typeattribute recovery_refresh coredomain; init_daemon_domain(recovery_refresh) allow recovery_refresh pstorefs:dir search; allow recovery_refresh pstorefs:file r_file_perms; # NB: domain inherits write_logd which hands us write to pmsg_device ### ### Neverallow rules ### ### recovery_refresh should NEVER do any of this # Block device access. neverallow recovery_refresh dev_type:blk_file { read write }; # ptrace any other app neverallow recovery_refresh domain:process ptrace; # Write to /system. neverallow recovery_refresh system_file_type:dir_file_class_set write; # Write to files in /data/data or system files on /data neverallow recovery_refresh { app_data_file_type system_data_file }:dir_file_class_set write; # recovery_refresh is not allowed to write anywhere neverallow recovery_refresh { file_type userdebug_or_eng(`-coredump_file') with_native_coverage(`-method_trace_data_file') }:file write;