else LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_M4DEFS := endif # sepolicy is now divided into multiple portions: # public - policy exported on which non-platform policy developers may write # additional policy. types and attributes are versioned and included in # delivered non-platform policy, which is to be combined with platform policy. # private - platform-only policy required for platform functionality but which # is not exported to vendor policy developers and as such may not be assumed # to exist. # vendor - vendor-only policy required for vendor functionality. This policy can # reference the public policy but cannot reference the private policy. This # policy is for components which are produced from the core/non-vendor tree and # placed into a vendor partition. # mapping - This contains policy statements which map the attributes # exposed in the public policy of previous versions to the concrete types used # in this policy to ensure that policy targeting attributes from public # policy from an older platform version continues to work. # build process for device: # 1) convert policies to CIL: # - private + public platform policy to CIL # - mapping file to CIL (should already be in CIL form) # - non-platform public policy to CIL # - non-platform public + private policy to CIL # 2) attributize policy # - run script which takes non-platform public and non-platform combined # private + public policy and produces attributized and versioned # non-platform policy # 3) combine policy files # - combine mapping, platform and non-platform policy. # - compile output binary policy file PLAT_PUBLIC_POLICY := $(LOCAL_PATH)/public PLAT_PRIVATE_POLICY := $(LOCAL_PATH)/private PLAT_VENDOR_POLICY := $(LOCAL_PATH)/vendor REQD_MASK_POLICY := $(LOCAL_PATH)/reqd_mask SYSTEM_EXT_PUBLIC_POLICY := $(SYSTEM_EXT_PUBLIC_SEPOLICY_DIRS) SYSTEM_EXT_PRIVATE_POLICY := $(SYSTEM_EXT_PRIVATE_SEPOLICY_DIRS) PRODUCT_PUBLIC_POLICY := $(PRODUCT_PUBLIC_SEPOLICY_DIRS) PRODUCT_PRIVATE_POLICY := $(PRODUCT_PRIVATE_SEPOLICY_DIRS) ifneq (,$(SYSTEM_EXT_PUBLIC_POLICY)$(SYSTEM_EXT_PRIVATE_POLICY)) HAS_SYSTEM_EXT_SEPOLICY_DIR := true endif # TODO(b/119305624): Currently if the device doesn't have a product partition, # we install product sepolicy into /system/product. We do that because bits of # product sepolicy that's still in /system might depend on bits that have moved # to /product. Once we finish migrating product sepolicy out of system, change # it so that if no product partition is present, product sepolicy artifacts are # not built and installed at all. ifneq (,$(PRODUCT_PUBLIC_POLICY)$(PRODUCT_PRIVATE_POLICY)) HAS_PRODUCT_SEPOLICY_DIR := true endif ifeq ($(SELINUX_IGNORE_NEVERALLOWS),true) ifeq ($(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT),user) $(error SELINUX_IGNORE_NEVERALLOWS := true cannot be used in user builds) endif $(warning Be careful when using the SELINUX_IGNORE_NEVERALLOWS flag. \ It does not work in user builds and using it will \ not stop you from failing CTS.) endif # BOARD_SEPOLICY_DIRS was used for vendor/odm sepolicy customization before. # It has been replaced by BOARD_VENDOR_SEPOLICY_DIRS (mandatory) and # BOARD_ODM_SEPOLICY_DIRS (optional). BOARD_SEPOLICY_DIRS is still allowed for # backward compatibility, which will be merged into BOARD_VENDOR_SEPOLICY_DIRS. ifdef BOARD_SEPOLICY_DIRS BOARD_VENDOR_SEPOLICY_DIRS += $(BOARD_SEPOLICY_DIRS) endif ########################################################### # Compute policy files to be used in policy build. # $(1): files to include # $(2): directories in which to find files ########################################################### define build_policy $(strip $(foreach type, $(1), $(foreach file, $(addsuffix /$(type), $(2)), $(sort $(wildcard $(file)))))) endef sepolicy_build_files := security_classes \ initial_sids \ access_vectors \ global_macros \ neverallow_macros \ mls_macros \ mls_decl \ mls \ policy_capabilities \ te_macros \ attributes \ ioctl_defines \ ioctl_macros \ *.te \ roles_decl \ roles \ users \ initial_sid_contexts \ fs_use \ genfs_contexts \ port_contexts sepolicy_compat_files := $(foreach ver, $(PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_COMPAT_VERSIONS), \ $(addprefix compat/$(ver)/, $(addsuffix .cil, $(ver)))) # Security classes and permissions defined outside of system/sepolicy. security_class_extension_files := $(call build_policy, security_classes access_vectors, \ $(SYSTEM_EXT_PUBLIC_POLICY) $(SYSTEM_EXT_PRIVATE_POLICY) \ $(PRODUCT_PUBLIC_POLICY) $(PRODUCT_PRIVATE_POLICY) \ $(BOARD_VENDOR_SEPOLICY_DIRS) $(BOARD_ODM_SEPOLICY_DIRS)) ifneq (,$(strip $(security_class_extension_files))) $(error Only platform SELinux policy may define classes and permissions: $(strip $(security_class_extension_files))) endif ifdef HAS_SYSTEM_EXT_SEPOLICY_DIR # Checks if there are public system_ext policy files. policy_files := $(call build_policy, $(sepolicy_build_files), $(SYSTEM_EXT_PUBLIC_POLICY)) ifneq (,$(strip $(policy_files))) HAS_SYSTEM_EXT_PUBLIC_SEPOLICY := true endif # Checks if there are public/private system_ext policy files. policy_files := $(call build_policy, $(sepolicy_build_files), $(SYSTEM_EXT_PUBLIC_POLICY) $(SYSTEM_EXT_PRIVATE_POLICY)) ifneq (,$(strip $(policy_files))) HAS_SYSTEM_EXT_SEPOLICY := true endif endif # ifdef HAS_SYSTEM_EXT_SEPOLICY_DIR ifdef HAS_PRODUCT_SEPOLICY_DIR # Checks if there are public product policy files. policy_files := $(call build_policy, $(sepolicy_build_files), $(PRODUCT_PUBLIC_POLICY)) ifneq (,$(strip $(policy_files))) HAS_PRODUCT_PUBLIC_SEPOLICY := true endif # Checks if there are public/private product policy files. policy_files := $(call build_policy, $(sepolicy_build_files), $(PRODUCT_PUBLIC_POLICY) $(PRODUCT_PRIVATE_POLICY)) ifneq (,$(strip $(policy_files))) HAS_PRODUCT_SEPOLICY := true endif endif # ifdef HAS_PRODUCT_SEPOLICY_DIR with_asan := false ifneq (,$(filter address,$(SANITIZE_TARGET))) with_asan := true endif ifeq ($(PRODUCT_SHIPPING_API_LEVEL),) #$(warning no product shipping level defined) else ifneq ($(call math_lt,29,$(PRODUCT_SHIPPING_API_LEVEL)),) ifneq ($(BUILD_BROKEN_TREBLE_SYSPROP_NEVERALLOW),) $(error BUILD_BROKEN_TREBLE_SYSPROP_NEVERALLOW cannot be set on a device shipping with R or later, and this is tested by CTS.) endif endif ifeq ($(PRODUCT_SHIPPING_API_LEVEL),) #$(warning no product shipping level defined) else ifneq ($(call math_lt,30,$(PRODUCT_SHIPPING_API_LEVEL)),) ifneq ($(BUILD_BROKEN_ENFORCE_SYSPROP_OWNER),) $(error BUILD_BROKEN_ENFORCE_SYSPROP_OWNER cannot be set on a device shipping with S or later, and this is tested by CTS.) endif endif ################################# include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := selinux_policy LOCAL_LICENSE_KINDS := SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 legacy_unencumbered LOCAL_LICENSE_CONDITIONS := notice unencumbered LOCAL_NOTICE_FILE := $(LOCAL_PATH)/NOTICE LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += \ selinux_policy_nonsystem \ selinux_policy_system \ include $(BUILD_PHONY_PACKAGE) # selinux_policy is a main goal and triggers lots of tests. # Most tests are FAKE modules, so aren'triggered on normal builds. (e.g. 'm') # By setting as droidcore's dependency, tests will run on normal builds. droidcore: selinux_policy include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := selinux_policy_system LOCAL_LICENSE_KINDS := SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 legacy_unencumbered LOCAL_LICENSE_CONDITIONS := notice unencumbered LOCAL_NOTICE_FILE := $(LOCAL_PATH)/NOTICE # These build targets are not used on non-Treble devices. However, we build these to avoid # divergence between Treble and non-Treble devices. LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += \ plat_mapping_file \ $(addprefix plat_,$(addsuffix .cil,$(PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_COMPAT_VERSIONS))) \ $(addsuffix .compat.cil,$(PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_COMPAT_VERSIONS)) \ plat_sepolicy.cil \ secilc \ # HACK to support vendor blobs using 1000000.0 # TODO(b/314010177): remove after new ToT (202404) fully propagates ifneq (true,$(RELEASE_BOARD_API_LEVEL_FROZEN)) LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += plat_mapping_file_1000000.0 endif ifneq ($(PRODUCT_PRECOMPILED_SEPOLICY),false) LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256 endif LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += \ build_sepolicy \ plat_file_contexts \ plat_file_contexts_test \ plat_keystore2_key_contexts \ plat_mac_permissions.xml \ plat_property_contexts \ plat_property_contexts_test \ plat_seapp_contexts \ plat_service_contexts \ plat_service_contexts_test \ plat_hwservice_contexts \ plat_hwservice_contexts_test \ fuzzer_bindings_test \ plat_bug_map \ searchpolicy \ ifneq ($(with_asan),true) ifneq ($(SELINUX_IGNORE_NEVERALLOWS),true) LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += \ sepolicy_compat_test \ # HACK: sepolicy_test is implemented as genrule # genrule modules aren't installable, so LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES doesn't work. # Instead, use LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES with intermediate output LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES += $(call intermediates-dir-for,ETC,sepolicy_test)/sepolicy_test LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES += $(call intermediates-dir-for,ETC,sepolicy_dev_type_test)/sepolicy_dev_type_test LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += \ $(addprefix treble_sepolicy_tests_,$(PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_COMPAT_VERSIONS)) \ endif # SELINUX_IGNORE_NEVERALLOWS endif # with_asan ifeq ($(RELEASE_BOARD_API_LEVEL_FROZEN),true) LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += \ se_freeze_test endif include $(BUILD_PHONY_PACKAGE) ################################# include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := selinux_policy_system_ext LOCAL_LICENSE_KINDS := SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 legacy_unencumbered LOCAL_LICENSE_CONDITIONS := notice unencumbered LOCAL_NOTICE_FILE := $(LOCAL_PATH)/NOTICE # Include precompiled policy, unless told otherwise. ifneq ($(PRODUCT_PRECOMPILED_SEPOLICY),false) ifdef HAS_SYSTEM_EXT_SEPOLICY LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += system_ext_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256 endif endif ifdef HAS_SYSTEM_EXT_SEPOLICY LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += system_ext_sepolicy.cil endif ifdef HAS_SYSTEM_EXT_PUBLIC_SEPOLICY LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += \ system_ext_mapping_file # HACK to support vendor blobs using 1000000.0 # TODO(b/314010177): remove after new ToT (202404) fully propagates ifneq (true,$(RELEASE_BOARD_API_LEVEL_FROZEN)) LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += system_ext_mapping_file_1000000.0 endif system_ext_compat_files := $(call build_policy, $(sepolicy_compat_files), $(SYSTEM_EXT_PRIVATE_POLICY)) LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += $(addprefix system_ext_, $(notdir $(system_ext_compat_files))) endif ifdef HAS_SYSTEM_EXT_SEPOLICY_DIR LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += \ system_ext_file_contexts \ system_ext_file_contexts_test \ system_ext_hwservice_contexts \ system_ext_hwservice_contexts_test \ system_ext_property_contexts \ system_ext_property_contexts_test \ system_ext_seapp_contexts \ system_ext_service_contexts \ system_ext_service_contexts_test \ system_ext_mac_permissions.xml \ system_ext_bug_map \ $(addprefix system_ext_,$(addsuffix .compat.cil,$(PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_COMPAT_VERSIONS))) \ endif include $(BUILD_PHONY_PACKAGE) ################################# include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := selinux_policy_product LOCAL_LICENSE_KINDS := SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 legacy_unencumbered LOCAL_LICENSE_CONDITIONS := notice unencumbered LOCAL_NOTICE_FILE := $(LOCAL_PATH)/NOTICE # Include precompiled policy, unless told otherwise. ifneq ($(PRODUCT_PRECOMPILED_SEPOLICY),false) ifdef HAS_PRODUCT_SEPOLICY LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256 endif endif ifdef HAS_PRODUCT_SEPOLICY LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += product_sepolicy.cil endif ifdef HAS_PRODUCT_PUBLIC_SEPOLICY LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += \ product_mapping_file # HACK to support vendor blobs using 1000000.0 # TODO(b/314010177): remove after new ToT (202404) fully propagates ifneq (true,$(RELEASE_BOARD_API_LEVEL_FROZEN)) LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += product_mapping_file_1000000.0 endif product_compat_files := $(call build_policy, $(sepolicy_compat_files), $(PRODUCT_PRIVATE_POLICY)) LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += $(addprefix product_, $(notdir $(product_compat_files))) endif ifdef HAS_PRODUCT_SEPOLICY_DIR LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += \ product_file_contexts \ product_file_contexts_test \ product_hwservice_contexts \ product_hwservice_contexts_test \ product_property_contexts \ product_property_contexts_test \ product_seapp_contexts \ product_service_contexts \ product_service_contexts_test \ product_mac_permissions.xml \ endif include $(BUILD_PHONY_PACKAGE) ################################# include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := selinux_policy_nonsystem LOCAL_LICENSE_KINDS := SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 legacy_unencumbered LOCAL_LICENSE_CONDITIONS := notice unencumbered LOCAL_NOTICE_FILE := $(LOCAL_PATH)/NOTICE # Include precompiled policy, unless told otherwise. ifneq ($(PRODUCT_PRECOMPILED_SEPOLICY),false) LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += \ precompiled_sepolicy \ precompiled_sepolicy.plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256 ifdef HAS_SYSTEM_EXT_SEPOLICY LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += precompiled_sepolicy.system_ext_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256 endif ifdef HAS_PRODUCT_SEPOLICY LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += precompiled_sepolicy.product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256 endif endif # ($(PRODUCT_PRECOMPILED_SEPOLICY),false) # These build targets are not used on non-Treble devices. However, we build these to avoid # divergence between Treble and non-Treble devices. LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += \ plat_pub_versioned.cil \ vendor_sepolicy.cil \ plat_sepolicy_vers.txt \ LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += \ vendor_file_contexts \ vendor_file_contexts_test \ vendor_mac_permissions.xml \ vendor_property_contexts \ vendor_property_contexts_test \ vendor_seapp_contexts \ vendor_service_contexts \ vendor_service_contexts_test \ vendor_hwservice_contexts \ vendor_hwservice_contexts_test \ vendor_bug_map \ vndservice_contexts \ vndservice_contexts_test \ ifdef BOARD_ODM_SEPOLICY_DIRS LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += \ odm_sepolicy.cil \ odm_file_contexts \ odm_file_contexts_test \ odm_seapp_contexts \ odm_property_contexts \ odm_property_contexts_test \ odm_service_contexts \ odm_service_contexts_test \ odm_hwservice_contexts \ odm_hwservice_contexts_test \ odm_mac_permissions.xml endif LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += selinux_policy_system_ext LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += selinux_policy_product # Builds an addtional userdebug sepolicy into the debug ramdisk. LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += \ userdebug_plat_sepolicy.cil \ include $(BUILD_PHONY_PACKAGE) ################################## # Policy files are now built with Android.bp. Grab them from intermediate. # See Android.bp for details of policy files. # built_sepolicy := $(call intermediates-dir-for,ETC,precompiled_sepolicy)/precompiled_sepolicy ################################## # TODO - remove this. Keep around until we get the filesystem creation stuff taken care of. # include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := file_contexts.bin LOCAL_LICENSE_KINDS := SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 legacy_unencumbered LOCAL_LICENSE_CONDITIONS := notice unencumbered LOCAL_NOTICE_FILE := $(LOCAL_PATH)/NOTICE LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := ETC LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(TARGET_ROOT_OUT) include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/base_rules.mk # The file_contexts.bin is built in the following way: # 1. Collect all file_contexts files in THIS repository and process them with # m4 into a tmp file called file_contexts.local.tmp. # 2. Collect all device specific file_contexts files and process them with m4 # into a tmp file called file_contexts.device.tmp. # 3. Run checkfc -e (allow no device fc entries ie empty) and fc_sort on # file_contexts.device.tmp and output to file_contexts.device.sorted.tmp. # 4. Concatenate file_contexts.local.tmp and file_contexts.device.sorted.tmp # into file_contexts.concat.tmp. # 5. Run checkfc and sefcontext_compile on file_contexts.concat.tmp to produce # file_contexts.bin. # # Note: That a newline file is placed between each file_context file found to # ensure a proper build when an fc file is missing an ending newline. local_fc_files := $(call intermediates-dir-for,ETC,plat_file_contexts)/plat_file_contexts ifdef HAS_SYSTEM_EXT_SEPOLICY_DIR local_fc_files += $(call intermediates-dir-for,ETC,system_ext_file_contexts)/system_ext_file_contexts endif ifdef HAS_PRODUCT_SEPOLICY_DIR local_fc_files += $(call intermediates-dir-for,ETC,product_file_contexts)/product_file_contexts endif ########################################################### ## Collect file_contexts files into a single tmp file with m4 ## ## $(1): list of file_contexts files ## $(2): filename into which file_contexts files are merged ########################################################### define _merge-fc-files $(2): $(1) $(M4) $(hide) mkdir -p $$(dir $$@) $(hide) $(M4) --fatal-warnings -s $(1) > $$@ endef define merge-fc-files $(eval $(call _merge-fc-files,$(1),$(2))) endef file_contexts.local.tmp := $(intermediates)/file_contexts.local.tmp $(call merge-fc-files,$(local_fc_files),$(file_contexts.local.tmp)) device_fc_files += $(call intermediates-dir-for,ETC,vendor_file_contexts)/vendor_file_contexts ifdef BOARD_ODM_SEPOLICY_DIRS device_fc_files += $(call intermediates-dir-for,ETC,odm_file_contexts)/odm_file_contexts endif file_contexts.device.tmp := $(intermediates)/file_contexts.device.tmp $(file_contexts.device.tmp): PRIVATE_ADDITIONAL_M4DEFS := $(LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_M4DEFS) $(file_contexts.device.tmp): PRIVATE_DEVICE_FC_FILES := $(device_fc_files) $(file_contexts.device.tmp): $(device_fc_files) $(M4) @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(hide) $(M4) --fatal-warnings -s $(PRIVATE_ADDITIONAL_M4DEFS) $(PRIVATE_DEVICE_FC_FILES) > $@ file_contexts.device.sorted.tmp := $(intermediates)/file_contexts.device.sorted.tmp $(file_contexts.device.sorted.tmp): PRIVATE_SEPOLICY := $(built_sepolicy) $(file_contexts.device.sorted.tmp): $(file_contexts.device.tmp) $(built_sepolicy) \ $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/fc_sort $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/checkfc @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(hide) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/checkfc -e $(PRIVATE_SEPOLICY) $< $(hide) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/fc_sort -i $< -o $@ file_contexts.concat.tmp := $(intermediates)/file_contexts.concat.tmp $(call merge-fc-files,\ $(file_contexts.local.tmp) $(file_contexts.device.sorted.tmp),$(file_contexts.concat.tmp)) $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): PRIVATE_SEPOLICY := $(built_sepolicy) $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): $(file_contexts.concat.tmp) $(built_sepolicy) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/sefcontext_compile $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/checkfc @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(hide) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/checkfc $(PRIVATE_SEPOLICY) $< $(hide) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/sefcontext_compile -o $@ $< local_fc_files := device_fc_files := file_contexts.concat.tmp := file_contexts.device.sorted.tmp := file_contexts.device.tmp := file_contexts.local.tmp := ################################## # Tests for Treble compatibility of current platform policy and vendor policy of # given release version. ver := $(PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_VERSION) ifneq ($(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/prebuilts/api/$(PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_VERSION)),) # If PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_VERSION is already frozen, use prebuilts for compat test base_plat_pub_policy.cil := $(call intermediates-dir-for,ETC,$(ver)_plat_pub_policy.cil)/$(ver)_plat_pub_policy.cil base_product_pub_policy.cil := $(call intermediates-dir-for,ETC,$(ver)_product_pub_policy.cil)/$(ver)_product_pub_policy.cil else # If not, use ToT for compat test base_plat_pub_policy.cil := $(call intermediates-dir-for,ETC,base_plat_pub_policy.cil)/base_plat_pub_policy.cil base_product_pub_policy.cil := $(call intermediates-dir-for,ETC,base_product_pub_policy.cil)/base_product_pub_policy.cil endif ver := $(foreach v,$(PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_COMPAT_VERSIONS), \ $(eval version_under_treble_tests := $(v)) \ $(eval include $(LOCAL_PATH)/treble_sepolicy_tests_for_release.mk) \ ) base_plat_pub_policy.cil := base_product_pub_policy.cil := ################################# build_policy := built_sepolicy := sepolicy_build_files := with_asan :=