This switches Keymaster HAL policy to the design which enables us to conditionally remove unnecessary rules from domains which are clients of Keymaster HAL. Domains which are clients of Keymaster HAL, such as keystore and vold domains, are granted rules targeting hal_keymaster only when the Keymaster HAL runs in passthrough mode (i.e., inside the client's process). When the HAL runs in binderized mode (i.e., in another process/domain, with clients talking to the HAL over HwBinder IPC), rules targeting hal_keymaster are not granted to client domains. Domains which offer a binderized implementation of Keymaster HAL, such as hal_keymaster_default domain, are always granted rules targeting hal_keymaster. Test: Password-protected sailfish boots up and lock screen unlocks -- this exercises vold -> Keymaster HAL interaction Test: All Android Keystore CTS tests pass -- this exercises keystore -> Keymaster HAL interaction: make cts cts-tradefed cts-tradefed run singleCommand cts --skip-device-info \ --skip-preconditions --skip-connectivity-check --abi arm64-v8a \ --module CtsKeystoreTestCases Bug: 34170079 Change-Id: I2254d0fdee72145721654d6c9e6e8d3331920ec7
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type keystore, domain, domain_deprecated;
type keystore_exec, exec_type, file_type;
# keystore daemon
typeattribute keystore mlstrustedsubject;
binder_call(keystore, system_server)
# talk to keymaster
hal_client_domain(keystore, hal_keymaster)
allow keystore keystore_data_file:dir create_dir_perms;
allow keystore keystore_data_file:notdevfile_class_set create_file_perms;
allow keystore keystore_exec:file { getattr };
add_service(keystore, keystore_service)
allow keystore sec_key_att_app_id_provider_service:service_manager find;
# Check SELinux permissions.
r_dir_file(keystore, cgroup)
### Neverallow rules
### Protect ourself from others
neverallow { domain -keystore } keystore_data_file:dir ~{ open create read getattr setattr search relabelto ioctl };
neverallow { domain -keystore } keystore_data_file:notdevfile_class_set ~{ relabelto getattr };
neverallow { domain -keystore -init } keystore_data_file:dir *;
neverallow { domain -keystore -init } keystore_data_file:notdevfile_class_set *;
neverallow * keystore:process ptrace;