Seth Moore 5a43d61e66 Add support for binding storage encryption to a seed
With this change, vold exposes an API that may be used to bind key
storage encryption keys to a given seed value. The seed value passed to
vold must be consistent across reboots, or key storage keys will not be
derived consistently. The seed is expected to be set very early in boot,
prior to the use of any key storage encryption keys.

This feature is intended to be used for embedded applications such as
in autos, where the seed may be provided by some other component of the
system. In such systems, there is a default user that is automatically
signed in without a PIN or other credentials. By binding the file
encryption to a platform-provided seed, the default user's data gains
additional protection against removal of the Android embedded device
from the integrated system.

Bug: 157501579
Test: Set seed at startup via init.rc. Seed changes fail as expected.
Change-Id: I9b048ec5e045b84c45883724ace2356d4ef6244d
2021-01-26 21:30:19 +00:00

177 lines
8.7 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
#include <binder/BinderService.h>
#include "android/os/BnVold.h"
namespace android {
namespace vold {
class VoldNativeService : public BinderService<VoldNativeService>, public os::BnVold {
static status_t start();
static char const* getServiceName() { return "vold"; }
virtual status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args) override;
binder::Status setListener(const android::sp<android::os::IVoldListener>& listener);
binder::Status monitor();
binder::Status reset();
binder::Status shutdown();
binder::Status abortFuse();
binder::Status onUserAdded(int32_t userId, int32_t userSerial);
binder::Status onUserRemoved(int32_t userId);
binder::Status onUserStarted(int32_t userId);
binder::Status onUserStopped(int32_t userId);
binder::Status addAppIds(const std::vector<std::string>& packageNames,
const std::vector<int32_t>& appIds);
binder::Status addSandboxIds(const std::vector<int32_t>& appIds,
const std::vector<std::string>& sandboxIds);
binder::Status onSecureKeyguardStateChanged(bool isShowing);
binder::Status partition(const std::string& diskId, int32_t partitionType, int32_t ratio);
binder::Status forgetPartition(const std::string& partGuid, const std::string& fsUuid);
binder::Status mount(const std::string& volId, int32_t mountFlags, int32_t mountUserId,
const android::sp<android::os::IVoldMountCallback>& callback);
binder::Status unmount(const std::string& volId);
binder::Status format(const std::string& volId, const std::string& fsType);
binder::Status benchmark(const std::string& volId,
const android::sp<android::os::IVoldTaskListener>& listener);
binder::Status moveStorage(const std::string& fromVolId, const std::string& toVolId,
const android::sp<android::os::IVoldTaskListener>& listener);
binder::Status remountUid(int32_t uid, int32_t remountMode);
binder::Status remountAppStorageDirs(int uid, int pid,
const std::vector<std::string>& packageNames);
binder::Status unmountAppStorageDirs(int uid, int pid,
const std::vector<std::string>& packageNames);
binder::Status ensureAppDirsCreated(const std::vector<std::string>& paths, int32_t appUid);
binder::Status setupAppDir(const std::string& path, int32_t appUid);
binder::Status fixupAppDir(const std::string& path, int32_t appUid);
binder::Status createObb(const std::string& sourcePath, const std::string& sourceKey,
int32_t ownerGid, std::string* _aidl_return);
binder::Status destroyObb(const std::string& volId);
binder::Status createStubVolume(const std::string& sourcePath, const std::string& mountPath,
const std::string& fsType, const std::string& fsUuid,
const std::string& fsLabel, int32_t flags,
std::string* _aidl_return);
binder::Status destroyStubVolume(const std::string& volId);
binder::Status fstrim(int32_t fstrimFlags,
const android::sp<android::os::IVoldTaskListener>& listener);
binder::Status runIdleMaint(const android::sp<android::os::IVoldTaskListener>& listener);
binder::Status abortIdleMaint(const android::sp<android::os::IVoldTaskListener>& listener);
binder::Status mountAppFuse(int32_t uid, int32_t mountId,
android::base::unique_fd* _aidl_return);
binder::Status unmountAppFuse(int32_t uid, int32_t mountId);
binder::Status openAppFuseFile(int32_t uid, int32_t mountId, int32_t fileId, int32_t flags,
android::base::unique_fd* _aidl_return);
binder::Status fdeCheckPassword(const std::string& password);
binder::Status fdeRestart();
binder::Status fdeComplete(int32_t* _aidl_return);
binder::Status fdeEnable(int32_t passwordType, const std::string& password,
int32_t encryptionFlags);
binder::Status fdeChangePassword(int32_t passwordType, const std::string& password);
binder::Status fdeVerifyPassword(const std::string& password);
binder::Status fdeGetField(const std::string& key, std::string* _aidl_return);
binder::Status fdeSetField(const std::string& key, const std::string& value);
binder::Status fdeGetPasswordType(int32_t* _aidl_return);
binder::Status fdeGetPassword(std::string* _aidl_return);
binder::Status fdeClearPassword();
binder::Status fbeEnable();
binder::Status mountDefaultEncrypted();
binder::Status initUser0();
binder::Status isConvertibleToFbe(bool* _aidl_return);
binder::Status mountFstab(const std::string& blkDevice, const std::string& mountPoint);
binder::Status encryptFstab(const std::string& blkDevice, const std::string& mountPoint,
bool shouldFormat, const std::string& fsType);
binder::Status setStorageBindingSeed(const std::vector<uint8_t>& seed);
binder::Status createUserKey(int32_t userId, int32_t userSerial, bool ephemeral);
binder::Status destroyUserKey(int32_t userId);
binder::Status addUserKeyAuth(int32_t userId, int32_t userSerial, const std::string& token,
const std::string& secret);
binder::Status clearUserKeyAuth(int32_t userId, int32_t userSerial, const std::string& token,
const std::string& secret);
binder::Status fixateNewestUserKeyAuth(int32_t userId);
binder::Status unlockUserKey(int32_t userId, int32_t userSerial, const std::string& token,
const std::string& secret);
binder::Status lockUserKey(int32_t userId);
binder::Status prepareUserStorage(const std::optional<std::string>& uuid, int32_t userId,
int32_t userSerial, int32_t flags);
binder::Status destroyUserStorage(const std::optional<std::string>& uuid, int32_t userId,
int32_t flags);
binder::Status prepareSandboxForApp(const std::string& packageName, int32_t appId,
const std::string& sandboxId, int32_t userId);
binder::Status destroySandboxForApp(const std::string& packageName,
const std::string& sandboxId, int32_t userId);
binder::Status startCheckpoint(int32_t retry);
binder::Status needsCheckpoint(bool* _aidl_return);
binder::Status needsRollback(bool* _aidl_return);
binder::Status isCheckpointing(bool* _aidl_return);
binder::Status commitChanges();
binder::Status prepareCheckpoint();
binder::Status restoreCheckpoint(const std::string& mountPoint);
binder::Status restoreCheckpointPart(const std::string& mountPoint, int count);
binder::Status markBootAttempt();
binder::Status abortChanges(const std::string& message, bool retry);
binder::Status supportsCheckpoint(bool* _aidl_return);
binder::Status supportsBlockCheckpoint(bool* _aidl_return);
binder::Status supportsFileCheckpoint(bool* _aidl_return);
binder::Status resetCheckpoint();
binder::Status earlyBootEnded();
binder::Status incFsEnabled(bool* _aidl_return) override;
binder::Status mountIncFs(
const std::string& backingPath, const std::string& targetDir, int32_t flags,
::android::os::incremental::IncrementalFileSystemControlParcel* _aidl_return) override;
binder::Status unmountIncFs(const std::string& dir) override;
binder::Status setIncFsMountOptions(
const ::android::os::incremental::IncrementalFileSystemControlParcel& control,
bool enableReadLogs) override;
binder::Status bindMount(const std::string& sourceDir, const std::string& targetDir) override;
binder::Status destroyDsuMetadataKey(const std::string& dsuSlot) override;
} // namespace vold
} // namespace android