Tri Vo afdfeeb506 Add 28.0 prebuilts
Bug: n/a
Test: n/a
Change-Id: I11e6baaa45bcb01603fc06e8a16002727f4e5a00
2018-07-17 15:31:47 -07:00

18 lines
667 B

# HwBinder IPC from client to server, and callbacks
binder_call(hal_usb_client, hal_usb_server)
binder_call(hal_usb_server, hal_usb_client)
add_hwservice(hal_usb_server, hal_usb_hwservice)
allow hal_usb_client hal_usb_hwservice:hwservice_manager find;
allow hal_usb self:netlink_kobject_uevent_socket create;
allow hal_usb self:netlink_kobject_uevent_socket setopt;
allow hal_usb self:netlink_kobject_uevent_socket bind;
allow hal_usb self:netlink_kobject_uevent_socket read;
allow hal_usb sysfs:dir open;
allow hal_usb sysfs:dir read;
allow hal_usb sysfs:file read;
allow hal_usb sysfs:file open;
allow hal_usb sysfs:file write;
allow hal_usb sysfs:file getattr;