Ruchi Kandoi fff27185a6 Merge "Remove access to sock_file for hal_nfc" am: 608969b33f am: 8ad09d93ba
am: 3259f98c53

Change-Id: I9c4cea46a1b5272974b484eeaa01a87ac41a8bdf
2017-04-27 07:45:57 +00:00

16 lines
546 B

# HwBinder IPC from client to server, and callbacks
binder_call(hal_nfc_client, hal_nfc_server)
binder_call(hal_nfc_server, hal_nfc_client)
add_hwservice(hal_nfc_server, hal_nfc_hwservice)
allow hal_nfc_client hal_nfc_hwservice:hwservice_manager find;
# Set NFC properties (used by bcm2079x HAL).
set_prop(hal_nfc, nfc_prop)
# NFC device access.
allow hal_nfc nfc_device:chr_file rw_file_perms;
# Data file accesses.
allow hal_nfc nfc_data_file:dir create_dir_perms;
allow hal_nfc nfc_data_file:{ file lnk_file fifo_file } create_file_perms;